
Sunday, 30 September 2018

Why Human Mind Is Prone To Negativity…?

Water always flows downwards. This is an inherent nature of water. If you want to ascend water to some height, you have to put effort. On the other side, fire always goes up. This is an inherent nature of fire. Water and fire have opposite qualities. Former always goes down and later always goes up. One quenches the thirst, and another increases the thirst. One burns, another extinguishes. Despite the diagonal differences, one thing is common in them that is - Oxygen. Water is made of two atoms of Hydrogen and one atom of Oxygen- that is – H2O. Fire cannot burn without the presence of Oxygen.

Both the elements are equally important for the sustainability of nature and creature on this planet. Their contradicting qualities create the balance in nature which helps in building a suitable environment for the living beings. They appear opposite however they work continuously together for maintaining a viable environment on this planet. The lives are not possible on other planets because of the imbalance ratio of water and fire. An appropriate combination of water and fire make a great environment for living.

Good to know this. But what is its connection to the negativity of mind…?

Our brain is made of a jelly-like substance which contains more than 80% water. The quality of water is prominent in our brain. By default, it goes down - it thinks negative. Suppose, you are sitting in a room and suddenly a rope, by any means, falls on you, first thing, your mind would perceive it is a snake, and instruct your body to react accordingly. How not, it perceives it as a rope or any other rope-like material, not a snake. 

Because, in the instantaneous condition, our mind executes its inherent nature, and its inherent nature is negative, not positive. The first thing comes in our mind is negativity, not positivity. It is like in the churning of the ocean, the first thing emerges is Halahal, the poison, not nectar. Nectar comes last after long churning.

For making our mind positive we have to train our mind. We have to put our diligent effort. We have to execute determination and discipline. We have to do Tapasya, the penance. Tap is fire. We have to do Tapasya to ignite the fire within to provide the direction of our thought process the way we want.

Naturally, the water goes down, but when we boil the same water, it evaporates and goes up. Similarly, our mind is prone to negativity, but when we boil it with the fire of determination, discipline, hard work and commitment, it goes up and touches the horizon of success and prestige for us.

Water does not have any shape of its own. It takes the shape of the container in which it is kept. If we keep it in a glass, it will take the shape of a glass, if we keep it in a bucket it will take the shape of a bucket, if we keep it in a pond, it will take the shape of the pond, if we keep it in an ocean, it will take the shape of an ocean. Similarly, our brain takes a different shape at different thought process. The shape of our brain does remain the same throughout of our life, it keeps changing according to the thought we generate. Changing of the shape of the brain is a scientific fact.

Unmanaged and undirected water brings flood and becomes the cause of the destruction. The same water if it is well-channelized quenches the thirst and nurtures the world and brings happiness and prosperity. Similarly, a well shaped and directed mind brings happiness and prosperity in our existence, if not, it is pernicious. 

You cannot create a positive, happy and prosperous life with a negative mind. Without any alternative, you have to convert your negative mind to positive mind for a positive and joyous life.

Thursday, 27 September 2018

Do Not Search For Resting Point In Life

I will enjoy my life after the completion of my matriculation, after getting good marks, after taking admission in the premier institutes and universities, after completion of so and so degree and course. I will enjoy after getting a good job or starting my own business. I will enjoy my life when I will deposit that much of money in my account. I will enjoy my life when there would be that much property in my name. I will enjoy my life when I will get married. I will enjoy my life when I would have my own kids. I will enjoy my life once I will get promoted to so and so position and post. I will enjoy my life when I would have the power of certain kind in my hand. I will enjoy my life only when I will have fame and popularity.

I will enjoy my life when my children will stand first in their academic. I have to do my job because of my immediate compulsion. I am not enjoying my life working for someone. Do not worry. I will enjoy my life when I will get retirement from my active job. I retired. Still, I am not enjoying. There is something I need to take care. Ok. I will enjoy my life once my children will get a job, married and settled in their life. I will enjoy … when….. I will enjoy …..when ….. But in fact, when ….?

In the expectation of enjoying life on certain occasion and point, many people came to this planet and left this planet, but could not enjoy their life, because, we are searching for something in our life which is not present. We are searching for the destination in our life. We are searching for the point in our life where we can rest and enjoy our life. We forget that there cannot be any resting point in life. There cannot be a destination where you can rest and enjoy your life and can say that I am enjoying my life after reaching this and that destination. Now, I need not to move further to enjoy my life. I have reached the destination of my life where happiness and joy are raining on me. Do not think about it. This is not going to happen. This is absolutely wrong understanding about the journey of life.

