Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Correct Your Inner Eyes to See Your True Potential

One person was describing about the sun to a blind person. He described about the sun, his quality and his necessity for all the creatures on the earth. By hearing this beautiful elucidation about the sun, the blind man got so mesmerized that he wished to meet the sun. He left his residence in the search of the sun. He kept asking about the sun and his address to every person whom he was meeting. He was in the impression that the sun was a person, and would be staying somewhere else like us, and he was confident that he would definitely meet with the sun, who helps the nature to exist without asking anything in back. The person was almost drained in searching for the sun, no one was able to make him understand about the sun, he was asking for, is not a human being. 

At last, he met a wise person and asked the address of the sun. The person immediately understood the problem of the blind man. He came to know that this person has misunderstood the sun. The wise person advised to the blind man,” you need not to search the address of the sun, the sun is available everywhere, due to your blindness, you are not able to see him. You need an eye doctor who can treat your eye to see the sun.”

We also are searching for the happiness, peace and harmony outside. When we hear about the peace, happiness and harmony, its explication looks attractive; we all want to acquire it. But we behave like the blind man, and try to find somewhere outside, where we do not get, above all we get whacked and frustration.  We forget that we need to correct our inner eyes to see the true treasure hidden within us, to get peace, happiness, success and harmony. The true potential is right there within you, just develop the eye to see that to get is used to claim the treasure hidden within you.

Monday, 29 April 2013

Be Progenitor of Your Life

Most of the people talk about others than themselves. They do more study about other`s life than themselves. This is quite convenient for the person to suggest ideas to others, people enjoy it, because, they are not directly involved in the profit or loss for that idea and its implementations. These are the herald of a mediocre people. If you concentrate on others more than yourselves, no one concentrate on you. If you are not concentrating or giving value to yourself then to whom you are thinking to give you value. Focus on your activities and give on it your 100% percent, you will become center of attraction. Be progenitor of your life, take it seriously, if you do not take yourself, your career, your health, your life the way you want seriously, no one take you seriously.

Thinking about you, does not mean you are self-centered person. I am not suggesting you to go around the world and start giving boastful talk about you to others. No one likes it. Be genuine and honest about yourself. Focus on your true self, what kind of person you are right now, and what kind of potential is hidden within you. What kind of person you can be, what kind of success you can get in your life, how you can use your energy and potential to get maximum out of the life without violating others right. How you can help others who are less fortune than you. Concentrate on those. You cannot help someone without helping yourself. Help yourself first; make yourself stronger in the profession you are involved in. Your work should get the recognition by your deeds, not the vice-versa. Be the progenitor in everything you take in your hand. Many people look for an opportunity to tell about their achievements to others. You do not be the part of that crowd, who live their life on the basis of boastful talk and lie. You achieve something significant in your life, so that, people come and know about you, you should not go and give your own introduction about you and your achievements; your presence should be your introduction. The mediocre persons gives only boastful talk, the efficient person do not require it to prove their skills, achievements, and potentials. Develop all the skills in you, which you like in others. Be the true leader of your life, go for what you like the most in your life, not for that which is imposed by others. Do not give up your life on chance, organize your energy and potential and get maximum positive out of your life.

Thursday, 25 April 2013

What Should I Do With My Energy?

The whole cosmos is the form of energy and information. The cosmos are made of the particles. All the particles have the mass and energy. We are the part of the cosmos. We have also the mass and energy. Our body is made of the cells, which provide energy to us. It means we all have the stupendous of power; energy and potential hidden with us. The energy hidden within us is so tremendous power to do even beyond our imagination. The energy remains in latent, to get the work done from this energy, we need to invoke and awaken the energy. These are the potential power; our effort is needed to convert the potential power into equivalent kinetic power, to see the physical result of our latent energy.

We got to know that we have the prodigious of energy, now we need to think that what we are going to do with this energy. The energy is neither negative nor positive, its use makes so. If we are not using and proving appropriate direction to this energy, it will take the path of its comfort which may not be beneficial for us. To make the best use of our energy, we must set a goal in our life; we must have the chief aim in our life. Then make a plan how you can achieve your goal. Then invoke your energy to help you to reach your goal. If you have not set any goal in your life and you invoke your energy, it will be destructive only. The energy without being used in proper way may compel you to fall you in the loop of intense mental conditions.

