Wednesday 27 February 2013

Fate v/s Free Will

Fate and destitute is nothing but the result of our accumulated past Karma. Getting parents, family, friend, spouse, offspring and environment are the matter of fate. These are predestined on the basis of our Karma, even before taking the birth on the earth. We can see someone gets more than his efforts, and at the same point someone gets less than his efforts. These fluctuations have been created by our past Karma. We complain and blame God if anything goes wrong in our life. In fact, God is not responsible for any kind of happenings with us at any point of time. It is we who are solely responsible for what the things are happening in our life. How the creator for all the creatures can be injustice with anyone?

God has gifted the extra facility to the human being in the form of FREE WILL. All other creatures are bounded by their Karma and deprived of the FREE WILL. Although the human are bounded by the Karma, yet has the possibility to get rid of his bounded Karma by his Free Will. Free Will means to perform you Karma on your own WILL. There would be no intervening in any form. You can involve yourself in good Karma as well as bad Karma on your Will. This is merely your understanding and execution. This blessings has been provided to us to soar ourselves into higher level. The both good and bad situations are the test for the human beings.  Bigger test promise bigger post. So, confront the situation, it is yours and created by you.

The present fate has been created by us by our past Karma. Similarly, the future would be created by us by our present Karma. It is so simple law. Ups and downs in life are a temporary and a transitory feature; it comes and goes in life at regular intervals like weather. The every weather has its own importance and significance on the nature; similarly, the vicissitude in our life has some significant. The wise person knows this truth, and remains equipoised in all the situations, and pay attention on the present Karma to get better fate in the future. If you get perplexed by the down time and indulge yourself in bad Karma, temporarily you may feel relaxed, but ultimately you are duping yourself, as this present Karma is going to be your fate in the future. This is law of nature, and the nature does not favor anyone. Someone does more but get less. It is not matter of worry. None of our efforts goes in vain. We do not get the fruit of all of our Karmas at the same time. We get some chunk now and some chunk is stored for the future. The accumulated Karma becomes the fate for the next life, and it comes in multitudes with interest. Our primal focus should be on our Karma by using our FREE WILL. Sooner or later, it reflects on us. Beware, our FREE WILL can bind us in more Karmic cycle. Therefore, think and act for the upliftment even in destitute by using the gift known as FREE WILL. Past Karma and hence the present fate is not in our hand, but certainly, our present Karma and hence the future fate is in our hand.

Monday 25 February 2013

Have Faith to Kill Fear

Faith and fear cannot stand together; the way water and fire. All the animals including human live in fear of some kinds. Animals do not have choice but to live in fear. Fear of death is very common. Fear of death is what animals make run. Deer need to run faster than tiger to survive, and tiger need to run faster than deer to have food for him to survive. Everyone needs to run to survive himself from the mouth of death. Nature does not favor any creature. Fear what makes animals alert. Animal`s fears are temporary and situational, they cannot imagine and hence they cannot have fear for future. They have only fear in the present. Human fears are multitudes. Human can imagine and visualize the future things, but animals cannot. This extra facility can help the human to entrap in infinite fear without reason and also can release one from the fear by developing the faith. The fear of any kind paralyzes the faculty of reason, destroys the faculty of imagination, kills off self-reliance, undermines enthusiasm, discourages initiative, leads to uncertainty of purpose, encourages procrastination, wipes out enthusiasm and makes self-control an impossibility. It takes the charm from one’s personality, destroys the possibility of accurate thinking, diverts concentration of effort, it masters persistence, turns the will-power into nothingness, destroys ambition, beclouds the memory and invites failure in every conceivable form; it kills love and assassinates the finer emotions of the heart, discourages friendship and invites disaster in a hundred forms, leads to sleeplessness, misery and unhappiness.

Even the abundance accumulation for the future livings cannot bereft the human from  the fear. More accumulation would have more fear to lose. The fear is nothing more than the state of mind. No one can control the state of your mind rather than yourself. Fear can be dispelled by merely having the faith. Have faith on your skill, if you have fear to lose your job. Have faith on your art of earning money and establishing the business, if you have fear to lose your business due to some unavoidable situation etc. And faith can be developed by having the depth knowledge of the root cause of the fear. Once you know the root of the fear, you can easily extirpate it. By merely cutting the branches of the fear would not help you to get rid of your fear. By Imagination, contemplation, meditation you can develop the habit of the faith to dispel the fear. Most importantly, have unrelenting faith on God. Know that God does not do injustice with anyone; it is our Karma that reflects on us. God does not give less or more than one deserves. Develop faith, encounter fear, and lead a happy and prosperous life. Remember, fearful person can never be happy.