Life is a journey, not a destination. If you search for the destination in the journey of life, you will never get it, because it is not there. In the hollow expectation of getting the destination of life and then enjoy life, we spoil our life, we prepare our mind for the wrong thing. When our mind does not get what the expectation we have given to our mind, it irritates and horrifies our life. In the search for enjoyment and happiness at a certain point and on a certain occasion, we invite miseries and distress in our life.

The final destination of life is death. Nothing else. If you reached that destination, means you have lost your life. This world exists till your eyes are opened and mind is working. The moment your eyes are closed forever, this world is finished for you.

Do not make mistake in squandering your precious piece of life in the blind search for the resting point in your life. Simply you are not going to get it. Life is a journey, make it pleasant, and enjoy each and every bit of its existence. Set goal in your life to give a positive direction of your life. Achieve your goal and bask in the glory for your achievement, but do not stop there, make another goal in your life and keep forging ahead.

Embrace your success and failure equality. Success and failure is nothing but two wheels of the journey of life. They will keep rotating at regular interval to make you move further in your life. Enjoy those.

The people who understand this basic design of life, they do not wait for some great achievement or some great event to happen in their life in order to enjoy their life. They enjoy every moment of it because they understand that the life is very fragile. Every moment of life is precious. Nobody knows which moment would be the last moment of his life. So why procrastinate the joy and happiness for tomorrow and live in distress and misery for today in the void expectation for better tomorrow which is uncertain. Rather let us procrastinate the distress and miseries, the stress, tension, and worry for tomorrow and enjoy the life for today.

Do whatever you do at this moment big or small, but do with full enjoyment. Completely immerse into that. This is the only moment left for you. Do not program your amenable mind to search for the resting point and destination in your life. That does not exist. You will not get it. Start enjoying your life to the fullest from now.

There is a last day of everybody`s life. Live as if today is your last day. Without repent, without guilt. With full of compassion and love. In a complete indulgence. This moment is absolutely your moment, submerge into it, live it and enjoy it before it is too late.

Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Poison Always Emerges First Before Amrut

In order to get the elixir of immortality, the Amrut – you have to first drink the poison. Amrut is always hidden in the veneer of Poison. There is no one on this planet who does not want Amrut. Both Asura and Deva have the common goal – Amrut. But the Amrut is hidden in the deep layer of the ocean. To get the Amrut out, the ocean must be churned out.

The first time, Deva and Asura worked together for the common goal – that is – Amrut. They put their diligent effort. They worked as an ideal team for that purpose.

You may have differences, but if there is a common goal, and both parties are getting benefit from that, without any alternative, you have to work as an ideal team; you have to give your 100% to achieve the common goal. The same thing was being done by Deva and Asura. They both wanted Amrut, but that was not possible without churning the ocean. They knew it, and hence they started churning the ocean.

During the churning, the first thing came out was Halahal, the poison, and the last thing came out was Amrut. Everybody was frightened by seeing the devouring poison. Nobody had any idea what to do. They were not prepared for that. Everybody looks for Amrut, and they try for that also, but very few people prepare themselves to confront the emergence of the poison during that process.

Poison takes life and Amrut makes life immortal. Both are opposite. The first thing comes out is poison, if you can handle the poison only then you would be eligible for Amrut. There is no way to reach directly to the Amrut without passing the path of poisons. There is no way to consume Amrut without consuming and digesting poison first. This is the truth of life.
To proceed further, the emerged poison must be consumed and digested first. Lord Shiva was found suitable for that work. He consumed the poison in order to allow Deva and Asura to continue their search for the Amrut. Lord Shiva kept the poison in his neck, equi-distance from the heart and mind. In this way, that devouring poison could not harm Lord Shiva.

They continued churning the ocean. During that process, they got many valuable treasures. Those were distributed among them without any issue. They did not stop there. They kept churning the ocean until they got Amrut, their ultimate goal.

If you have some great goal in your life like Amrut, which is going to make you immortal, then you must be ready for the poison occurring during that process. Immortality does not mean your physical immortality. It means – your name would remain immortal even after your physical demise due to your deeds and great goal you have achieved in your life.

