
Saturday, 17 September 2022

What Makes Lord Vishnu a Great Leader ..??

In trinity- Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh - Lord Vishnu is the maintainer and a great leader. What makes Lord Vishnu a great leader and what can be learned from Him ?

There are four tools in Vishnu`s hands - 

1- Upper right hand -- Sudarshan Chakra 

2- Lower left hand -- Club 

3- Upper left hand - Conch Shell 

4- Lower left hand - Lotus These tools and the sequence of these tools in his hands are very well intentional and rational.

A leader should have below qualities - 

1. Good Communication Skill 

2. Continuous review the things and take appropriate action if something goes wrong. 

3. Punishment and rewards 

4. Continuous vigilant 5. Soft spoken etc.

The conch shell in his upper left hand is for communication. This is in the UPPER LEFT hand means giving priority to the communication. And the heart is tilted towards left - it means the communication should be cordial.

The Sudarshan Chatra in his upper right hand keeps continuously rotating means - continuously review the things around and if there is obstruction - go and and clear it. I has been read that whenever any demons try to disrupt the system, the Chakra goes and kills them.

Lotus means rewards - As a leader you have to duty to rewards those people who have done good job. And club is for punishment. If someone is not incorporated with the policy set, those people should be punished.

Vishnu`s eyes are seen always wide open means a great leader always remain vigilant as what is happening around him so that the right action can be taken at right time.

Vak Devi, the goddesses of words, always dwells in his tongue means a great leader must know what should be spoken at what time and with whom. Shri Devi, form of Laxmi, can be seen holding his feet means a great leader does not follow Laxmi, rather attract Laxmi by his qualities.

Thursday, 23 September 2021

Happy Living Attitude

We think that we have taken birth on so and so day and date. But hold one minute – you existed on so and so date for your parents and your relatives, not for the world, even not for you. Even today, you do not exist in this world for those people who do not know you, and those people do not exist for you whom you do not know.

 When you sleep this world cease to exist for you, even you do not exist for you. Nothing exists for you when you sleep, not your post, position, status, richness, poverty, nothing. When you open your eyes and get the consciousness, you feel you and this world exist.

 Anything exists on this planet for you because of your conscious, the moment you lose your consciousness, everything ceases to exist for you and you do not accumulate the memory of those moments.

 In this entire world only those things exist which you have heard, read, experienced consciously, rest does not exist.

 When you hear any story whether that exist in reality or not, if you start believing in that, that exist for you. When you think about that story, you will get the same experience in your existence as you experience in reality.

 Nothing exist outside, everything exist within our mind. If you think about ghost and believe in that, you will get all the experience of ghost, you get fear etc. Ghosts and God exist for those who think and believe in it and do not exist for those who do not believe in it.

 Therefore, make your thought and believe strong which you want to experience in your life and do not believe and think and talk about those things which you do not want to be happen in your life.

 When you understand that your existence or non-existence does not make any difference to the world, you start living your life positively. But when you start believing that you are the only person by which your family, your job, your company is running, if you would not exist, everything will cease to exist. That is true, everything will cease to exist, but not for others, but for you.

 Whenever you get this concept clearly, you will never try to spend even a single moment of your life in distress. You will think positive and, rest let it go. Because, we are here for certain period of time to live our life to the fullest and let us live it.

Sunday, 23 February 2020

The Time Came When JRD Tata Was Fired

Bharat Ratna J R D Tata does not require any introduction. He took the industry of this country to a different dimension. His vision and leadership gave a great expansion to the industry and business of Tata Sons. He was a great industrialist, a great visionary leader, a great philanthropist, a great human being. The expansion of Tata industry and business have created a great opportunity of employment in this country. Tata plays a vital role in the stability of the economy of this country.

Tata has capacity to provide the employment to the people of any experience, skill and knowledge in his various sectors. For the job stability, Tata is considered the premier company. Tata still exists and growing because of the great value they carry. J R D Tata introduced many great benefits for Tata employees. These information would be known to many people. But do you know … once J R D Tata was also fired from that sector, which he had founded.

He never took the credit of the expansion of the business of Tata Sons. He used to say – “ I got business in heredity, I have not done much in this”.  That was enough on the earth, he wanted to touch the sphere of the sky, he wanted to fly high.

He was the first person in India who got the license of commercial Pilot in 1929, and founded Tata Arilince in 1932, which became Air India in 1946. Air India was very close to his heart. As a chairman of Tata Sons, he devoted most of his time in building of Air India. He is known as the father of civil aviation in India.