The juvenile delinquencies are increasing globally. The juvenile are full of energy. The energy is looking for the path. In the failure of the providing the definite path of the energy, it takes any path which looks easy, and hence the crime are increasing at the substantial level. If these juvenile energies are organized and given a right direction, the fate of the nation can be changed. But unfortunately, the route of the energy is derailed. The success or failure in your life depends upon the organizing your energy and providing the chosen direction. One person may be full of energy and knowledge, but not necessarily, he would be successful. Your energy and knowledge work for you and help to achieve your goal in your life, only if, it is organized and used in proper way. Good news is that, we have all the required energy; we need not to go anywhere to acquire it. Just we have to learn how to use that.

Monday, 22 April 2013

Thoughts Make Us to Act

Two persons were sent to a solitude place at a pitch dark night. One person was told about the ghost at that place in such a way that the person had not any other choice but to believe it as a true. Another was told about the ghost in a reverse way. He was convinced like that, the ghost does not exist at all, and he believed that. Both the persons had not seen the ghosts. But by repetition about ghost with emotion, one person trust and put it into his Sub-Conscious Mind (SCM). And whatever stuff we put into our SCM, without making any distinction, it executes. After returning from that place, their BP and heart rate were different. Even though, the first person was trying himself not to get scared at that place, but he could not stop his nervous system, because, it was programmed in his SCM with faith. Emotion with faith works miraculously in programming our SCM.

If you want to accomplish any work in your life, you have to do only one thing is to convince your SC mind. Rest things would be taken care by itself. It will drag you towards your goal. It will convert your statement into an equivalent physical possession. Our conscious mind has the option to choose or discard any thought or idea coming through. But there is no option of selecting or rejecting the thought or idea for SCM. It conceives the thought or idea with the same potential and energy and executes. Our SCM does not take anything unless it is convinced with faith. You can convince your SC mind by constant repetition with unwavering faith and emotion. Our SC mind does not make any distinction between reality and imaginary, positive and negative, whatever you put into it with faith, it converts into equivalent physical reality. If someone wishes for something, repeats for something but without faith, he will not get the success, without faith our SC mind does not get persuaded or convinced.

To get achieved your major goal in your life, you have to convince your SCM. Think always about the life you want, not the life you do not want. If you want good health, think about the health, not the disease. Health and disease do not co-exist. Keep faith for impending success and always keep repeated with an appropriate emotion. Feel and imagine that you have already achieved your goal. In this ways, your SCM start stimulating and get convinced. Now it is the task of SCM mind to convert your thought into action and result. In this way, it is our thoughts with unwavering faith make us to act. And for our every action, we get an equivalent result. This is so simple law, by understanding and implementing this, anyone can get the share of the success in his life. Life is a beautiful gift of God, do not squander it.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

शक्ति जागरण

पुरुष और प्रकृति एक दूसरे के पूरक है। पुरुष यानि आत्मा, प्रकृति यानि शक्ति। अपने कर्मो को पूर्ण करने के लिए आत्मा को शरीर चाहिए , शरीर यानि कर्मक्षेत्र,  आत्मा यानि कर्ता, और कर्ता को कर्मक्षेत्र  में  कार्य करने के लिए शक्ति चाहिए।  पुरुष अगर कर्ता है, तो प्रकृति क्रिया। क्रिया करने के लिए कर्ता की ज़रूरत होती है, और बिना क्रिया के कर्ता की कोई पहचान नहीं होती। किसी नए निर्माण के लिए कर्ता और क्रिया दोनों का होना ज़रूरी है। हमारा निर्माण भी कर्ता और क्रिया के संयोग से ही हुआ है, यानि हमारे अंदर कर्ता(पुरुष) और क्रिया (शक्ति) दोनों विद्यमान है। इस प्रकार हम मनुष्य के अंदर भी एक नई श्रृष्टि की  वीज छुपी हुई है।  पूरा ब्रह्माण्ड शक्ति का एक प्रारूप है। मनुष्य इस ब्रह्माण्ड का एक हिस्सा है। एक छोटा ब्रहमांड हम मनुष्य के अंदर भी है। इस प्रचंड ब्रह्माण्ड को समझने के लिए,  हमारे अंदर विद्यमान ब्रह्माण्ड को समझना ज़रूरी है। जिस प्रकार  प्रचंड ब्रह्माण्ड शक्ति का एक प्रारूप है, उसी प्रकार हमारे अंदर भी अथाह शक्ति का भंडार है। जो शक्ति हमारे अंदर विद्यमान है, वह सुषुप्त अवस्था में है। इस शक्ति को उपयोग में लाने के लिए हमे उस शक्ति को जागृत करना पड़ता है। आत्मा कोई स्त्रीलिंग या पुलिंग नहीं है। आत्मा अपने कर्मो के अनुसार स्त्रीलिंग या पुलिंग शरीर धारण करता है। स्त्री या पुरुष कोई भी, अपने छुपे हुए शक्ति को जगा सकता है, और अपने जीवन के लक्ष्य को प्राप्त कर सकता है, और ख़ुद अपने जीवन का निर्माण कर सकता है। 

