James thought, I cannot be cowardice, I have to live for my
mother, and I have to bring her happiness back. I have to bring the lost
prestige of my family back. That was his goal and dream too. But …. How …. ?
That was the biggest question before him. He had no good college education, so,
chances were less to get a good job. And he had not capital to start a business
We should not forget that God has created everyone with some
specific and unique talent. The talent of the person is the real capital; the
talent of the person is the real education. Very few persons recognize it, understand
it, use it and enjoy it, and the majority dies even without knowing their
Whenever, James became sad, he was making some sand art near
the beach. A movie director was looking for a fabulous sand artist. Many people
came to interview, but he was not appeased. One day he was wandering on the
beach and saw James`s art, and that was impressive for him. Next day, he waited
for James, When James came and approached to him and said that he was ready to
pay any amount for this art and hence he signed James for his movies as a sand
artist. His work was appreciated and soon he got many contracts, and in a couple
of years, he became multi-millionaires. He opened his art classes, and earned
multiple times what his father had lost. He regained his lost prestige of his
Ups and downs of life
are a temporary and transitory feather; it comes and goes at regular interval,
like weather.
To maintain the rhythm of life, we need to accept both
happiness and distress equi-poised. Sometime its repetition is longer and
sometime it is shorter. If you have success in your hand, it does not mean that
you will not get a failure in your life or vice-versa.
The wise understand it and ignorant bewilder on this. The
fruit of life is the result of the churning of ups and downs of the life, and
the taste of the fruit depends how you confront vicissitude of life.
Ups and downs in the life are not the punishment, but it is a
process, it is a pattern of getting a quality life and understanding its value.