Friday 31 August 2018

The Most Ferocious Creature Is Human

All the existing creatures can be understood but not the human. And what that cannot be understood, cannot be controlled. 

The most cunning and dangerous creature is the human being. By any means, humans cannot be understood properly. They think something, they speak something and they do something. It is very difficult, almost impossible, to find out the reality of any human being. We proudly say that we know many people. But, we know only the reflection of those people, not the reality. The reflection keeps changing from time to time.

A person is very close with you, he spends most of the time with you, he regularly talks with you, however, it is very difficult for you to understand what the exact view and image he has about you. And he cannot understand about you as well. It may be a good view or a bad view of something or someone, but no way the exact view. Whether you appraise someone or criticize someone, you exaggerate in both cases. Someone respects someone, but no way to find out whether it is the real respect or hypocrisy. Human has the only capacity to hide his emotion and nature from someone. But, this is not true with other creatures.

A tiger is a tiger, a lion is a lion, a deer is a deer whether they are in a cage or in a jungle. Their nature remains the same. They do not know how to lie and hide their true nature. That is their weakness. Due to this weakness, they can be understood and controlled. The mightiest animals can be captured and caged. But this is not true regarding a human being. Humans behave differently in different situation. They know how to take the advantage of the situation.

This diversity in nature and the personality of the humans make their personality and nature tough to be understood as it is. We do not carry the reality of any person, but his image which gets captured in our mind. 

In the office, we have a different image among the people and at home different. We cannot be equal to everyone. We behave differently with a different person in a different situation. In public, we are different, and in private, we are different. Which of these personalities and images is the reality? None of these. We are something different which nobody can understand. This mysterious personality and nature of humans make them the most dangerous creature of this planet.

No creature is a threat to nature except the human being. Humans have exploited nature. They have polluted nature. They have created commotion and chaos in nature for satisfying their greed and lust and maintaining their superficial image and devastating ego. So many wars and battles are the evidence of the ferocious, exploiting, dominating and devastating nature of human.

Humans have dominated other creatures. They have snatched their home and freedom of living. They are killing them for satisfying their sensual impulses. Due to human intervention, many creatures are extinct and many are on the verge of extinct.

Pollution, global warming, uneven weather conditions and various natural calamities are the effect of the intervention of the human in the work of nature. In the name of development, humans have sown the seeds of destruction which are growing and started giving its fruits.

Humans have not only dominated and tried to finish other creatures for their greed and sensual pleasure, but also their fellow human beings. The history of the world has seen many pieces of evidence of genocide. Dominating and ruling over others has always been the rudimentary nature of human.  Whenever he gets an opportunity, he tries to dominate others whether by his physical strength, money, knowledge or by any other available sources.

Humans never get satisfaction whatever they get. They desire more and more. They want to feel valuable. And what they think that can give them the value they try for that. They always try to prove valuable and powerful in the front of others by the available means with them. They go for more accumulation and acquisition not for their need but for their greed. 

The resources of nature are sufficient to satisfy the need of all creatures on this planet, however, the entire resources of nature are insufficient to satisfy the greed of even one person.

Humans have polluted almost all the sources which are necessary for the existence of life on this planet. Now, food, water and air all are polluted which are the fundamental needs of all living beings. Everybody had a free access to water, but now, it is being traded. No one can take risk of drinking raw water. That needs to be gone through the various filtering process using chemicals. The air pollution has increased drastically. 

In the coming future, there would be no surprise if, like water and food, oxygen would be traded. Water and air-borne diseases have increased significantly.  For all these conditions, no one but human is responsible.

Humans, out of fear or for dominating others or satisfying their ego, have created many deadly weapons which are sufficient enough to destroy this planet. Humans have put all their effort and hard work in creating insecurity, fear and jeopardy in this world in the name of security and development.

Few people in this world understand that this planet and the human race is in danger and work towards it. The majority is busy in exploiting nature for satisfying their greed and lust. 

This earth and the human race cannot be saved by the effort of a few people. Everybody`s involvement is essential. Everybody must have required education and awareness of the impending danger. This earth belongs to everyone, and this is an equal responsibility of everyone to save the world. Without everybody`s involvement, this earth cannot be saved.

If this is not happening, then the day is not very far when we will destroy our this earth which has been the dwelling place for our forefathers, giving shelter to us, and will nurture to our coming generation, and the human race would also extinct forever like other many species did.

Wednesday 29 August 2018

What Is The Sole Purpose Of Rituals, Images, Stories Or Religions – Why They Exist?

