Monday, 10 October 2016

धर्मक्षेत्र ही कुरुक्षेत्र क्यों बनते है?

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भगवत गीता के पहले अध्याय के पहले श्लोक में धृष्टराष्ट्र संजय से पूछता है -

"धर्मक्षेत्रे कुरुक्षेत्रे समवेता युयुत्सवः।
मामकाः पाण्डवाश्चैव किमकुर्वत सञ्जय। "

इसमें कुरुक्षेत्र को धर्मक्षेत्र कहा गया है। अगर यह धर्मक्षेत्र है तो लड़ाई क्यों ? लड़ाई नहीं होने चाहिए, लेकिन हो रहा है। सदियो से धर्मक्षेत्र ही कुरुक्षेत्र बनते आये है। धर्मक्षेत्र में ही युद्ध होता है, और कही नहीं। यह विराधाभास मालूम पड़ता है कि धर्मक्षेत्र और युद्ध? उपद्रव? रक्तपात ? एक दूसरे के गले काटने के लिए हाथो में हथियार? ऐसा हो रहा है। आज तक कोई भी युद्ध धर्म से परे नहीं हुआ है। जहा धर्म है, वही युद्ध की संभावना है, और होता भी है। धर्म के नाम पर ही बड़े-बड़े युद्ध हुए है. रक्तपात हुआ है। जितना जान-माल और वातावरण का विध्वंश धर्म के नाम पे हुआ है, उससे ज़्यादा किसी से  नहीं हुआ है। जितना ठगी और लूट-पाट धर्म के नाम पे हुआ है, उससे ज़्यादा कही नहीं हुआ है। 

कभी भी अधर्म के नाम पे कही कोई लड़ाई नहीं हुई है।  सारी लड़ाईया धर्म के नाम पे ही होती है। और जहाँ धर्म के नाम पे लड़ाईया हो, वह धर्म हो ही नहीं सकता। कुरुक्षेत्र तो बस एक नाम का धर्मक्षेत्र है। यह धर्मक्षेत्र तो अधर्मक्षेत्र से भी बदतर है। अपने ही परिवार के लोग एक दूसरे को मार-काट रहे है, इससे बड़ा अधर्म और क्या होगा? खून से लथ-पथ सनी हुई कुरुक्षेत्र को धर्मक्षेत्र कहना पाखंड से ज़्यादा कुछ भी नहीं!  फिर भी,  सारे अधर्म इस क्षेत्र में होने के बावजूद भी इसको धर्मक्षेत्र कहा जा रहा है। कह कौन रहा है - धृष्टराष्ट्र, जो की अंधा है। 

रहा होगा कभी कुरुक्षेत्र धर्मक्षेत्र। मिला होगा इस मिट्टी को कभी इतना सम्मान। लेकिन अब नहीं । जब तक धर्मक्षेत्र था, तब तक कोई लालच, द्वेष, ईर्ष्या, वैर, भेद-भाव और रक्तपात नहीं था। अब सिर्फ धर्म का नाम रह गया है, जिसको धृष्टराष्ट्र ढो रहा है। धर्म के नाम पे सदियो से अन्धविश्वाश होता आया है, इसी का प्रतीक है, धृष्टराष्ट्र। अंधे लोग उसी पुरानी चीज़ों को ढो रहे, बिना उसकी वैधता जाने। 

जहा पे धर्म होता है- वहा पे तो उत्सव, उमंग, प्रेम, परस्पर निःस्वार्थ सहयोग और आनन्द की वृष्ठि होनी चाहिये, लेकिन इस धर्मक्षेत्र में तो एक ही परिवार के दो दल, एक-दूसरे के आमने-सामने, ईर्ष्या, द्वेष, वैर, लालच और घमंड के साथ रक्तपात को तैयार है। यह भी कोई धर्म है क्या? अंधो के लिए यह धर्म हो सकता है, पर उनके लिए नहीं जो धर्म को समझते है। धृष्टराष्ट्र के लिए धर्मक्षेत्र था, लेकिन विदुर जैसे महात्मा के लिए नहीं, जो धर्म और अधर्म का भेद जानते है।  

अगर यह धर्मक्षेत्र है तो, फिर श्री कृष्ण किस धर्म स्थापना की बात कर रहे है। यह क्यों बोल रहे है कि धर्म स्थापना के लिए मैं युग-युग में आता रहूँगा ----

"यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत।

अभ्युत्थानमधर्मस्य तदाऽऽत्मानं सृजाम्यहम्।।4.7।।

परित्राणाय साधूनां विनाशाय च दुष्कृताम्।
धर्मसंस्थापनार्थाय संभवामि युगे युगे।।4.8।।"

धृष्टराष्ट्र के नज़रो में धर्म था, लेकिन श्री कृष्ण के नज़रो में धर्म खत्म हो चुकी है, नाम मात्र ही रह गया है। अब उसकी पुर्नस्थापना की आवश्यकता है। 

बहुत-सी धर्मिक परम्परोओं को जो आज हमारा  समाज अंधो की तरह ढो रहा है, वह अब अधार्मिक हो चूका है। उसमे कोई धर्म शेष नहीं रह गया है। धर्म के नाम पे अन्धविश्वाश फ़ैल गया है। वक्त का तकाजा है कि - पुराने सारे अंधविश्वासों को तोड़कर अब इसकी पुर्नस्थापना की जाये, जहा पे परस्पर मेल और इंसानियत ज़िंदा रहे।  आखिर कब-तब अन्धविश्वास के साये में धर्मक्षेत्रों को कुरुक्षेत्र बनाते रहेंगे ?

Sunday, 9 October 2016

Why did Surpanakha want to kill his brother, Ravana?