This world is a material ocean when you start churning this ocean for achieving your set great goal, the first thing you will get a lot of predicament and opposition. That would make your next step difficult, sometimes impossible. You will be frightened. You will lose your focus from your set goal. You may have to confront jealousy, hatred and even mental and physical attack on you from your oppositions. These are the poison which will try to demolish your existence.  You must be ready and well prepared for that kind of poison even before taking the first step towards your set great goal.

You have to consume and digest those poisons like Lord Shiva who never allowed the poison to reach his head or heart. He kept the poison at equi-distance from his head and heart. You consume those poisons of opposition and predicament, but never allow reaching either to your head or heart and spoil your motive. You have to keep those at equi-distance from your head and heart.

You will get positive and negative emotions at the same time. Make sure they should not fight to each other in your head and spoil your motive rather allow them to work as a team for your goal as Deva and Asura did despite their diagonal differences.

Do not stop in between by getting something valuable. Keep working until you achieve your final goal which will create a history and make you immoral in this mortal world.

Saturday, 22 September 2018

You Tell Me – I Will Listen

LISTEN and SILENT are two different words but contain the same alphabets. These two words are complementary to each other. In order to listen something as it is, you have to silence your mind first. Without listening something properly, you cannot understand it properly. Without understanding it properly, you cannot be the master of that subject what has been talking about.

Only 2% people listen, rest 98% just hear. If you listen properly then there would be no any misconception and misunderstanding about anything. Listening must be the pure. There must not be any prejudices and assumption in it. It must be listened as it is. The listening is so pure and divine that the highest and the most authentic scripture of Hinduism that is Veda is called Shruti – means – to be heard. It is so because without great listening ability no one can be the master of great, profound and divine knowledge.

Lord Ganesha is considered the god of wisdom. His wisdom is because of his listening ability. His big ears symbolize his great listening ability. Once his father, lord Shiva, wanted to visit his wife Parvati, but Ganesha tried to stop him. Lord Shiva tried to explain his relationship with his mother Parvati, but he refused to listen to him. And Lord Shiva chopped his head and replaced with an elephant head. Elephant has big ears and small mouth. Means – listening more and speaking less. At least listen twice than you speak.

Lord Ganesha became so great listener that he became the god of wisdom. He could understand and know what others could not. Due to this great quality, ability and wisdom he became divine and is worshipped first before any other gods and goddesses.

Mouth is one, but there are many works. And ears are two but has only one work – just listening. This is the design of nature. According to this design we must listen multiple times more than we speak. Speaking without listening is always a useless talk. If we want to flourish and be happy in this existence, without any alternative, we must conform to this design of nature.

In the Bagawat Gita, Arjuna kept speaking his doubt, and Krishna kept listening all his doubt patiently and carefully without interrupting him in between. When Arjuna stopped speaking, and after listening and understanding his concern properly, Krishna opened his mouth. When Krishna started speaking, Arjuna listened that patiently and carefully without interrupting him in between. With this great communication, Arjuna`s all doubts were washed away and he involved himself single mindedly in the action which was appropriate for that moment and emerged as a hero.

You cannot give the proper solution to someone without listening and understanding his doubts properly. And other party cannot get the solution of his doubt until he closes his mouth and open his ears. Speaking and listening cannot happen simultaneously, it must be in sequential.

Without listening ability, any communication is a weak communication. Great communication is not only speaking ability, but listening ability also. Communication between Krishna and Arjuna was very strong and effective communication, because both the sides had strong listening ability.

“The people with less intelligence and knowledge keep their ears and eyes closed and mouth opened."

Wednesday, 5 September 2018

रोता रह गया बुद्धू ....

मुन्ना  ऐसा मत करो, मत रोओ, खाना खालो, क्या चाहिए बोलो तुम्हारे पिताजी ला देंगे, अभी चूप हो जाओ। मुन्ना चुप होने का नाम नहीं ले रहा था।  उसको भी वही रिमोट वाला कार चाहिए जो कि पड़ोस में रहने वाला टिंकू के पास है। लड़का खाना नहीं खा रहा था, रूठ के बैठा था।  उसको चाहिए तो बस चाहिए।  जिद्द पे अड़ गया। माँ- बाप ज्यादा बोल नहीं सकते क्योकि एकलौता लड़का था।  लाड - प्यार बहुत था।

पिताजी ऑफिस से आये।  मनाने की कोशिश की, लेकिन कोई फायदा नहीं हुआ। अनन्तः उनको उसी वक़्त पास के बाजार से रिमोट कंट्रोल वाला कार लाना पड़ा।  मुन्ना खिलौना देखकर चुप हुआ, और खाना खाने लगा। लेकिन भरपेट खाना नहीं खा पाया क्योकि उसका ध्यान खिलौने पे था।