नवदुर्गा के अवसर पर, देवी जागरण का अर्थ ही यही होता है, कि अपने अंदर छूपे शक्ति को जागृत करना। नवदुर्गा यानि नव निधि। नव प्रकार के विभिन्न शक्तियों का जागरण करना। माँ दूर्गा सिंह पे सवार होकर, असूरो को विनाश करती है। सिंह  साहस और गरिमा का प्रतिक है। हमे यह इशारा करता है, कि हमे अपने अंदर छुपे अथाह शक्ति को जागृत करना चाहिए और साहस और गरिमा का सहारा लेकर, अपने अंदर छुपे असूरी प्रवृति को नष्ट करना चाहिए। सिंह लोभ का भी प्रतिक माना जाता है। माँ दुर्गा सिंह को अपने वश के रखती है, यानि लोभ को अपने वश में रखकर ही  दैविक शक्ति का जागरण संभव है। माँ दूर्गा के अनेक भुजाये है,  यह इस बात का प्रतिक है कि मनुष्य के अंदर अनंत कार्य करने की क्षमता है। मनुष्य के अंदर इतनी क्षमता विद्यमान है कि वह अपने शक्ति का जागरण कर दैविक पदवी प्राप्त कर सकता है।

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Achieve Your Purpose Before You Whacked Out

Everyone wants to have a grand success and happiness in one’s life, but very few wise and realized people who understand the science and philosophy of life and success get those, rest remain puzzled. To attract success and happiness in your life, just keep thinking about success and happiness. Be the part of your impending success every moment of your life, in this way, you attract your success and goal towards you. Think how you can improve and which way to expedite your speed to reach your goal. Keep an unwavering faith in you and your set goal. The persons who have achieved the acme of their profession and have converted their dream into equivalent reality, all were had an unwavering faith in their potential and imminent success. The success comes to those who work hard and long with patience and faith.

As a human being, we have both the thoughts negative and positive. Our acts become positive or negative depends upon our dominating thoughts. Keep your positive thought as your dominating thought, and it is possible by surrounding yourself with positive people and acts. The thought vibrations work miraculously on others. So, beware and walk away from negative thoughts, acts and people.

Even though, you did not get the success the way you wanted in your life due to some inevitable circumstance, still you will die with peace, because of giving your honest try. All the results are not in our hand, but giving an honest and genuine try is completely in our hand. If you have not given an honest try for your major motive, your dream in your life, I am sure; you are going to die with guilt, which is vicious.

The person who have achieved a lot, have realized their dream in their life, take more risk. They have less fear for death in their life, they got the realization about the life and death, and they are never confused between the life and the death. They die with peace, as they have either achieved their major purpose or given an honest try from their end. The person, who have not achieved their dream, or not done much achievement in their life, or never given an honest try for the dream to convert into reality, or never taken any risk in their life, always live in fear. They always remain confused between life and death. We have observed that the achievers remains ready to take risk in their life, they know that, with fear no one can enjoy his life. The non-achievers do not want to take any risk in their life and live in constant fear. They do not know that an action dispels the fear. At the last moment of their life, they realize that they have not completed his mission of life, and time is finished, and hence they fear to leave his body, which is mortal, and they look disquiet at the last moment of their life. We do not have the infinite time, we have been given a definite deadline, in this time period, we need to accomplish everything, so that, happily, we can accept the ultimate reality of the life, which is death. The deadline is not far, so think about only your major definite purpose of your life and achieve that before you whacked out.