It is said that if there had been no Surpanakha and Kaikeyi in the Ramayana, there would be no great story of the Ramayana.

Surpanakha was the sister of the demon king Ravana. Her character was very less, however, she created a very strong link in carrying the story further.

She was the youngest child of Rishi Vishrava and his second wife, Kaikesi. She was as beautiful as her mother. Her childhood name was “Minakshi”, one who has fish-like eyes.

In her young age, she fell in love with the Danavas prince of Kalkeya clan, Vidyutjihva and eloped and surreptitiously married her. Knowing this, Ravana became very furious. Why …?

It is because - Ravana was Rakshasa and Vidyutjihva was Danava. Rakshasa and Danavas were enemies. That was not acceptable for Ravana to get her sister married with his enemy.

For this audacity, Ravana wanted to punish her. But on the persuasion of his wife Mandodari, the relationship was approved and reluctantly, Ravana accepted Danavas his relatives.

Although, Rakshasa and Danava had become relatives, the dynamite of animosity was still hidden in their relationship.

During the conquest of Rasatala (the underworld), Ravana decided to visit his newly married sister and brother-in-law, Vidyutjihva. In the absence of Surpanakha, Ravana and Vidyutjihva started arguing on some matter, and soon after, that argument converted into fight. And in that fight Ravana killed Vidyutjihva.

The life of Surpanakha became highly miserable after the death of her husband with the hand of his own brother. Grief-stricken widowed Surpanakha split her time between Lanka and the woods of Southern India, sometimes, living with her forest-dwelling Asura relatives, Khara and Dushana.

Surpanakha could not forgive her brother who had made her widow and compelled her to live in destitute.

During her one visit to the forest of Panchavati, she met the exiled price Rama. Smitten by Rama`s appearance, she approached him to make the relationship.  

Rama refused her saying - I am married and I have my wife with me. You can ask Laxman. She then approached Laxman, and he also refused her. She was humiliated. In agitation, humiliated Surpanakha attacked Sita. Laxman protected Sita. And for this ill-conduct of Surpanakha, infuriated Laxman chopped her nose and the tip of her breast.    

With her chopped nose, Surpanakha first approached her brother Khara and told him what had happened. Hearing this, enraged Khara sent seven Rakshasa warriors to attack Rama to take the revenge of the humiliation of her sister.

Rama easily defeated them. Then Khara came with 14,000 soldiers to fight with Rama. All were killed except Akampan,Sumali's son and Kaikesi's brother, who fled to Lanka.

Surpanakha was quite impressed by the strength of Rama and Laxman who had also killed her grandmother, Thataka and her uncle, Subahu. Her cousins in the forest were terrified by the vigor of Rama.

She got what she was in search for so many years. She was looking for a person who can match the strength of his brother, Ravana, and slay him.
She wanted her brother to be killed the way her husband was killed.

Assured by the strength or Rama and Laxman, Surpanakha approached Ravana's court and provoked her brother to take the vengeance of the humiliation of his own sister. She enticed her brother to abduct and wed Rama`s wife Sita by extolling her virtues and beauty. Despite the opposition of his younger brother, Vibhishana, Ravana kidnapped Sita which triggered a war between Rama and Ravana in which Ravana was killed by Rama.

This infers that - everyone has right to choose his or her own life. No one wants to be dominated by the arrogant decision of others which snatch the happiness and peace of the individuals. In the name of saving the superficial social status, the ignorant and arrogant impose their decisions on others to be followed, if not, honor killings.
Although his sister had married to whom she wanted and happily living with her husband , Ravana had not accepted that, resultant – Ravana killed his own brother-in-law to celebrate his pride without thinking the future and happiness of his sister.

Ravana knew that his sister cannot do anything to him. But he forgot that a person can be too weak to destroy someone by his own, but can be a powerful cause of the destruction of the destroyer.

Saturday, 8 October 2016

The destination is not different from the source

Nothing is straight in this universe. Everything forms a circle. You throw a stone in the sky; you will find that it is forming a complete circle. If there is no obstruction, it will meet the point from where it was released. The reason of the rain is the water of the ocean, it evaporates and goes up, takes the form of cloud and it rains. That water takes the form of a river. That river meets with an ocean. In this way, the water of ocean meets the ocean. Water completes a circle.

A drop of water is not different from the ocean. The drop came out of the ocean and completed a circle and became an ocean again. A plant takes the nutrition from the earth, becomes a tree. It becomes old with time, dissolves and becomes the earth again. It meets from where it was started.

The stars and planets emerge from the nebulae, and when they dissolve becomes the nebulae again. The nebulae come from atoms, and when nebulae dissolve, it becomes atom. Nebulae, stars, planets and this universe is nothing but atoms. It came out from the atom and again it becomes the atom. The name and form are very temporary and fragile. A human body is made of five elements (space, air, fire, water, earth). And again it merges into the five elements. And these five elements are nothing but the combination of sub-atomic particles.

After the death of the human body, the elements are not destroyed rather it is disintegrated into small particles. Body made of particles dissolves and becomes the particles again. If these particles are combined together in that proportion, the same body can be created which existed thousand years ago. 

From where the things come by completing a circle goes back to the source only. This is the law of nature, true for everything visible and non-visible.

What we think either for us or for others, at last, it comes to the source. If we think negative for someone or something, it comes and hit back us only. It does not go anywhere. There is no other way but to return back to the source after completing a circle.  

If we think positive, the positivity comes and hit back. The basic of nature never get destroyed. It appears new every time when we see it, because of the changing of its form.  Similarly, our thoughts never get destroyed. It permanently takes the dwell inside us whether we remember it or not. Once you think about something, it is registered forever. And those various registered thoughts work as a fuel in driving our life.

