
Thursday, 20 September 2012

Failure Direct Us Towards Grand Success

No one likes failure in his life. But failure is an inevitable reality. The failure gives the real identification of the individuals. A mediocre person becomes pompous on success and frustrated on failure. We should not forget that neither success nor failure is final. The sane person always remains equi-poised in both success and failure. Failure or success or ups and downs are akin to the weather that comes and goes at regular intervals. Every season has its own importance on the nature to keep it balanced; similarly, the failure and success have the equal importance in our life to keep our life in control and balanced.  The failure comes in our life to teach and test us for the impending success. The intensity and dimension of our success depends upon the intensity and dimension of the failure, and the prowess of the individuals to surmount it. The failure teach us what not to do next time, which is very crucial otherwise our life would be merely a merry- go-round.
There are 1,093 patents against Thomas Alva Edison`s name. He has founded 14 big companies. He was deaf and had only three months of formal education. During the invention of the electrical bulb, he got the success in 1000 trials. On asking, he declared that “There were 1000 steps to reach this goal”. 999 filaments just did not work, and taught, not to use these filaments for the next trial in this pursuit. That wise and gentle man did not see any failure in any of his inventions; these were just steps and learning for the next grand success in his pursuit.
Abraham Lincoln, 16th president of USA. He confronted multiple successive fiascos in his life, but he never dampened his spirits.  He tried for the next and next and next pursuit with the same zeal and passion. He had born in an abject pauper family. Due to a land dispute, the Lincoln`s family were forced to leave their home. To support the family, young Lincoln had to do some low profile job. After two year of migration, his mother died. He started his own business but it got failed. He contested for an election, but there was breakdown too. He lost job and wanted to complete his law degree, but was of no luck. He took some loan from his friends to start a new business again. Within one year, that business ended with bankrupt. He kept paying the loan to his friends for next 17 years. Again, he contested for an election, as above, he got defeated. He got engaged, but soon after his fiancée died. He fell sick critically and could not left the bed for six months. He contested for a state assembly speaker election, but over again fiasco. He fought for the Congress and got defeated again. Second time, he fought for the congress and at this time, he won the election, he reached to Washington and did a fantastic job there. Again, he fought for congress, despite his good work, he got beaten once more. He applied for a land officer job, but he got rejected there too. He stood for Senate, but this time also failure. He fought for vice-president; he got less than 100 votes and got defeated. Again he fought for Senate and got defeated yet again. In 1860, he fought for the presidential election, and at this time, he got a grand success and became 16th president of USA, the highest position in the country. He has been remained a great inspiration for the generations, especially for those who get easily perplexed by the failures.
He confronted 8 times defeat in election. Two times, big failure in his business. He faced his acute health issue. Despite multifarious failures and difficulties in his life, he never got dishearten. And at last, he was awarded with the deserving president of USA. Truly, failure is not to obstruct us but to instruct us towards the grand success. Failure is success, if we learn from it. Do not let your success get to your head, and do not let your failure get to your heart.

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