Saturday 8 October 2016

The destination is not different from the source

Nothing is straight in this universe. Everything forms a circle. You throw a stone in the sky; you will find that it is forming a complete circle. If there is no obstruction, it will meet the point from where it was released. The reason of the rain is the water of the ocean, it evaporates and goes up, takes the form of cloud and it rains. That water takes the form of a river. That river meets with an ocean. In this way, the water of ocean meets the ocean. Water completes a circle.

A drop of water is not different from the ocean. The drop came out of the ocean and completed a circle and became an ocean again. A plant takes the nutrition from the earth, becomes a tree. It becomes old with time, dissolves and becomes the earth again. It meets from where it was started.

The stars and planets emerge from the nebulae, and when they dissolve becomes the nebulae again. The nebulae come from atoms, and when nebulae dissolve, it becomes atom. Nebulae, stars, planets and this universe is nothing but atoms. It came out from the atom and again it becomes the atom. The name and form are very temporary and fragile. A human body is made of five elements (space, air, fire, water, earth). And again it merges into the five elements. And these five elements are nothing but the combination of sub-atomic particles.

After the death of the human body, the elements are not destroyed rather it is disintegrated into small particles. Body made of particles dissolves and becomes the particles again. If these particles are combined together in that proportion, the same body can be created which existed thousand years ago. 

From where the things come by completing a circle goes back to the source only. This is the law of nature, true for everything visible and non-visible.

What we think either for us or for others, at last, it comes to the source. If we think negative for someone or something, it comes and hit back us only. It does not go anywhere. There is no other way but to return back to the source after completing a circle.  

If we think positive, the positivity comes and hit back. The basic of nature never get destroyed. It appears new every time when we see it, because of the changing of its form.  Similarly, our thoughts never get destroyed. It permanently takes the dwell inside us whether we remember it or not. Once you think about something, it is registered forever. And those various registered thoughts work as a fuel in driving our life.

We all have come from the same source; all the name and form are temporary. By completing a circle, we have to go back and merge with the source, the supreme God.  Everyone emerges from the same source. And the destination of everyone is nothing but the source only. The path between the source and destination keeps changing according to the deeds and thoughts of the humans. Good deeds and thoughts provide a smooth, comfortable and enjoyable path to drive the vehicle of life, and bad one provides the path accordingly.

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