We all have come from the same source; all the name and form are temporary. By completing a circle, we have to go back and merge with the source, the supreme God.  Everyone emerges from the same source. And the destination of everyone is nothing but the source only. The path between the source and destination keeps changing according to the deeds and thoughts of the humans. Good deeds and thoughts provide a smooth, comfortable and enjoyable path to drive the vehicle of life, and bad one provides the path accordingly.

Friday, 7 October 2016

दरिद्र से सम्राट तक का सफर

चंद्रमौलि नाम था उस युवक का। राजा के घर पैदा हुआ था । जाहिर है, उसको सारी सुख-सुविधाये बचपन से ही प्राप्त हुआ था। लेकिन उन चीज़ों से वह संतुष्ट नहीं था। उसके माँ-बाप जो भी उसको देते थे, वह उसके लिए कम लगता था। हमेशा कुछ न कुछ मागते ही रहता था। कभी उसके चेहरे पर ख़ुशी न दिखती थी। हमेशा उसके नाक चढे रहते थे। उसके इस रवैये से उसके परिवार वाले भी खुश नहीं थे।  बडा होकर राजा  बनना ही काफी न था उसके लिए।

उसके पिताजी का राजतन्त्र बहुत छोटा लगता था उसके लिये । वह तो राजाओ का राजा बनना चाहता था । सम्राट से नीचे कुछ भी पसन्द न था उसको। संसार का सबसे शक्तिशाली व्यक्ति बनना चाहता था। बड़ा बनने का सपने देखना और उसके लिए कोशिश करना बुरी बात नहीं, यह अच्छी बात है। लेकिन उस सपने के लिए,उन चीज़ों को भुला देना, जो ईश्वर ने आपको दिये है, यह अच्छी बात नहीं है। येनकेनप्रकारेण, वह सम्राट बनना चाहता था।

समय बीता, उसके पिताजी बूढे हो गए, और चंद्रमौलि को राजा बना दिया गया। राजा बनते ही दूसरे राज्यो पर चढ़ाई करना शूरू कर दिया। जीत भी मिलने लगी । बहुत से राज्यो को जीत लिया, और बहुत बड़े साम्राज्य का सम्राट बन गया। उसकी व्यस्तता बढ़ गयी। आदमी पद, प्रतिष्ठा, नाम, ख्याति  और पावर से जितना बड़ा होता, उसको खुद के लिए उतना ही कम समय मिलता है। न उसको खुद के लिए समय था, न अपने परिवार के लिये। तिजोरी भरती रहे और वह राज्य जीतते रहे, बस उसका पूर्ण ध्यान उसी पर था।

उसके माँ-बाप बूढे हो चुके थे, उनके मुत्यु का वक्त नज़दीक आ चूका था । उनलोगों की यही ख्याईश थी कि उसका बेटा कुछ समय उनके साथ बिताये, और कम-से-कम अंतिम सास से समय वह उनके करीब रहे। पर ऐसा हो न सका। चंद्रमौलि दूसरे राज्यो के दौरे पे था, सुचना पहुच न सका, और इधर उसके पिताजी की अंतिम इच्छा उनके अंतिम सास के साथ दम तोड़ दिया। कुछ दिनों के बाद उसके माँ भी चल बसी।

जब वह लौट के आया तो, उसको अपना जीवन खाली-खाली सा लगने लगा। हमे किसी चीज़ की अहमियत तब समझ में आती, जब हम उसको खो देते है । जब उदासी उसको बहुत सताती तो, जाकर अपनी तिजोरी खोलता,और उसको भरा देखकर, थोड़ी क्षणिक ख़ुशी मिल जाती। जब आदमी अंदर से खाली होता है, तो भरी हुई तिजोरियो में अपना ख़ुशी ढूढ़ता है। फिर वह तिजोरी पर तिजोरी भरने में लग जाता है। और बाद में वही तिजोरी मनुष्य के दुःख और भय का कारण बन जाता है। और भय की स्थिति में मनुष्य क्या खाक खुश रह सकता है?

सम्राट के चमकते मुकुट के पीछे एक मुरझाया हुआ इंसान से ज्यादा कुछ न था। अपनी इस उदासी को दूर करने के लिए किसी एक पहाड़ी इलाके में घूमने की योजना बनाई। अंदर बादियो में कुछ क्षण एकान्त में व्यतीत करना चाहता था। अंदर पंहुचा तो उसे किसी के गाना गाने की आवाज़ सुनाई दिया। उस तरफ बढ़ा । देखा कि एक चरवाहा अपने भेडियो को चरा रहा है और पुरे आनंद में गाना गा रहा है। सम्राट को बहुत अचम्भा हुआ, यह न तो सम्राट है, न इसके पास कोई साम्राज्य है, कपडे भी पुराने, गन्दे और  फटे हुए, फिर भी इतना आनंद। ऐसा क्या मिल गया है इसको?