India got the independence in 1947, and in 1948, the Govt of India took the 49% of Air India`s ownership. JRD Tata fought for it, but nothing happened in front of the decision of the Govt of India.
The intervention of Govt of India did not stop here. In 1953, Govt of India passed “Air Corporations Act 1953”, nationalized all Indian Airlines – meaning Govt of India became the owner of all Indian Airlines including Air India. JRD Tata was deeply disappointed by the decision of Govt of India. He fought for his right over Air India, but nothing happened. Air India, which was very close to his heart was taken away by Govt.

However, to give the due respect to J R D Tata, he was appointed the chairman of Air India and director of Indian Airlines by Govt. of India.  He remained at that post for 25 years.

He got the another strike of disappointment when Morar Ji Desai Govt took the decision to remove J R D Tata from the post of chairmanship of Air India and directorship of the Indian Airlines in 1978 even without intimating him. He came to know about this news from the Radio and the prospect chairman of Indian Airlines who was the employee of Tata, but not from the Govt.

The person, with his hard work and great vision founded the civil aviation in India, the time came when his contribution was sidelined and was fired from there even without his prior intimation. What could be more painful for him than this at that moment…? And one year ago, in 1977, he was fired from the post of director of the Atomic Energy of India which was also founded by him.

When he was asked how he felt after the removal from the Indian Airlines – he said –
“I feel as you would feel if your favorite child has been taken away from you.”

Despite that, he did not stop and kept working toward the expansion of Tata Business and creating employment for the people of this country.

Once he said which touch the heart of many people –“ I do not want India to be an economy superpower, I want India should be a happy country.”

 J R D Tata will always be remembered and respected for his immense contribution in the building of  nation.

Friday, 27 December 2019

Be Aware Of Your Mortality

“The blessed life must be lived to the fullest before it is engulfed by the whirl of time.”

Why did Swami Vivekananda, Albert Einstein, Thomas Alva Edison, Sir Isaac Newton, Leonardo da Vinci, Adi Shankracharya, Ramanujam etc. could accomplish many great achievements in their short lives and others could not …?

It is because they were constantly aware of their mortality. Life is the sum total of each and every moment. They knew the importance of it and decided to spend their each and every moment in thinking and doing something great rather than dissipating their energy and time on something insignificant irrelevant.

Our life is not different than what we think and do at any point in time. If we think and act like great people, our life is going to take the shape like them, if not, we are going to be the same frustrated person year after year.

A realistic plan cannot be delineated without associating a realistic deadline against each item. The same is true about our life. Our life is associated with a definite deadline which nobody can alter. This is not a new information, many people talk about it, but very few people truly understand and implement it in their lives. Those people can be counted on the fingers.

Those few people understand their life, not because they are very intelligent and others are not. They understand their life because they are constantly aware of their mortality.

When we get the sense of mortality, we will never think to waste our time on something which are irrelevant to our existence, you will not allow ourselves in any immoral things and thoughts which bring distress in our life,  rather we will use the time and life force on our set goal and its achievement. There would be more warmth and vibe in our life.

Sunday, 22 December 2019

From Kankar to Shankar

The same stone (Kankar)can be used for the different purposes. The value of the stone depends how that has been carved and where that has been placed. The internal composition of the stones is the same. But, one sort of stone is worshipped and others not.

The same stone is used to make the temple, the same stone is used to make the stair of the temple, and the same stone is used to make the image of the gods or goddesses.
The stone which is used to make the image of the gods and goddesses is placed at the most sanctified place of the temple before whom the visitors bow down and revere.

Every piece of the stone contains a beautiful image in it. And that image comes to the surface and becomes visible to all when that is properly carved. Not only one sort of image, any image can be carved from a piece of stone. It depends - which image one wants to carve from that stone.

If the same stone is used to carve a beautiful image of gods and goddesses, it is placed in the sacrum sanctorum of the temple and worshipped. If the image of the Shaitan is carved from that stone, the same stone is despised.

If the same stone is not carved, that is used for the stair of the temple where people place their feet to climb to reach to the carved stone and bow down.

The same is true with our personality. Everybody`s  internal composition is the same. But one person is respected and valued wherever he goes and others are discarded. It is because, one person has put his effort and hard work to find out his personality and carved that accordingly. His carved personality is visible to the people and hence, he is respected and valued.

