
Friday, 22 June 2018

Who Concerns About Death...?

Knowledge and understanding are the transcendental of fear of death. Everywhere, every moment, we observe nature renewing itself with the cycle of consistent birth and death. Old leaves are falling, new leaves are taking birth, old trees are falling, new plants are taking birth, the fruit is falling from the tree, it is becoming a seed, the seed is becoming a plant, plants are becoming trees, then flower and fruit and again they are falling down. These are all happening right now in front of us. By seeing this, do we fear? No, because, we know that this is the ultimate design of nature. We understand that without this renewal process this universe will cease to exist. The interminable cycle of birth and death makes the universe live and sustainable.

Have you observed any flower, any leaf, any tree, tiny or gigantic, living an incomplete life or living in fear of falling? They blossom, they bear fruit and they swing with the wind till their last moment. They live a complete being till their last moment without any fear and compunction.

These natural incidents teach and encourage us to live a complete and happy life with full of joy before the body ceases to respond to the resources around. The earth, the mountain, the sky, the moon, the sun, the vast ocean, these are all ours, and these are here to make us live in an unlimited joy and enthusiasm. They are helping us without asking for anything in return. Always smiling and welcoming. A chocked and disturbed mind refuses to recognize it and induce us to live in trepidation and miseries. An ignited and intelligent mind notices it and remains thankful for everything around. The blessed life must be lived to the fullest before it is engulfed by the whirl of the time. This state of realization cannot be attained until the concept of life, death, time and space is understood.

No other creature than human concerns about death. Livings should be our concern, not death. The death should be the matter of understanding, not of fear. The human body is a miracle. This is the biggest gift of nature to us. This is our responsibility to keep our mind and body healthy and functional and express our gratitude to nature for this miraculous gift. Our concern must be - utilizing the full capacity of the miraculous physical body and mind to live in abundance and bliss. The current body is a temporary residence of the soul. It is up to the holder, whether he clings to it by understanding this temporary as permanent and suffers or lives his life wisely by understanding the truth.

A bird is not concerned about its death. A tree is not concerned about its death. Their concern is their livings. No creature except humans contemplates and commits suicide. Death is not to be feared, it is the law of nature, which is inevitable. You are concerned about death or not, you fear death or not. It does not matter, this is certain and everyone has to accept this reality. The earlier the realization, the more enjoyable the life would be. There is no benefit of fear about which is certain. Rising and setting the sun, day and night, and so on are certain. Do we fear? Likewise, the death should not be feared or concerned as it comes with the certain promise of new life in a certain body.

Only those people are concerned about death who does not know how to live a great life. You can understand and live your life only when you can understand your death. When you understand it, you will never dare to squander your time on something which brings miseries and suffering in your life. Your concern would be living a gifted life to the fullest without repent and guilt. When death would knock at your door, happily you would embarrass it, because you have lived your life to the fullest and you do not have any complaint about your life.