
Saturday, 1 September 2012

Lord Krishna and His 16,108 wives, a symbolism

Lord Krishna had 16,108 wives. Many people scoff this idea of having 16,108 wives of lord Krishna and performing Raas Leela in the Jungle in the night with Gopis, the milkmaids, who were wives of others, and Hindus worship Him as a God and call Him Yogiraj!

The Hindu Mythology is not merely an allegory, rather it conveys the puissant message through various stories and symbolism. Those many wives and Gopis are the symbolism of different kinds of sensual pleasures, the Vasanas. 

Can any human being be completely free from all kinds of Vasanas.
Absolutely not. It may not be visible in action due to the various rules, laws or social pressures, but it remains in the thought and imagination of the humans.

Even majority of the people want to involve in promiscuity. The law of the land is not permitting the pre-marital affairs, otherwise, humans can go up to any extent for their sensual pleasure. 

No law, no tradition, no custom, no rule and regulation can stop anyone from thinking and imagining. When the thoughts are converted into action, then it is decided whether it is legal or illegal, ethical or unethical. 

Humans are absolutely free to think and imagine what he can. There is no punishment for thinking and imagination. You can think anything anytime. In fact, the thought and imagination cannot be stopped, it incessantly flows in our mind. However, it can be given a specific direction by regulating the mind. 

In Vrindavan, Lord Krishna plays flute in the night, and Gopis, the milkmaids, even though they are entangled in the customs of marriage, they come to lord Krishna in the Jungle in the night and dance. 

Lord Krishna, in the centre, plays his flute and Gopis form a complete circle around Him. All the Gopis are equally enjoying the flute and the company of Lord Krishna, without any fear of night, jungle, and customs. The moment, any of the Gopis tries to come near Krishna tries to enjoy more than others, the circle breaks, and the existence of centre point vanishes, and Lord Krishna disappears.  

Without a centre, a circle cannot be imagined. Without it(the centre, lord Krishna), there would be chaos, fear of night, jungle and custom. And in fear, no one can enjoy anything. The focus of life would be fear.

Lord Krishna is the embodiment of soul, the enjoyer, and the sound of his flute is the divine call. This reinforces that no one can deprive of the desire of different kinds of sensual pleasures (Vasanas). But that should be in discipline, controlled and balanced way to avert the chaos, fear and other various problems occurs due to it. 

The various sensual pleasures(Vasanas), in the form of Gopis, are dancing around Lord Krishna in a complete circle, not Krishna dancing around them. No one touches him.  The moment, any of them tries to touch him, he disappears. 

He lives in ecstasy, because, he controls the Vasanas, not Vasanas control him. Yog and celibacy or enunciation do not mean the absence of Vasanas. The lives of great people, sages, yogis or rishis are not absent of Vasanas. Vasanas are there, but they have controlled the Vasana, Vasana has not controlled them. 

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