On the other hand, the people who have not carved their personality, they do not do anything significant, but become the stair for the carved people and help them to attain their higher position.

Shankar is the carved image of Kankar (Stone). Anyone can be respected and revered like Shankar, if he can carve his personality accordingly.  

Initially, all are the same like an uncarved stone. But, the one who carve their personality, become Shankar and others who are uncarved became of the staircase which are used to reach to the carved one. It depends on the individual`s commitment and determination what kind of personality one wants to carve and where wants to place.

Thursday, 19 December 2019

Brahma, Vishnu And Mahesh In Our Daily Life

Lord Brahma as a creator of the universe created an elegant universe where everything runs very precisely, even a little digression in placing of the celestial body and their speeds can cause the complete annihilation of the universe. He must be appreciated for his great creative power. 

But, only creating a grand universe is not sufficient, it must be maintained prudentially to sustain its spender. Lord Brahma does not maintain it. He is just a creator. Maintenance requires a different skill and temperament. For this work, Lord Vishnu was chosen.  He has the right kind of skill and temperament to work with different kind of people and maintain the universe.

Lord Vishnu`s eyes are always wide open, it is the indication of his being perpetually vigilant. If anything happens anywhere, he immediately takes right action in order to continue the sustainability.

At the end of every Kalpa, the created universe  is dissolved. For that, Lord Shiva is chosen. He has right skill and temperament of executing this task. He is found sitting in a meditative pose in a secluded place.  It indicates that – he observes and analyze the entire activities  at the end of Kalpa and when he feels this universe cannot be sustained further, his destructive force destroys this universe in order to create a new one.

Let us see how this story of creation, maintenance and destruction is related to our daily life.

Every day is an opportunity for us.  Let us create a beautiful day like lord Brahma in the form of an exquisite plan as what we are going to achieve today end of the day. Like lord Vishnu, smartly, maintain and execute that elegant plan to get that materialized. And at the end of the day before you retire for the day, like meditative Shiva, analysis your work and achievements for today.  Keep your lesson learned from today`s plan and execution, and dissolve today`s plan, and again the next day like lord Brahma create a more elegant and pragmatic day in the form of an executable plan by keeping in mind the previous day lesson learned points.

If that is maintained, any one can be the master of his destiny, he will achieve more than other people. People are not respected - their achievements are revered. And the person who include this method of creation, maintenance and destruction like Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh in their daily life will grow and achieve more in their life, and hence would be respected and revered like  Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh.

Thursday, 12 December 2019

A Curious Mind Can Do Miraculous Things

Newton was sitting under an apple tree and saw an apple falling. The falling of an apple was not happening first time. That apple did not have any motive to show Newton how that falls. This is a normal thing. It happens since this planet came into existence.

Undoubtedly, many people from many generations would have seen apple falling from the tree. But Newton became the first person who observed that very carefully and was passionately curious to know why apple or any other objects from height falls down only, what that does not go up, or any other direction. If the apple is falling down, then why the moon is not falling down…? What is the reason …?

He tried to find the answer to these questions from various sources, but nothing worked. Then, to extinguish the fire of his curiosity, he started working on it by himself. After his years of hard work and research he found the reason of falling an apple down that is – gravitational force.

Science does not believe in anything until and unless that is proved mathematically. To prove his gravitational hypothesis, he required strong mathematical formulas. But, at that time, there was no advance mathematics which can be sufficient to prove his hypothesis.

Without proving it mathematically, any hypothesis is nothing but a myth story. In order to prove his theorem, he started working on getting a strong mathematical formals for his theorem. In this way, he developed Calculus to prove his theorem.

Whether Newton discovered gravitational force and told to the world or not, it was there, it is and  it would be. It was working in the same way, the way it is working now, and it will keep working in the future too. What benefit we got?

His discovered gravitational force and Calculus gave a different dimension of science. Behind most of today`s cosmic achievement is his given laws of gravitational force and Calculus. Sending rockets to other planets and the cosmos is not less than a miracle, and that miracle happens because of his discovered gravitational force and Calculus.

Many discoveries, research and inventions are the products of the curious mind which have made humans the ruler of this planet over other creatures.

There are many things which are yet to be discovered which can give a new dimension to the science and humanity.

 There are many things happening around us which appear so normal that we do not pay attention to. The people with great observing power, observe those and with curious mind they work on that and consequently, they give many amazing  inventions and discoveries to the world.
That is why - Einstein says– “I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious”.