There cannot be smoke without fire. Through the smoke, you can reach the fire. But when you see fog and understand it as smoke and try to find the fire, you cannot get it, and you declare the absence of fire.

Puranas and stories and images and rituals are the smokes of the fire of spirituality. Through which you can reach the fire of spirituality which is continuously burning inside you. When you reach that fire, there would be light and warmth everywhere. In that light, you can see everything as it. Everything would be very clear to you. Nothing can delude or fear you. The delusion and fear exist in the realm of the darkness only.  In the presence of fire, the darkness cannot exist. That is why fire is considered very auspicious. Reaching that fire is the state of enlightenment.

But when you entangle yourselves in the smoke of Purana, stories, rituals and images, you deceive yourself. The illusion and darkness will not go away from your life. That smoke will make the darkness of ignorance and illusion denser. The presence of the religious smoke in the form of Purana, stories, rituals, images, customs, tradition, festivals and various religious congregations is to confirm of the existence of the fire of the spirituality, its direction and method to reach there.

But the method, path and direction must be right and authentic. It should be the smoke of fire of the spirituality, not the fog which appears like smoke, but it is not. That would take you nowhere but in the whirl of darkness. We must be very sure what we follow and believe in.

The fire of spirituality can be reached by anyone by following the right method and path. That person can be religious or irreligious. The only condition is the method, path and direction must be appropriate and authentic. There can be various method and path to reach that fire of spirituality. That is why, various religions, rituals, images and stories are available as a symbol, methods and motivation to reach that fire of spirituality and attain the state of enlightenment where all the differences of the world vanish and oneness appears.

Tuesday 28 August 2018

Marriage Should Be A Seven Year Contract, Not Seven Lives Bond

In Hinduism, in the ceremony of marriage, bride and groom circumambulate the fire for seven times with seven vows and with an emotional oath to carry with the same spouse for the next seven lives.

Humans are not certain of one life and make a promise of carrying the same relationship for seven lives. Most of the people lose their interest in the relationship of marriage in 7 years, some in 7 months, some in even 7 days and we talk to carry the same relationship for seven lives. In the case of incompatibility, most of the relationships are not being carried amicably but being dragged due to some unavoidable compulsion and responsibility. People sacrifice their inherent urge of freedom and happiness at the door of compulsion of responsibility.

We take seven vows during the marriage ceremony, but most of us do not understand what those vows are. Those seven vows of marriage are so idealistic which cannot be fulfilled in one life. That is why you have given seven lives to understand and fulfil those vows which are unrealistic. In this lack of this understanding, we create unnecessary confusion and doubt in our marriage. Doubt and confusion breed conflicts. No wonder, most of the couple spends their most of the life in conflict and quarrel and understanding and ignoring each other at the same time. In marriage, you have only two choices –either you love it or hate it, but you can neither ignore it nor understand it.

We are very courageous people. We never allow anything - let it go. We give a chance to ourselves to understand each other. And one life is very less time for understanding each other.  And without understanding, nothing can be carried out joyously. To carry out this project we extend our deadlines. The deadline is extended up to seven years. Despite the extended deadline, nobody has succeeded in understanding the complexity of marriage. Still, every individual is given an equal opportunity to bang their head to understand the intricacy of this relationship. The more we try to understand it, the more convoluted it becomes.

If you stop trying understanding this relationship, you can carry this relationship for more years, even for the entire life joyously. The cases of divorce are found more in the civilized society than the underdeveloped society, because the former try to understand their relationship, which is not possible, and in this process, they choose other paths to get separated.

Marriage is nothing but a contract between two unknown people to stay together despite any differences and bitterness. The contract is prepared by the society and signed by bride and groom considering god as their witness. Now, you are bounded for seven lives. Live for each other and die for each other. There is no life left in the relationship of many people. Still, they carry their dead relationship, because they are obliged to. That would give nothing but a horrible smell of dead and rotten relationship. In this environment, how one can be happy and joyous…!

By seeing the complications in the marriages in today`s world where people are very ambitious and giving importance to their individual freedom, the concept of marriage for seven lives is not pragmatic. There should be a seven-year marriage contract at maximum. If the couple is comfortable staying together even after seven years of the contract, the contract can be extended for more terms. In this way, there would be more lives in the relationship. You know, you are going to stay with each other for a short period of time only; you will try to live each and every moment joyously. You know, you are not going to get this moment again. Instead of wasting your time in incrimination and recrimination, you will spend a quality time with each other. You would have less expectation from each other. And, where there is less expectation, the relationship lasts for a longer time. When you are comfortable in your relationship, you carry on. If you are not, no need to suffer in correcting each other. Choose your path. Life is very precious; it should not be spoiled the in bitterness of any kind.

