The South is the direction of black and North is the direction is
of white. The South is the direction of Kali. The color of Kali is black. Black
color and instability are associated with the direction South. The north is the
direction of lord Shiva. The color of lord Shiva is white. He is Karpur Gauram (as white as camphor). He
looks dark because his body is smeared with ash. White color and stability is
associated with the direction North.
Yama, the god of death, comes from the south is black, Kama, the
god of desire, is associated with the south is dark (deep green), the ocean
appears dark is found in the south direction, the crematorium is situated in
the south direction of the village is associated with black (mourning and
Lord Shiva dwells on the mount Kailash clad with white snow. The Rivers
emerge from the mountains in the North clad with snow and flow to the south and
merge in the ocean in the south are white in color.
Black color is the color of both mystery and ignorance. The people
who are associated with black either we cannot understand them or they cannot
understand anything. Lord Krishna is associated with the black color, he is
very mysterious, almost impossible to understand him. Kali, Yama, Kama, crematorium
(death) and ocean (depth) all are mysterious, nobody has ever understood them.
We as human being are strongly associated with them (black),
however, we are not mysterious like them, but ignorant.
Our every birth is an opportunity to nullify our accumulated Karma
and get the liberation from the interminable cycle of birth and death. But due
to our ignorance (black), we fall into the trap of Kama (desire). To fulfill
our desires we involve ourselves in various kinds of activities, which produces
Karma. Where there is Karma, Yama needs to appear to reward or retribute us according
to our Karma.
According to our Karma, we get our birth. And where there is
birth, there would be definitely death (Yama) and crematorium (Kali (ShamshanNivasini)
– she dwells there). Nothing stable in the south. There is birth, life and
death, violence and turbulence – and again
birth, life and death, violence and turbulence. This continuum goes on.
No peace and stability in the South. Only turbulence, violence and
change. Where there is a desire (Kama), there would be turbulence (Ocean –
waves of thoughts to fulfill our desires). Where there is turbulence, there
would be violence (Kali - who kills people who desire to dominate nature). Where
there is violence, there would be death (Yama). Where there is death, there
would be a crematorium.
Due to our ignorance (black), Mysterious and bloodthirsty Kali
(Black) standing in the crematorium stretching and showing her tongue to mock
our ignorance.
White is the color of enlightenment. Kama and Yama, both are very
powerful and dark in color. It is very difficult to come out of the clutches of
Kama and Yama. Howsoever, both were killed by Lord Shiva (white). Later, both
were resurrected, why they were resurrected, that is a different story.
Kali was violent before coming into the contact of lord Shiva.
When she came into the contact of Lord Shiva, she became Gauri (Fair) and travelled
to the north, the direction of peace, stability and light.
There is a realm of darkness, because there is no light. When the light
appears, the darkness vanishes. The darkness (Kali, Yama and Kama) can be
conquered by light (Shiva).
As long as we live in ignorance, there would be a strong influence
of Kama and Yama, and Kali standing in the crematorium stretching her tongue will
keep mocking us as our all efforts are making a preparation to reach the crematorium
only, nowhere else.
Darkness is the ignorance and the light is the knowledge. The darkness
of ignorance can be conquered with the light of knowledge only.
When we lit the light of knowledge, the darkness of ignorance
dispels, we come out of the clutches of influence of Kama and Yama and travel to
the north, the direction of lord Shiva, where bloodthirsty Kali has become benevolent
Gauri. There is peace, happiness, harmony and stability only.
Black color is the color of attraction and bondage and white
color is the color of peace and liberation. Black color absorbs the other
colors in it and white color reflects other colors. That is why, black color is
an analogy of attachment and white color is an analogy of detachment and
South direction is the direction of the body and north is the
direction of soul. The body goes to the south in crematorium and pious soul
goes to the North where further birth and death ceases.
But the spirit who is too much attached to the body keep hovering
in the south and again trap in the continuous cycle of birth and death.
The spirit who understands the impermanence of the body and the world
does not attach to the body rather work on their soul and become immortal – Mrutya ma Amrutgamya ( from death (Yama)
to immortality (Shiva)) – from the south
to the north – from the direction of
Kama (Desire hence turbulence), Kali (Violence) Yama (Death), Crematorium (end of body - mortal)
and Ocean (instability) to the direction of lord Shiva (Soul, which is immortal,
and enlightenment), peace, happiness and stability(mountain).
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