Monday, 15 April 2013

Problems Occur to Instruct Us not to Obstruct Us

Pandavas converted Khanvaprastha to Indraprastha at the dictation of lord Krishna. All five brothers (Pandavas) were valiant and vigor. The greedy and envious Kauravas wanted to have everything what belongs to Pandavas. They tricked Pandavas in gamble and took all their possessions along with their common wife Draupati. In the presence of lord Krishna, Pandavas got Indraprashth and in his absence they gambled out. Lord Krishna was mystics, he was aware about all the future happenings. He was aware about the impending Great War between Pandavas and Kauravas. Gambling out everything in such a way, was not a good indication for the Pandavas for an upcoming feud fights between the cousin brothers over possession of the property and kingdom. Bhīma and Arjun had become arrogant on their strength and skills. These all qualities were not good at all for the war and ruling over the kingdom. Pandavas had to learn more. On gambled out everything, they had gone 12 years forest exile and one year in incognito.

On their forest exile and losing all the possessions, they were not happy with Kauravas. They felt duped and indignant. They were showing their rage. In the forest, they met with a sage, the sage told them, “you should not be annoyed on Kauravas, it is you who played dice with your wish, and gambled out everything. Rama went for 14 years forest exile, even one year more than you, without his own slipup, even though, he was not irate or calamitous with anyone. You are showing your lividness and melancholy with others, even though, it is all your blunders. You all should not waste your time in thinking about Kauravas, rather, invest your time in learning more skill and maturity, so that, the similar kinds of mistakes cannot be repeated in future”.

In the forest exile, the arrogance of Pandavas was broken out from different-different ways. The arrogance of Bhīma and Arjun was broken by Hanuman. They all worked as a servant also in their incognito in the kingdom of Virat. Arjun met with lord Shiva in disguise and got divine weapon from him. Although, they lived in privation, yet they got the prodigious of maturity and wisdom to handle the approaching victory and rule over the kingdom after that.

If you are getting problems and difficulties on your ways to your set goal, do not get exasperated or irritated and start blaming and criticizing someone, rather, use those periods for self-realization, maturity and wisdom for handling the imminent success in your life. Problems of the life is the gift of the heaven, accept it.  Remembering your struggles and problems of the past prevent you to be pompous and arrogant. Be wise and be equipoised in both the situations good or bad. Learn from the bad situation and bask in the good situation. Getting delayed in your success means, your preparation is not yet competed to handle that success. Keep doing more and more preparation for the success of your desire without squandering your energy and potential in useless incrimination.

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Vehicles of Gods and Goddesses, A Symbolism


The entire cosmos is the form of energy, and the same energy is hidden within us. Energy can be positive or negative, constructive or destructive. It depends, what kind of energy we are invoking and in what kind of circumstances. In Indian mythology, it is represented as goddesses, their weapons and mounts. Different gods and goddesses use distinct vehicles. Vehicles are used to carry an individual from one place to another place. The vehicles of divinities are energies or qualities personifies as animals, birds and mythical beings on which the respective gods have control. By using them intelligently or by riding upon them we can reach the divinities. The vehicles are the means to arrive at some destination with the help of its controlling divinity.

Rat is the vehicle of lord Ganesha. Rat represents our ego and uncontrolled mind. By reducing our ego at the small level, at the rat size, we can overcome of the obstacles. By controlling our mind, we can achieve the super consciousness, the wisdom (lord Ganesha). Tiger or lion is the vehicle of goddess Durga. The tiger or lion is the symbol of majesty and courage. Using these energies or qualities we can invoke Durga to slay the demons of darkness and depression that are hidden in our consciousness. The swan is the vehicle of goddesses Sarasawati and Lord Brahma. The swan personifies the power of discretion. By using this power of discretion we can attain the right knowledge (Sarasawati), and by using the right knowledge, analysis and observation, we can be the creator (Brahma) of our life.

Bull is the mount of lord Shiva. It represents the raw sexual energy or libido. In Tantra, the sexual energy is used to attain the consciousness of Shiva. Laxmi`s mount is owl which represents wisdom and caution, by using which one can invoke Laxmi and attain wealth and prosperity. Snake and hawk are the mounts of lord Vishnu. Snake represents the short-sight and focus on the present work only, and hawk represents far-sight and great vision. Vishnu is a leader and householder. As a leader he needs to have hawk quality, the vision and strategy, and as householder, he needs to be attentive at the present.