Of course, there would be some complication in maintenance and kids. That should be taken care by law and society. Children should be the responsibility of the society where they could be kept away from the family conflict and complications. Every child should be grown equally who can think and work towards making the society and country strong. 

Sunday 26 August 2018

What Makes A Country Powerful?

All the creatures, plants and materials are attached to the earth, because of the gravitational force. If the gravitational is absent even for a moment, the entire world would be a chaos, everything will vanish from here. There is an order in nature because of this unbreakable gravitational force.

Similarly, the constitution of any country is that force which keeps the country in order and provides a new dimension and direction to that country and makes that country a developed and prosperous country. If that force is weak, anyone can break and mould it the way they want. That would create a chaos in the country. No one can be happy and prosperous in such kind of country where the constitution is weak and law and order is at stake.

Nobody could develop a trust in the government and nation. Where is there no trust in the government and nation, everybody would work for themselves, not for the development of the nation. Everybody would have fear and insecurity whether he is poor or rich, white or black, weak or strong. In the fear and insecurity, people would become more selfish and greedy. The corruption would be more. Where there is corruption, the country cannot progress, no matter what potential that country has. Corruption is that harmful bacteria that could cripple the leg of the progress of any country. With a crippled leg, you cannot be the pioneer in the progressive race of the world.

People must have fear of the constitution if they dare to do something illegal. The constitution must be equal for everyone, not in the paper, but in implementation. The way, gravitational force is equal for everyone. It does not matter who falls from the mountain whether he is a sinner or a saint, the same gravitational force is applicable to everyone. Due to this indiscriminative nature of nature, nature is most feared and respected as well.

The constitution of the country must be kept on the top of everything because this force is going to ensure all the citizen of the country to live in peace, prosperity and harmony. This power can make a developing country to a developed country. 

Thursday 23 August 2018

Why Mother Tongue is Called Mother Tongue, Not Father Tongue ...?

Like other animals, humans also started the journey of their lives from the forest. They did know nothing but hunting for their survival. There was no technology, no weapons. Physical strength was everything for them. Running behind the animals, catching them, killing them and eating them – that was their life and routine. Their lives were not better than any animals. They were doing the same things what other animals were doing for their survival. 

They were thinking about the food and running behind the animals only when they felt hungry. In that process, many people were losing their lives out of hunger, because, it was not possible for them to get animals every time they felt hungry. And multiple times they were getting attacked by other ferocious animals and losing their lives and becoming the food of other animals. Everything or everyone in nature is food for something or someone. Either you are using something for your food for your survival or something or someone is using you for the food for their survival. The life expectancy was very less. If you are weak, you become the food, and if you are strong, you make someone or something your food.

Men have some physical advantage, they can run faster and longer and can catch the animals more than women. Externally, the male appears strong and stout, but internally, women are far stronger than men. The ratio of the survival of a female foetus is more than a male foetus. This is because of their internal strength.

People at that time, could not settle in one place, because, they had to travel from one place to another in the search of the animals. Men were somewhat comfortable with that nomad lives, but women were not comfortable with such kind of lives, because of their physical constraint.  There was no concept of storing the food for future and settling in one place because they had no any other known source of food than hunting animals. They had to travel from place to place in the search of their food without any alternative.

Due to the emotional nature of women, they did not like people dying out of hunger. They started thinking about the storing of food. They thought that instead of capturing and killing the animals when we are hungry, why not we go for the hunting when we are well-fed and catch as many animals as we can. Not to kill them, just catch and tie them and when we would feel hungry, we kill and eat them.

Wow..! Great... that is a fantastic idea. By doing so, fewer people would die of hunger. But to convey that idea, a language was required. By that time, no language was developed. They used to communicate through their non-verbal communication. And that non-verbal communication was not sufficient enough to convey that pristine and advanced idea to everyone and convince them for its implementation.

Ladies started working on language. They developed language and taught that to the world. That is why what the language we speak is called mother language or mother tongue, not father language or father tongue.

Women could develop the communication language because of the extra facility of their brain. Our brain is divided into two parts - left brain and right brain. We speak, because of the verbal centre in our brain. Male brain has only one verbal centre on the left side of the brain. Females have two verbal centres in their brain – both in the right and left brain. Due to this facility, women can speak tirelessly for a longer time; they can use more words in their communication. Language is the means of expression. They can explain and express the things through language better than men can.