सम्राट से रहा न गया, और पूछा उस चरवाहे से - भाई, तुमको ऐसा कौन सा साम्राज्य मिल गया है, जो की तुम इतने आनंदित हो? चरवाहा बोला - न मुझे कोई साम्राज्य मिला है, नहीं मुझे कोई साम्राज्य प्राप्त करने की इच्छा है। मनुष्य के बनाये हुए साम्राज्य तो बहुत ही छोटा होता है, झूठ के बुनियाद पे खड़ा रहता है।

रहा सवाल मेरे खुश रहने का तो - खुश न रहू  तो दुःखी क्यों रहू, दुःख का कोई कारण भी तो नहीं है। ख़ुशी इंसान के अंदर पहले से ही विद्यमान है।  दुःख तो इंसान की मस्तिष्क की इज़ाद की हुई चीज़ है। और बहुत से दुखो का कोई कारण भी नहीं होता। जब वह खोखले दुःख के कारण मिट जाते है, तो ख़ुशी की लहर अपने-आप बहने लगती है। यह सुनकर सम्राट  और चौका और बोला - भाई, इसमें कोई राज़ मालूम होता है,  जरा बिस्तार में बताओ।

चरवाहा बोला - यह आकाश, वायु, यह सूरज और उसकी रौशनी, चाँद की खूबसूरती, तारो का टिमटिमाना, फूलो का खिलना, पंछियो का चहचहाना, पेड़- पौधों का नाचना, यह सब जितना मेरा है, उतना तुम्हारा है। यह सबको दे रहे है, बिना कुछ मांगे हुए। दिए जा रहे, दिए जा रहे है। सदियो से बस देते ही जा रहे है। इतने बड़े साम्राज्य के आगे कोई क्या सम्राट और उसका साम्राज्य ? फर्क सिर्फ इतना है कि - मैं प्रकृति  के  ज़्यादा करीब हू, और तुम उतने दूर । तुम अपनी सारी ख़ुशी कृतिम चीज़ों में ढूंढ रहे जहा है नहीं, और जहा है, उसको तुम दरकिनार किये हो। यह सबसे बड़ा मनुष्य के दुःख का कारण है। जो चीज़ जहा है ही नहीं, वह मिलेगी कैसे?

अगर सूर्य रौशनी देना बंद कर दे, तो पेड़-पौधे नष्ट हो जायें, और पेड़-पौधे न हो तो, हमे ऑक्सीजन नहीं मिलेगा। बिना ऑक्सीजन के जीवन संभव नहीं,  जब जीवन ही नहीं तो क्या ताज और क्या फटे कपडे?  कोई सम्राट इतना शक्तिशाली नहीं  जो अपने साम्राज्य को एक मिनट के लिए भी जिन्दा रख सके, यदि पेड़-पौधों ने ऑक्सीजन देना बंद कर दिया तो।

प्रकृति की इतनी निःस्वार्थ भाव देखकर, उसके प्रसंशा में, संगीत तो अपने-अपने निकल आते है। प्रकृति बिना मांगे ही सब कुछ दे रही है, बस देखने वाली आँखे  चाहिये। सम्राट नतमष्तक हो गया उस चरवाहे के सामने, और बोला - भाई, मेरी तिजोरी भरी रहने के बावजूद भी, मैं अंदर से हमेशा  खाली और खोखला रहा, और तेरे पास तिजोरी न होने के बावजूद भी, तू अंदर से भरा रहा। मैं सम्राट होकर भी दरिद्र रहा, तेरे पास कुछ न होने के बावजूद भी तुम एक सम्राट की ज़िन्दगी जी रहे हो। धन-सम्पदा, पावर और पद-प्रतिष्ठा आदि  से कोई सम्राट नहीं होता, यह तो उलझन से ज्यादा कुछ भी नहीं। असली मालकियत तो तब आती,  जब इंसान खुद से बोले की अब बहुत हो गया, अब कुछ पाने को शेष न रहा, और जो मिला है, उसके लिए ईश्वर का शुक्रिया करे।

Monday, 3 October 2016

हम उपवास तो करते है, लेकिन उपवास का असली मायने क्या है ?

कुछ खाओगे नहीं। नहीं आज नहीं, आज मेरा उपवास है । कल सुबह ही कुछ खाऊंगा। कोई कहता है कि आज मेरा व्रत है। एक मित्र से मैंने पूछा कि किसका व्रत या उपवास है। उसने कहा - फला देवी या देवता का व्रत है। ऐसा करने से क्या होता है? उसने कहा - इससे देवी-देवता प्रसन्न रहते है । 

मैंने पूछा कि आपको भूखे रखकर देवी-देवता को क्या ख़ुशी मिलती होगी? वह भला क्यों चाहेंगे कि उसका भक्त भूखा-प्यासा रहे। हमारे यहाँ देवी-देवताओ को माँ-बाप का दर्जा दिया जाता है। कोई माँ-बाप क्यों चाहेंगा की उसका बेटा या बेटी भूखे प्यासे रहे। यदि भूखे प्यासे रहने से देवी-देवता प्रसन्न होते तो, कितने गरीब लोग आज भी भूखे, प्यासे और नंगे सोते है, फिर तो उनको कोई परेशानी ही नहीं होती! 

उपवास या व्रत किसी देवी-देवता को प्रसन्न करने के लिए नहीं किया जाता है । देवी-देवता का रोल यही होता है कि वह साक्षी रहते है, आपके उपवास या व्रत के।

व्रत का मतलब होता है - प्रतिज्ञा। किस चीज़ को किस अमुक दिन को खाना है या करना है, और कितनी मात्रा में खाना है और कितनी बार खाना है या नहीं खाना है, यह व्रत मनुष्य ही ले सकता है, जानवर नहीं। जानवर के सामने जो भी रखगो, जब भी रखगो, खाना शुरू कर देता है। 

मनुष्य, मनुष्य इसलिए है क्योकि उसमे चुनाव करने की क्षमता है, निर्णय लेने की क्षमता है। मनुष्य के अंदर वह क्षमता है कि अपनी प्रतिज्ञा से अपने मन-मुताबिक काम को अंजाम दे सकता है। 

कुछ लोग इसे उपवास भी कहते है। उपवास दो शब्दो से मिलकर बना है - उप  और वास । यह दोनों संस्कृत शब्द है। उप का मतलब होता है - नजदीक  और वास का मतलब होता है - निवास। इस तरह से उपवास का मतलब हुआ - नजदीक में निवास । 

नजदीक में निवास ! क्या मतलब ? 