Goddesses are the symbolism of the ultimate energy and power hidden within us. By riding on the vehicle of the respective divinities, we can invoke the energies hidden within us, and by these energies, we can reach the highest set aim in our life. Apart from worshipping these female divinities or powers in the temples and homes, seeking their help for material success, we need to know them from a higher perspective and invoke them to achieve higher consciousness and self-realization. And for the self-realized person, there is nothing in this universe to be known.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Purpose Keeps Us Alive

A soldier was in danger, he was unable to walk with his rifles and baggage on the mountain, oxygen was less, it was horrendous to walk on that. He sometimes thought, “Let me finish my life here”. The situation of the border was grim, sight and shoot order was imposed by both the armies after some particular time. By walking on the difficult route with loaded baggage and rifles was very threatening. He was drained and was unable to walk even a single step. He knew that if he put his rifles and baggage on the land to take rest, he could not be able to carry the rifles and baggage and even stand and walk again, means his death was certain. He had to run through the precarious route and reach to his camp before sunrise, otherwise, the enemy soldier would shoot him. His eyes were closing automatically. Whenever he thinks to put his rifle down and finish his life, he remembers his son who was studying and had dream to be a big man, he gets strength and walks faster. He had a genuine purpose in his life to provide the good education to his offspring which compelled him to be alive and not to surrender to the death. Whenever, he was getting demoralized and whacked, the purpose and face of the son was coming before him. The purpose of the soldier kept the soldier alive. The same soldier, while in his duty,  met with a serious accident, and the veins of his right hand got cut by lead bottle. Blood was spurting out, and there was no one at the spot to save him, he himself, ran towards the army hospital. And later he was transferred to the command hospital where he was saved. He completed his service with B category, due to the injury in his hand.

He continued his service, until his son completed his master degree and got a very good job. Soon after, his son settlement, he got voluntary retirement by the strict order from high command for the category B personnel. That was his purpose which encouraged him to live and complete his duty to provide a good education to his son. Once his purpose was completed, he got voluntary retirement, though it was by force from the high command. If there were no purpose in his life, he would have lost his life or job long back.

Without purpose, a person is only taking breath, but he is not alive. The purpose of the life gives us the sense of living and enjoyment of the achievement. You get unparalleled courage to fight with the situation. You never give-up and kneel down to the temporary problems in your life until and unless you accomplish your major purpose in your life. Live your life with purpose, be a soldier and win the battle of life.

Friday, 5 April 2013

Focus on Your Present

After deciding your purpose and making a concrete plan, indulge so much in the present works, so that you do not get time to think about future and past and be worried. The past has gone, cannot be regained, the best thing you can do to learn from the mistake you have done in the past. And we know, our future depends upon the action of the present. Make your present prolific and happy, future would be prolific and happy too. You do not have past or future to take any action or decision, you have only present in your hand to take action and decision. Recognize the time; this is only the propitious time to take action and decision of your life and stick with that, and start walking on that by taking very care of the present step only, you will reach where you want to go in your life. Do not listen much about the person who have not travelled on the path and want to suggest you. They will not do anything in your life but to demoralize you, which is very pernicious in anyone`s life to thrive and be happy and achieve everything in the life what one always wanted to achieve.

 If you think, you will be happy tomorrow, you will enjoy tomorrow, sorry to say that you are thinking in wrong direction. Tomorrow is the subjective truth, and present is the objective truth and reality. By the way, today was yesterday`s tomorrow, it means you got your tomorrow to live your life to the fullest. If you think, when you get rid of all the works, then you will enjoy. Just think, what and when you will enjoy, most of the time in your life, you need to be busy in doing your job to run your family and home, then when you will get time to enjoy. Are you planning to enjoy in your old age? If yes then, again wrong thought. If a person who cannot be happy in the present and young,  then how anyone can think he could be happy and enjoy his life in old age? The happiness and enjoyment is the habit what you have formed and practiced throughout your life. If you have formed and practiced unhappiness throughout your life, then how you can enjoy and be happy in your old age, even though, you would have all the things which you always wanted in your life. Surely, you will not be happy, because habits die hard.

The best time is now, enjoy the work what your handling now, love that, you will  see that you are forming a habit to live happy and enjoy your life along with your work what you are doing right now. You have lost your past, you do not have the control over future, that is uncertain, you have only present in your hand, which allow you to use the way you want to use. You can use it constructively and vividly or you can fritter it in carping and groaning. It is up to you. The more you are focused on time – past and future – the more your miss the now, the most precious thing there is. One thing is very certain, those who cannot enjoy the journey; they also cannot enjoy the destination for a long. The persons who cannot make the present enjoyable and prolific, they cannot make the future happy either, because your future is totally dependent on the present action.