Friday 22 February 2013

Even Indra`s Palace Was not Unique

Indra, the king of gods, asked the cosmic architect Vishwakarma to build him a palace that would befit his stature as a king. Every time, Vishwakarma completed his construction, Indra says it is not meeting my stature, build it grander. Over and over again, Vishwakarma tried to build a grander palace, but nothing satisfied Indra. In exasperated, Vishwakarma approached Brahma to get some recourse. Brahma invoked Vishnu. Vishnu took a form of a boy and decided to visit Indra`s palace. On arriving, Indra asked the purpose of the boy visit to his palace. The boy replied, “I want to see how your palace is better than others Indra”. Indra surprised, “Other Indra”! There is no other Indra, I am only one. The boy replied,” there are multiple Indras in the parallel world; there were numerous Indra before you as well. They all have constructed palace, and they all claim that their palace is grander and unique. You are only a grain in Indra beach. There would be numerous Indra in future who would claim the same. For that purpose I wanted to visit your palace to see how your palace is grander than others.

Indra realized his insignificant pursuit to build his palace grander. Indra pondered, “Someone definitely would be better than me. I am not alone and unique in this pursuit”. What is my real identity then? I am just trying to emulate someone which is not going to lead me anywhere. Indra then became sensitive to life and quest for his true identity.

No matter, how much you are trying exhibiting externally, you are just emulating someone. By merely external accumulation one want to exhibit his power and garner respect. In this pursuit, one can never get contentment like Indra. The uniqueness is hidden in the self-identification. From the self-identification, comes self-esteem. From self-esteem one gets content and peace, and from peace comes eternal bliss.

Tuesday 19 February 2013

How to Get the Maximum Out of the Day?

Time is equal for everyone. It is a natural concept. Nature does not show any favoritism towards any creatures. Unlike our cultural concept, we cannot manipulate the natural concept. The best way to get the maximum out of the nature is to make the rhythm with the nature. Time is one of them. In the same amount of time 24 hours in a day, some get the maximum work done and satisfaction and others not. The planning of the day makes a difference between the performers and non-performers. Let us plan our day to get the maximum out of the day?

1.    Take a paper and pencil, you can use smart cell as well for this purpose.
2.    Write down all items you want to perform on next day before retiring for the bed. Label priority on the work items.
3.     After waking up, go through the work items.
4.    Tick marks with remarks if any on the completed items as the day passes.
5.    At the end of the day, retrospect the whole day activity and work items.
6. Repeat the above steps for the subsequent day plan.

These simple steps work miraculously to achieve our day to day activities without much hassle. Making plan before going to bed (step 2) helps to program our subconscious mind in our slumber. And whatever program is fed in the subconscious mind, the subconscious mind start sending signal for the action and our action determine our result. Once you get success to make plan and put those items in your subconscious mind, your plan would be converted into physical equivalent. Put your whole potential on today`s work, do not worry about the tomorrow`s work. You will get the ample time for the tomorrow`s work, if you have completed today`s work successfully. On the completion and perfect tracking of the day`s work give us the stupendous satisfaction at the end of the day. One of the primal reasons of our boredom, indolence, frustration, irritation, stress and anxiety is the absent of the proper task and right direction of the brain. In the absence of the task of your desire, the brain takes any task and thought what appears. Our physical brain is prone to negativity. Most of the time, it picks the negativity. By making plan of the day, you are successfully providing the task to your brain; hence it will not be perverted. Mostly, people whacked off by the negative thoughts rather than physical tasks.

Some people make plan but do not write on the paper, and hence they do not get the maximum result. To get the maximum result from these tips and techniques, without any alternative you have to plan your day in written. With the written plan, you can easily track your activities according to the plan without being diverted. Try these tips, these have worked for the millions of successful persons, definitely those will work for you as well. Run your day otherwise day will run you.

Monday 18 February 2013

Reasons of Unhappiness

There are only two reasons for any person to be happy or unhappy. These two  are internal and external reasons.  We can see many persons, who are affluent, possessing all kinds of luxuriant; still they live a stressful and unhappy life.  Many healthy and dashing people also lead an unhappy and stressful life. These are the external factors. These external factors cannot guarantee us to make us happy and live in peace. According to a survey, the money help us only 10% in our happiness. Another factor is the internal factors, especially our thought process. Inherently, the internal factor is very pure and pious. Kids are unaware about the external factors and hence their internal factors are intact. Kids are found in natural happiness, it does not matter; he/she is born in an indigent family or an affluent family, whether he/she is boy or girl. If sleeping and feeding are appropriate for them, then they will always be in happy and giggling.