Women talk almost three times as much as men, with the average woman chalking up 20,000 words in a day - 13,000 more than the average man. The typical frequency ranges used in the spoken word are; 150 Hz to 6,000 Hz for men and 350 Hz to 8,000 Hz for women. No surprise they developed the language. And we call that language our mother language or mother tongue.

The most powerful thing which changed the destiny and direction of the human race is - language and communication skill. This is the best gift given by women to the world. For which men should be indebted to women. Due to this incredible gift, ladies are revered as Vak Devi, the goddess of speech.

Friday 17 August 2018

You Are Made For Something Greater – Find Out

When I was in graduation, I had a band of friends who were often found playing cricket and roaming together. One of my friends was doing master in mathematics. We called him Pikku. He was an average student. One other friend who was also studying with Pikku was the topper of the class. Nine acquainted people of mine from mathematics department applied for a clerical post in the irrigation department of the government of India including those two friends of mine.

Examination finished, the result announced.   All people cleared the examination except Pikku. They were happy that they got a government job. They saw a permanent job and a settled life. They celebrated their success by throwing a grand party. We all enjoyed and congratulated them on their new job.

Pikku was also present at that party. We asked what went wrong for him. We knew that he was an average student, it was not surprising that he could not clear that exam. Jokingly, he said – I am not made for this clerical post, I am going to be an IAS officer, and these people will report and work under me, they will move according to my order.

Everybody laughed including those eight people who had cleared the examination. His statement of being an IAS officer was mocked and scoffed at every possible place. Being a good friend of ours, he did not mind much and used to repeat – Yes, I will become an IAS officer, you will see. We used to tease him saying – even you are unable to clear clerical examination – how will become an IAS officer - this dream is out of your reach – be practical. In fact, we are posting our own limitation on him. After six months, he applied for another clerical examination. That time also fiasco. He applied for many clerical posts in one year, but he could not go through in any of the examinations. Meanwhile, many of the people in my group got the job somewhere and got settled. And that person was still struggling for a job.

He had completed his MSc. in mathematics by that time. Then, he thought seriously about becoming an IAS officer. He enrolled himself for IAS coaching classes. He dedicated two years of his energy and time in IAS preparation. He gave ample time to himself to get a hold on the subject which he had opted for the IAS.

After two years of immense preparation, he had acquired profound knowledge and confidence on the subjects to appear in the IAS examination. Three attempts were allowed for him for IAS. He appeared for prelims exam, the result announced and his name was there. We came to know about him clearing prelims for IAS. We could not believe it. We thought – that would be by luck or blind tick on the objective questions. The real test is the main exam.

He appeared for the main exam with confidence and determination. He cleared that also. Then we realized that that was not merely his luck or blind tick, but his hard work and profuse preparation and dedication. He was called for an interview. That is the final process. But, he could not clear that interview. Again, he started preparing for the next attempt with the same zeal and faith and dedication and determination.

In the second attempt, he cleared prelims. We all were thinking that this time Pikku is going to clear all the levels of the IAS exam. But, this time, he stuck in the main written exam and did not even reach to the interview.

The last attempt was left. If not now, then never. By that time, he had become obdurate. He used to say – either I will become an IAS officer or I will not do any job. In the last and third attempt, he cleared prelims, main and interview and got 57th ranked in that examination and realized his dream of becoming an IAS officer. The same happened in his life what once he had jokingly said in the party of becoming an IAS officer.

If something not happening at this moment, it is not a matter of worry, but it is a time to interrogate to realize that you are not made for this small thing. Nature is planning something bigger for you, because, you are made for something bigger, something higher and something greater and start preparing for that with your full potential, energy, dedication, and determination. Give yourself ample time for that. Go deeper and be profound. Think big and achieve that. If your aim is the sky, in the worst case, at least, you will reach to a star and shine. 

Wednesday 15 August 2018

Covert Your Anger Into Accomplishments

Anger poisons our system. Everyone knows that anger is not good. It worsens the situation. It makes us more animal than human. Generally, we are suggested to control your anger. But, the anger cannot be controlled by simply knowing it. Controlling anger means, there is anger within you and disrupting your system. There is not a button of anger somewhere, where you can switch on or off. If something does not go the way you want, you get angry. When someone challenges your thought and ideas, you get angry.