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Lord Hanuman - A Reminder of Human`s Potential

Hanuman is a valiant monkey god. He has stupendous power. Soon after his birth, he flew towards the sun and attempted to gallop him considering a red fruit. Uprooting the trees, tossing the boulder and teasing the sages were his favorite childhood play. He was absolutely uncontrollable. Those activities of Hanuman were annoying and disrupting the sages meditating there in the forest.

Infuriated, a sage cursed Hanuman to forget his all power and strength. On the request of others sages and his parents, the sage reduced the intensity of his curse saying that in his dire need, his power and strength can be used by reminding him his unparalleled power and strength. 

Until and unless the capacity of Hanuman is reminded, his potential remains latent. A situation occurred when someone was required to cross a huge ocean to reach Lanka in the search of Sita, who was abducted by Lanka king Ravana.

Everyone was a hush in silence including Hanuman. Yamavant, a bear warrior, knew the potential of Hanuman and the curse was imposed on him. He reminded Hanuman that the crossing that ocean was nothing before his power and strength. After realizing his power, Hanuman easily crossed the ocean and located Sita, not only this, he incinerated Lanka into ashes when Ravana tried to capture and incarcerated him.

Hanuman Chalisa is nothing but the reminder of the power and strength of lord Hanuman for protecting the humanity from the evil.
We as a human have also such kind of stupendous power and potential to make impossible to possible, to be significantly great, to reach the pinnacle of the chosen profession and make the mountain bow. Not one, two or few people are the owner of such kind of power and potential, rather all of us are blessed with this blessing.

But unfortunately, those power and potential remain dormant. It remains dormant like an atom bomb. The power of a dormant atom bomb cannot be anticipated merely by its size and shape. Its real power manifests when it is activated and explodes. Our power and potential remains latent and useless like Hanuman until and unless someone reminds us about our own capacity. You do not have any idea what the potential you are possessing as a human.

 Most of us are surrounded by people of average tendencies - they talk average, they think average and they do average. They have caged their own potential by their limited thoughts and deeds, and whoever comes in their association, they ensure them to think and act like them – an average and frustrated. Being in the association of such kind of people is a curse for you. You have forgotten your astounding potential. This curse has overshadowed your blessings.

There is only one difference between successful and futile people. The successful people have realized their potential hidden within them. They know – nothing can stand before their potential. And a futile people cannot think than being a slave to someone because they do not have realized their potential.
Like Hanuman Chalisa, human potential is to be reminded again and again until it converts into a firm belief, and what human mind believes can do.

This mythological story is the indication of the latent power hidden in every human. There are power and potential of Hanuman is hidden within everyone that should be reminded and acknowledged to cross the ocean of obstruction of life to meet the set goal as Sita for Hanuman and burn the impurities like Lanka, and break the bondage of limitation as Hanuman did when Ravana tried to bind him.

Monday, 1 April 2013

Align Yourself with Positive and Happy Persons

According to a survey, 80% of people do not like the job what they do, and only 20% people like the job what they do. Most of the heart attacks take place on Monday morning 9 AM. This happens due to stress. The stress or tension occurs where the two opposite forces work. We wanted to do something and we are doing something else which we do not like, hence stress and tension taking place in our life. The stress causes cardiac arrest. Until and unless, we do not choose to do the job what we wanted, we will not get rid of the stress and tension.

When we meet a happy person, our happiness increase by 50%, and if that person`s friend or relatives are happy, our happiness increases 10% more, and if friends of friend`s are happy then our happiness increase 10% more and so on. Even though, we do not know the relatives and friends of that person we are meeting to, still they influence us by their though and emotion. It is happening because, the person to whom we are meeting carrying their thought, emotion with him and that vibration affects us. 80% persons are unhappy with their job and we are daily meeting with them. Their unhappiness affects our emotions and makes us unhappy too.

The best way to be happy is to do what you love and love what you do.  Align yourself with positive and happy person, read the motivational and inspirational books and articles. The thought of the author and the relative persons would affect your though and you will find yourself positively charged. We as a human being usually use our facility of imagination in a wrong way and put ourselves in unnecessary miseries. 90% imagination what we do for past and future which does not exist in reality, these 90% unproductive imagination cause us 90% miseries in our life. Imagination is a gift; use it constructively and always imagine of happiness, you will be happy.