हम शरीर या मष्तिष्क नहीं है, यह तो क्षणिक और निश्चित नश्वर है। शरीर के नष्ट होने की वस्तु इसके अंदर ही विद्यमान है। धीरे-धीरे समय के साथ, वह अपना काम कर रही है। कोई भी उपाय कर लो, इसको रोका नहीं जा सकता। हम आत्मा है, जो अजर और अमर है, जो शाश्वत है। इसको किसी भी विधि से नष्ट नहीं किया जा सकता, और शरीर को किसी भी विधि से बचाया नहीं जा सकता। 

भोजन शरीर के लिए है। हमारी इन्द्रिया, तरह-तरह के भोजन और वासना की मांग करती रहती है। हम इस नश्वर चीज़ के शाश्वत मांग को पूरा करते-करते, हम अपने आत्मा को दरकिनार कर देते है। आत्मा सत्य और शरीर झूठा और धोखेबाज़। सत्य को पकडे रहने के लिए, सत्य का एहसास होना और इसके करीब होना बहुत ही ज़रूरी है। 

उपवास इसलिए किया जाता है, ताकि हम शारीरिक मांगो  से ऊपर उठकर, अपने आत्मा के नज़दीक आ सके, और इसको समझ सके, और हमारे अंदर जो दैविक शक्ति है, उसको हम जागृत कर सके। 

भूखे रहने से यही भी एहसास होता है कि भूख या प्यास क्या होती है। भोजन और जल की अहमियत समझ में आता है। भूखे और प्यासे सोने वालो की पीड़ा समझ में आती है । इससे मनुष्य भाव बढ़ता है। 
उपवास ईश्वर से कुछ माँगने के लिये नहीं, बल्कि अंदर की  जानवर की प्रवृति त्याग कर, मनुष्य बन कर मनुष्य की सेवा के लिए की जाती है। तभी तो, उपवास के बाद, भंडरा या प्रसाद बाटने का प्रावधान है, ताकि सबको भोजन प्राप्त हो, और सभी खुश रहे। यह तभी संभव है, जब मनुष्य भौतिक चीज़ों से ऊपर उठकर, आत्मितकता को अपना जीवन का केंद्र बनाने का व्रत ले। 
उपवास - आत्मा के होने का एहसास के साथ-साथ, शरीर के अशुद्धियो को भी नष्ट कर देती है। यानि उपवास में शारीरिक, मानसिक, आत्मिक, दैविक और सामाजिक(प्रसाद वितरण, भंडारा आदि) स्वस्थता लाने की शक्ति होती है। 

Sunday, 2 October 2016

Let your inner gold shine

We never get the pure gold from the mine. It is alloyed gold. Later, that alloy gold is processed to get the pure gold. First of all, we recognize that the alloy contains gold. We do not extract gold from it, rather we remove the alloy and dirt from it, and what remains is the pure gold.

It goes through fire. Fire burns the impurities. And at last, we get the pure gold which remains the same no matter how many times it passes through fire.  With the fire and hurt of the hammer, the gold is converted into different-different ornaments. And that ornament has the value and place in human life not the alloy in the mine.

Likewise, you are full of quality, you need not  go anywhere in the search of the purity in you. The quality, the skill and talent are already in you. You have to just burn those impurities in the form of weaknesses in you, which has covered your quality, skill and talent and stopping you from shining. 

In the beginning, everyone is like an alloy coming from the mine. And alloy has not valued until it is converted into pure gold. No one is free from weakness. Recognize your weakness, and go through the fire of hard work and commitment, and burn all of your illusions and weaknesses and come out of it with a man of value what you deserve. With the continuous effort and hurt of the ups and down, convert yourself in a beautiful ornament, which is valued everywhere. 

Friday, 30 September 2016

Anger made him from Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi to Mahatma Gandhi

"You have thrown me out of this compartment, one day, I will throw you out of my country" - yelled Gandhi when he was humiliated and thrown out of the compartment despite having a first class ticket with him.

There was no personal fight with anyone, he had tickets, he did not break any rule, he had not done any mistake - then, why was he thrown out of the compartment? His mistake was - he was an Indian, and the color of his skin was black. He became the victim of racial discrimination.

That happened when he was in Durban, South Africa in 1893. He was there to fight a case of his client Dada Abdulla, one of the wealthiest Indian merchants in Natal. He took him to the Durban court. There, a European magistrate ordered Gandhi to take off his turban. He refused to do so and left the court.  That was nothing. It was just a beginning of the humiliation and injustice.

One day, he was traveling from Durban to Pretoria. When his train reached Maritzburg station late in the evening, he was ordered to shift from the first class compartment to a van compartment. He had a first class ticket, so he refused. On this, he was thrown out of the compartment with sort of abuses and humiliation.

His color, appearance and origin were mocked. Without any alternative, he had to spend the whole terribly cold night in the dark waiting room without enough cloth with him. That was a horrible experience of humiliation for him.  That behavior of white people angered him. He brooded over the situation throughout the night.

We are taught that any sort of anger is dangerous. But, this is not always true. Anger is nothing but a different form of energy. No energy is good or bad, but its utilization. The presence of anger in you is an indication of the presence of energy in you. And that energy always looks a way out. If it is suppressed, it causes various physical and mental ailments, if it is released abruptly, it causes the social disturbances.

But, when this energy is channelized, an amazing work can be taken from it. Gandhi used that energy for a great reform. He changed his anger into resolution. He chose to fight against the racial discrimination, which was taking place in South Africa on Indians. He found the channel to release his anger which was justifiable in the eyes of human rights.