You look for recognition for everything you do and think. If you do not get it, or someone opposes it, you get angry. If you are not able to compete with someone, you get frustrated. Frustration looks for an opportunity to get it released, and whenever it gets an opportunity, it takes a shape of anger and creates many chemical and emotional problems inside you.

Suppression paralyzes our lives, whether it is our skills, knowledge and talent or frustration and anger. This cannot be suppressed for a long time. We have to channelize it.

Anger is energy. The same energy can be used in both construction and destruction. When we do not take the work of our energy constructively, it works for destruction by default.

People with less knowledge, talents, skill, understanding, and maturity are more prone to anger. The people with less accomplishment demonstrate more anger and arrogance than the people with high accomplishments. If you have anger, you have to release it; otherwise, it will poison and kill you. Have you observed people throwing dead stuff in their anger? In anger, you can lift even heavier objects which cannot be lifted in normal condition. It releases power. But, in your anger, mostly, you do the destructive things only. The anger informs the hidden power within. The same power of the anger can be used for the bigger accomplishments by giving it a right direction.

Anger is not a curse if you could convert your anger into accomplishments. You perform something with your hard work and it goes unnoticed, you get angry. Anger is the indication that you are made to perform something bigger than what you are today. If you have respect for you, convert you anger energy into the fabulous achievements, not as means of your destruction.

Direct your anger energy towards something significant before it destroys you. The anger tells you to acknowledge your hidden energy and give an appropriate direction. The people who do not have any concrete purpose and goal in their life, they are more prone to anger and frustration. Do not allow the domination of anger and frustration in your life; rather channelize this energy in setting some proper goal and purpose of your life.

The same poison is used in medicine to save a life, and the same can be used to take someone`s life. If the anger is a poison, use this poison judicially to make it a life-saving medicine.

Sunday 12 August 2018

Choose The Seed Of Thought Wisely

The suffering and joy of life is the product of our thought. Whether it is an affluent society, developing society or under poverty society, the seed of suffering is everywhere. Along with the seed of the suffering, the seed of joy and happiness is also there. By default, the seed of suffering is sown, because our untrained and casual mind is prone to negativity.

We need to choose the seed according to the fruit we need. Both, the seed of suffering and joy are present before us. We have to decide what the seed we choose. Whether it is the seed of joy or suffering, the same effort, energy and time are required to nourish that seed, but the result is always different. The seed becomes a plant and then a tree.

It is difficult to uproot a strongly rooted tree. What the tree you have planted, you have to spend your life in that shadow only, whether it is the shadow of suffering or the shadow of joy. Even though you understand that you are under the shadow of suffering, it will be difficult for you to uproot the deeply rooted tree of the suffering.

However, it is always easy to choose the seed before sowing it through discernment and intelligence. The quality of the tree and fruit depend on upon the quality of the seed. The tree of your life depends on the selection of the seed of thought. No matter, where you are, you will create a tree of suffering if you fail to choose the seed wisely. Therefore, choose the seed of thought very carefully and wisely.

I Am Unhappy, Because You Are Happy…!

You cannot tolerate cheerfulness of others if you are not cheerful. A happy and successful person wants everyone to be happy and successful. He tries to make his surroundings and people around happy and cheerful. An unhappy and futile person wishes everyone to be unhappy and futile. He feels good if someone is unhappy, and feels bad if someone is happy.

The bad and distressful news spread faster than good and happy ones. The speed of expansion of any news depends on upon the recipients. Depressed, unhappy and negative people take more interest in the negative news than the positive ones. If you become happy with someone`s failure, definitely, you would be jealous of his success. In other`s happiness, you find your distress and other`s distress you search your happiness. This habit never allows anyone to be happy because someone around you doing something better than you in one or another area.

Only the unhappy people can dream to be happy. Why dream, if you are already happy…! You are craving for happiness in everything, because, you are not happy with who you are and what you have. In fact, you have not accepted your own existence. If you are not happy with what you have and who you are, you can never be happy, no matter, who you become and what you accumulate.

Happiness is an attitude. Happiness is about looking towards the bright side of our existence and being grateful to it and looking towards the dark side of our existence with the effort of bringing some light into it if you can. No body`s life is perfect. No body`s life can be perfect either irrespective of any achievement of the world, there would be definitely some void in life. This is the nature of life. When you will live your life…? When you will enjoy your life…? When you will be happy in your life…? Remember, life is very elusive. Any moment can be the last moment of this life.

The person, who understands it, lives his life as a celebration irrespective of what he has and who he is. Every moment, he spends joyously. Wake-up from your slumber of the delusion and feel and accept your existence as you are and live it to the fullest.