कुछ दिन खेला, फिर वही रोना धोना।  नए नए दिन नई नई फरमाइसे। उसके माँ बाप हर संभव प्रयास करते की मुन्ना किसी तरह से खुश रहे, परन्तु मुन्ना को तो रोने और रूठने की आदत पड़ चुकी थी। वह किसी भी चीज़ से खुश नहीं रहता था।

बड़ा हुआ, लेकिन रोने की आदत गयी नहीं।  बच्चो की तरह तो आँसू बहा नहीं सकता था, लेकिन हमेशा उदास रहता था।  दुनिया में कोई भी ऐसी चीज़ नहीं थी, जो उसको ख़ुशी दे सकती थी।  कुछ भी उसके अनुसार नहीं था। सब कुछ बदलना चाहता था। 

धन दौलत भी बहुत था उसके पास, उस पैसे से जो भी विलासता की वस्तू खरीदना चाहता था खरीद सकता था। फिर भी वह खुश न था।  आप पैसे से वस्तू खरीद सकते है, मगर ख़ुशी नहीं। 

इस दुनिया को  बदलने के चक्कर में कितने लोग आये और गये, दुनिया तो बदल नहीं पाए, परन्तु जीवन व्यर्थ हो गयी।  इसका भी जीवन की लीला इसी तरह समाप्त हो गयी। 

उसके पास वह सब कुछ था, अच्छे माँ -बाप, निरोग शरीर, पर्याप्त पैसा इत्यादि, जिससे  एक खुशहाल जिन्दगी जिया जा सकता था।   लेकिन दुनिया  बदलने के चक्कर में खुद ही वह काल के चक्कर में फस के ख़त्म हो गय।

रोता हुआ आया, रोता हुआ जिया, और रोता हुआ दुनिया से अलविदा हो गया। 

काश ! वह दुनिया बदलने के वजाय खुद को बदल लिया होता।  दुनिया को सिखाने के वजाय खुद जिंदगी के मायने सिख लिया होता। रोने के वजाय हॅसने की आदत डाल ली होती, तो शायद, उसकी जिंदगी दुःख में नहीं सुख में बीतती। 

इस संसार में सुख और दुःख, ख़ुशी और ग़म हमेशा से रहे है, और हमेशा ही रहगे। यह शाश्वत है, इसको संसार से खत्म नहीं किया जा सकता। संसार नामक गाड़ी सकारात्मक और नकारात्मक नामक दो पहियों पर ही चलती है।  विरोधाभास ही इस श्रुष्टि की प्राण है। दोनों ही सामान मात्रा में उपलब्ध है। निर्णय हमको लेना होता है कि हम किसका चुनाव कर रहे है - सकारात्मक या नकारात्मक, सुःख या दुःख, ख़ुशी या ग़म। 

मनुष्य की जिंदगी बहुत कम होती है, इसको व्यर्थ की दुःख इकठ्ठा करने में व्यतीत करना चाहिए।  नहीं तो रोते हुए आये हो, रोते हुए जिओगे, और रोते हुए इस दुनिया से अलविदा हो जाओगे। 

इस संसार में सबको मरना होता है - लेकिन बुद्धू रो-रो के और मर-मर के जीता है, और बुद्धा अपनी जिंदगी पूर्णता से जी कर मरता है।

जन्म और मरण का चुनाव हमारे वश में नहीं होता है, लेकिन जिंदगी कैसी हो और हमको कैसे जीना है, यह चुनाव हमारे वश में होता  है। इसका चुनाव एक बुद्धा की कर सकता है, बुद्धू नहीं। बुद्धा को  हर पल अपने मृत्यु का एहसास होता है, इसलिए वह अपनी जिंदगी को हर क्षण  पूर्णता से जीता है।  जिंदगी का एक पल भी व्यर्थ गवाना उसको गवारा नहीं।

और बुद्धू हर पल रो-रो के जीता है, और रो-रो  मरता है, उसको पता ही नहीं होता, क्यों आया और क्या ढूंढ रहा था, और क्या पाया और क्यों चला गया। 

यह मनुष्य का अपना व्यक्तिगत चुनाव है कि बुद्धा बनकर खुशहाल जिंदगी जीना चाह्ता है या बुद्धू बनकर रो-रो के।