In 1896, he came to India for a short time and gathered 800 people to help him in South Africa. He left for South Africa with those people. When he reached South Africa, the white people attacked him with bricks, eggs, and slogans. He was bitten with sticks. He was injured. Despite that, he did not break his resolution; rather that incident intensified his determination.

After fighting for 21 years for the racial discrimination and injustice in South Africa, he sailed back India in 1915. To understand the situation of India, he took a tour of India. When he had returned from South Africa, he was in a well-sewed suit. By observing the situation of Indian during his tour, he decided to use the clothing and lifestyle of the average people. Since then he started wearing a loincloth (Dhoti) and sandals.

He simplified his life in all means. He regulated his food habits. He started observing Brahmacharya, the celibacy. Even he had distant himself from his wife. He did not have any greed for name, fame, post, position, money. He had uplifted himself from all these mean things. His only goal was to make India free from the atrocity and injustice of the British rule. He feared nothing except God.

Due to his selfless service towards the humanity, simple life, and high thought, he was given an honorary title of Mahatma, the great soul, by Rabindra Nath Tagore, the first winner of the 1913 noble prize of literature. For millions of the people, Gandhi was a holy man. However, he did not like the title as it was sounding something special for him while he had viewed himself as an ordinary. 

He was humiliated. That angered him. He recognized the energy in him in the form of anger. He mulled over it and converted the energy of his anger into the resolution. With determination and non-violence, he fulfilled his resolution by making India free from the atrocity of the British rule. That makes a shy Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi to Mahatma Gandhi, one of the greatest influential leaders in the history of the world.

Do you have that irritating parasite of pearl inside you?

Do you know how the pearls are made?  A parasite gets inside the shell and causes irritation, and the oyster throws a sort of enamel around it, and that makes the pearl. The parasite enters inside the shell along with the drop of water of Swati Nakshatra. Without the irritation of the parasite along with the water of the Swati Nakshatra, the process of creating pearl cannot be completed.

If you want to achieve something very great in your life, first of all, you must have that parasite in the form of thought or idea inside you which should keep irritating you to take the action to develop the pearl inside you.

Let the parasite of success and accomplishments enter inside you, you enamel it, after some time, that irritated parasite becomes a pearl, the valuable one. The oyster has no value, the pearl inside it has.

Similarly, your birth as a human body made of bones, flesh and blood have no value until you take one concrete goal in your life and let its parasite enamel the opportunity and convert into a pearl. The people throw the exhausted oyster, but they keep the pearl very safe, they use it as ornaments.

Your body would be exhausted and disintegrated and thrown like an oyster, but the pearl of your wisdom, intellect and deeds would be kept safe, it will keep helping in decorating the lives of millions as an ornament.

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

कान पकड़ के उठक बैठक - आखिर क्या मतलब है इसका?

आज फिर तुम अपना होम वर्क करके नहीं आये, आज मैं कुछ नहीं सुनने वाला, चलो कान पकड़कर उठक बैठक करो, और कसम खाओ कि आज से होमवर्क पूरा करके लाओगे। याद आया-- स्कूल के मास्टर जी की बात। कम से कम एक बार, सबको कान पकड़कर उठक बैठक, या कान पकड़कर कसम खाने का या आज से मैं यह नहीं करूँगा, कान पकड़ता हूँ - ऐसा मौका तो जरूर आया होगा।

क्या कभी आपने सोचा है कि - कान पकड़कर ही उठक बैठक या कान पकड़ता हूँ, ऐसा नहीं करूँगा, सॉरी, ही क्यों कहा जाता है? आखिर कान पर इतना जोर क्यों दिया जाता है? क्या मतलब है इसका?

हम मनुष्य के पास दो कान और एक मुँह होता है । मुँह से भोजन करना, चबाना, पीना, बोलना, हँसना आदि क्रियाएं की जाती है। मुँह एक और काम अनेक। कान दो है, लेकिन काम सिर्फ एक - श्रवण करना। इसका मतलब जितना हम बोलते है, उसका कम से कम दुगुना हमको सुनना चाहिए। दो कान और एक मुह प्रकृति की बनावट है। प्रकृति का हर एक बनावट महत्वपूर्ण होता है। प्रकृति चाहती है कि हम ज़्यादा से ज़्यादा श्रवण करे।

श्रवण इतना महत्पूर्ण है कि वेद को भी श्रुति बोला जाता है। वेद का ज्ञान अंतरात्मा को सुनने से ही प्राप्त हुई है। जबतक आदमी सुनेगा नहीं, तबतक सीखेगा या समझेगा नहीं। बिना सही से सुने किसी बात पे विचार नहीं हो सकता, तबतक विचार नहीं होगा, नया खोज-बिन नहीं हो सकता, और बिना नया खोज-बिन के विकास संभव नहीं । मनुष्य अज्ञानी के अज्ञानी ही बना रह जायेगा, ज्ञान की प्राप्ति कदापि नहीं हो सकती। जबतक ज्ञान की प्राप्ति नहीं होती, चाहे कोई भी बिषय हो, मनुष्य को आगे बढ़ने का आत्मविश्वास कदापि नहीं आ सकता।

जिस परिवार या समाज में बोलने वाले ज़्यादा होते है, और सुनने वाले कम, उस परिवार या समाज में कभी शांति नहीं रहती , कलह ज़्यादा होता है। जबतक आप एक-दूसरे को सुनेगे नहीं, तबतक एक -दूसरे को समझ नहीं सकते, जबतक समझेगे नहीं तबतक कोई भी समस्याओ का हल नहीं निकल सकता।

श्रवण इतना महत्वपूर्ण है कि भगवत गीता के पहले पाठ में सिर्फ अर्जून बोल रहे है और भगवान श्री कृष्ण सुन रहे है । अर्जून की पूरी दुबिधा पूरी तरह से सुनने और समझने के बाद, श्री कृष्ण ने भगवद गीता का ज्ञान अर्जून को दिये । अर्जून ने भी इसे पूरी तरह से सूने और समझें, तभी तो वह इस ज्ञान रूपी तलवार से अपने सारी दुबिधा के बंधनो को काट डाले, और वही किये जो उस वक्त उचित था।

जब इंसान से बार बार भूल हो रही है, या एक ही गलती को वह बार बार दुहरा रहा है, इसका मतलब यह है कि आदमी काम की बाते कम सुन रहा है, और इधर-उधर की बातें ज़्यादा बोल रहा है। ऐसे में इंसान से गलतियां तो होगी ही।  

जब गलतियां होगी तो मनुष्य अपने बचाव के लिये झूठ का सहारा लेगा। एक झूठ दूसरे झूठ को आमंत्रित करता है।  इस तरह मनुष्य अपने ही बुने हुए झूठ के जाल में फस कर ज़िन्दगी के सारे सुनहरे संभावनों को नष्ट कर देता है। इसके बाद वह अपनी व्यथा सारी दुनिया को सुनाने निकलता है। उसकी तकलीफ और ज़्यादा बढ़ जाती है जब कोई उसको सुनने वाला नहीं मिलता।

शिकायत करना व्यर्थ है - तुमने कभी किसी का सुना है कि तुम्हारा कोई सुनेगा। सुनना बहुत कठिन काम है, और जिसको यह कठिन काम आ गया, समझो वह अपनी जीवन को समझ गया।

इसलिए कोई गलती हो तो हम कान पकड़ते है, ताकि, इस गलती के इशारे को सही से सूने और समझें। सही से समझ जाने पर एक ही गलती की पुनरावर्ती बार बार नहीं होती। 

कान पकड़कर उठक बैठक करना या कान पकड़कर कसम खाना मतलब श्रवण शक्ति पर जोर देना। इसके साथ ही, कान की नाज़ुक नसे मस्तिष्क के तन्तुयो से जुडी होती  है। कान को छूने से, मस्तिष्क की तंतुए सक्रीय हो जाती है। इससे फायदा यह होता है कि  श्रवण शक्ति में इज़ाफ़ा होने के साथ-साथ मस्तिष्क की ग्राह शक्ति भी बढ़ जाती है।

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

A seed of thought

There are different flowers in one garden. They are flourishing their own way. They have a different color, fragrant and size. The sky is the same, the earth is the same, the wind is the same, the water is the same, the sun is the same, the moon is the same and the gardener is the same for everyone. But the rose is becoming a rose, the jasmine is becoming the jasmine, the marigold is becoming the marigold.

Why is it happening? If all the sources are the same, they should have the same color, the same shape, the same fragrant. But not. All are different. They are growing differently. What is the secret in it?

The secret is in its seed. The seed has the capacity to take the energy of the natural resources and design their own shape, color and fragrant.  The sky, the earth, the wind, water, the sun and moon are equal for everyone. They are continually providing their energy to all living beings. These resources do not force anyone, they do not stop anyone, and even they do not play any role in shaping anyone.  Living beings are absolutely free to take from it according to their basic design and shape their existence.

Humans are same. They have the same sky, earth, sun, moon, wind, water. They are made of the same five elements. But their nature and behavior are not the same. That differs. Some are very successful and living a meaningful life and others are living in destitute despite having the same natural resources which are free for everyone. What does make the different?

Again, the seed. Our thought works as a seed. And the seed of our thought designs the tree of our life. According to the nature of the seed, it takes only those energies which are good for their growth.  The seed of negative tendency draw the negative energy and the seed of the positive tendency draw the positive energy. There is no way, but by changing the seed of the thought, a great tree of life laden with fruits and flowers can be created.

Monday, 26 September 2016

Why is the number 8 associated with Lord Krishna?

 Lord Krishna is the incarnation of lord Vishnu. He is one of the widely revered gods in Hindu pantheon. He is seen as the best lover in Vrindavan and the best strategic in the battlefield of Kurukshetra. Whether he is with his Gopis in the middle of the meadow or with his enemies in the middle of the battlefield, one thing is common - his mystic smile on his face. That much of diversity has not been seen in any other incarnation of lord Vishnu.

If you observe, you will find that lord Krishna is associated number 8.
He is the 8th incarnation of lord Vishnu
His is the 8th sons of Devaki and Vasudeva
He took birth on the 8th day (Ashtami) of the Krishna Paksha
Krishna had mainly eight wives, he is called Ashtabharya(Ashta = eight, bharya = wife).
He had 16100 gopis (1 + 6 + 1 = 8)
He had 80(8 + 0 = 8) sons from his 8 wives.
He lived for 125 (1+2+5 = 8) years.

Let us understand the significant of associating of number 8 with lord Krishna.

In numerology, the number 8 represents infinity and everything good in the universe which is infinite. It is the number of supplying of infinity and abundance without any lack - infinite wisdom, infinite prosperity, infinite love, infinite joy, and infinite happiness. In other words - it is the number of the completeness and unending abundance.

The number 8 have no ending and it loops back itself. No one knows where it starts and where it ends. Like number 8, no one knows what is hidden in the mystic smile of lord Krishna. Like infinity, lord Krishna cannot be understood.

There are 8 Rasas or emotions of drama (love, humor, sadness, anger, courage, fear, horror, and wonder). Lord Krishna is the master of Raslila. The science of Yoga has eight limbs, the ashtanga yoga or the eight-limbed yoga. The ashtanga yoga is the considered the complete yoga. And he is known as Yogiraj . The best form of salutation to the deity is considered the eight-fold salutation (shashtanga namakaskaram). He is that deity.

There are 8 forms of Laxmi. Laxmi is the consort of lord Vishnu. The persons who have got the blessings of these eight forms of Laxmi, he is considered a complete man. These eight forms of Laxmi are the eight Shaktis of Lord Vishnu. And in Krishna incarnation, these eight Shaktis became his eight wives. He is Pati (husband) of these eight forms. Pati means owner. That means - he is the owner of the completeness and infinity.

He is considered a complete incarnation of lord Vishnu. He is above of all the finite existence. He is above of all duality - pain or pleasure, happiness and distress, victory or defeat, love or hatred. He is the complete. He is a knower of the infinity. And the knower of the infinity, never bewildered with finite and its upheaval. His mystic smile expresses that. The number 8 is the best-suited indication of his personality.

Sunday, 25 September 2016

What do you do with your spare time and energy?

Sohan was expressing his view to his friend, Mandeep - "I want to do many things in my life, but I am not getting time for anything significant. Nothing great is taking place in my life, which is frustrating me." Mandeep also expressed his consent saying - "you are true, time is flying like anything, I also want to do many things, but unable to manage my time for any significant work." They discussed and accepted that they cannot get time for any significant work.

Next day, they found discussing the movie which was released recently and they were giving their review in it. And sometimes, they were fighting in the name of their favorite actors and their movies. They spent hours on the unnecessary discussion. They did not realize that those discussions are absolutely unnecessary in their life, it is no way related to anything else. That is just wastage of time.

Another day, they were found on discussing politics in which they did not know much. When they found alone, they were busy in social media apps. And reading and thinking about those things, which validity is in question. In this way, they were wasting their valuable time in those things which did not make any positive changes in their personality.

This is not a matter of Sohan and Mandeep, this is the story of many of us. We want to do many significant things in our life, but give the excuse of nonavailability of time and energy. The significant result cannot be attained in life, by wasting time and energy on something insignificant.

If you observe and calculate your time and energy, you will find that you never lacked the time and energy for doing something great in your, but you failed to recognize the wastage of your time and energy on those things which did not give anything in return except irritation, frustration, worry, anxiety, and tension.
When you lose your time and energy on unnecessary things, and when you realize, you get nothing but the frustration.

Most of us waste our 90% of the time in 90% unnecessary things, which is absolutely have no value in our life except adding the negative trait in our personality. It is very important to keep the account of your time and energy where you spend and why. It is far more important than keeping the account of your money where you spend. The lost money can be earned, but not the lost time and energy. The usage of your spare time and energy is the deciding factor of your personality and success.

Friday, 23 September 2016

From Slave to Salvation

If you observe carefully, you will find that everything, visible and non-visible, from sub-atomic particles to gigantic stars, is struggling for the freedom. Moon is struggling to come out from the orbit of the earth. The earth is struggling to come out from the orbit of the sun. The sun is continually running away to get the freedom.

No one wants bondage. Freedom is a natural quest for all living beings. Be happy, be happy and be happy. But, how can the happiness be attained without freedom? We generally do the mistake of understanding a temporary pleasure as happiness.

A Human sees an opposite sex and attached to that. Instantly, he becomes a slave of sex. He surrenders to it. He is a slave of intoxication. He says no to intoxication in the beginning, but with a little persuasion, he consumes it. He is the slave of money. He is a slave of fame and name. He is a slave of maintaining his social status. He is a slave of his conditioned mind. He is a slave of his unbridled senses. 

Until and unless you become the master of your mind and senses, you cannot get the freedom from anything in this world. Every time and everywhere your mind and senses make you be a prey of the circumstances. Human is entangled everywhere. He is surrounded by the slavery. When his slavery is appreciated in one or another form, he gets temporary pleasure. From the next day, he is the same slave carrying the burden of the world in his mind in order to maintain his superficial imagined self-image.

 For the absolute happiness, an absolute freedom is required. But question arises – is, really, such kind of freedom possible to experience an absolute happiness?

All the living and celestial beings are bound by the Karma. They cannot do but to attach to whatever the role has been given to them or designed for them. A lion can do nothing but to hunt, he cannot learn and make a nest like birds. A mango tree is programmed to produce mango, nothing else. The moon has no choice, but to revolve around the earth and the earth has no choice, but to revolve around the sun. But, this is not the case with the human body and mind.

Humans have the potential to get the freedom. The ultimate purpose of the soul is to get freedom from all kind of bondage created by different kinds of the influences of the mind. As a human, you should have freedom to choose your own thought.

You should have a choice over what you should do and what not according to your personality and temperament. You must be free and strong enough to reject the influence of the thought of others on you. You must be free to choose the lifestyle the way you want, not something imposed by someone. 

You must be free from fear of losing something in your life. You must hold your mind free to flow the supernatural thoughts in it.  Cut the strings of the various bondages and limitations of your life with the sword of knowledge to fulfill the sworn of the complete freedom of human life. You must be free to choose the life the way you want without caring for the initial obstructions.

Be whatever you want to be in your life, but do not bind or identify yourself with anything temporary. Not identifying you with anything external is the sign of freedom. The moment you bind yourselves with your wealth, post, position, name and fame, you become the slave.  And the food of happiness is never served on the plate of the slaves.

Strive for the freedom from the various bondages created in your life with your conditioned mind. Only the freedom gives the nectar of happiness and opens the door to salvation.