Scientist discovered that, kids are happy, because they feel healthy.  This does not seem true, many adults are healthy but not happy.  We feel some scarcity whether internally or externally, and we start feeling unhappy. Easily, we can compare our external factors with others and that is enough to feel bitter and lose our peace and hence unhappiness. In comparison, we find that someone is always ahead to us and someone is always back to us. The universe is round. But one thing is certain that no one is exactly equal to you. Kids are happy because the inherent piousness of the internal faculty is intact.  When we grow, we defile our internal factors by getting influence by the external factors. People indulge in dishonesty, corruption, unethical, lying etc. to get the external profit, and start living their life with vile and vanity, which is of course not a quality of the internal factors. Due to that, we start feeling a scarcity within, and where there is scarcity, we feel disquiet. To fulfill that scarcity, we indulge in external accumulation. We think that more accumulation can provide us more happy and vivid life. And hence people indulge more into unethical pursuit. Resultant one gets more disquiet and unhappiness in ones life. The external factor can help us to buy bed but not the sound sleep. This is responsibilty of the health of our internal factors. Most of the unhappinesses occurs in our life not by the situation but by our thoughts.

To get the happiness, we must understand internal and external factors properly, and feed them accordingly. Once we understand the internal faculty, we can easily manipulate external factors according to our wish, but vice-versa in not true. Introspect regularly, it helps us to find the exact reason of our unhappiness, and we can correct it to lead a happy, healthy prosperous life. As Bhagavad Gita (2:66) prophesizes: -- One who is not in transcendental consciousness can have neither a controlled mind nor steady intelligence, without which there is no possibility of peace. And how can there be any happiness without peace?

Thursday 14 February 2013

The Source of Positive and Negative Vibration

The human brain has been blessed with the special feature of Imagination which is bereft in other creatures. Human can visualize and imagine due to his frontal cortex in his brain. It has been determined that there are from 10,000,000,000 to 14,000,000,000 nerve cells in the human cerebral cortex, and we know that these are arranged in definite patterns. These arrangements are not haphazard. They are orderly. That is very powerful. By this power human can remove his fear by developing faith, and also chances are there to amplify his fear. Faith and fear cannot stay together. Also the negativity and positivity do not stay together. Dr. Alexander Graham Bell, and Dr. Elmer R. Gates, observed that every human brain is both a broadcasting and receiving station for the vibration of thought. Through the medium of the ether, in a fashion similar to that employed by the radio broadcasting principle, every human brain is capable of picking up vibrations of thought which are being released by other brains. Feeling our positivity and negativity depends upon the vibration we receive from other brain. Some people say I am not feeling good today, it means that person is in negative vibration, someone say I am feeling great today, it means that person is in positive vibration. Through the emotions, the vibrations of thought may be increased. Leaders or film makers know these facts, so they put emotion in their speech or movie to create the vibration in viewer`s brain. If any statement getting repeated, it strengthens the vibration and our brain prone to receive that. This technique is used to hypnotize the person. First they read your life style and thought process and get the idea about what kind of frequency your brain is looking for, and similar kind of vibration they create to pass into your brain by putting lust or emotion into you. The racketeers use the same technology to put the lust and emotion into you and catch your frequency and pass the frequency of their wish and you give your belongings to them by your own wish.

How can we avoid the negative vibration and receive only positive vibration? Vibrations of an exceedingly high rate are the only vibrations picked up and carried, by the ether, from one brain to another. Thought is energy travelling at an exceedingly high rate of vibration. Our thought is responsible to receive negative or positive vibrations. Most of the people talk more about the persons who have conflicts among them rather than their achievements. It shows that mostly we are surrounded by negative prone people. We are suggested to perform prayer in the morning. It is for creating positive frequency. Once you strongly create the positive frequency in your brain by the positive and firm thoughts, throughout the day you are going to receive and broadcast the positive vibration only.

The best technique to create the positive frequency in your brain, even though you are surrounded by the negative people is the “Auto-Suggestion”. Talk yourself, suggest yourself and guide yourself for the positive frequency and vibration. Initially, you do for the day, down the time, it will become habit and hence your second nature. Then no negative frequency can catch you. The best time for the “Auto-Suggestion” is before going to bed and after just waking up earlier in the morning. e.g suggest yourself, “today I am going to be happy, no matter what the situation going to occur, I am going to put my full potential to surmount it. I know that God does not give any problem to anyone more than his capacity. I am not going to get disturbed by other`s statement come to me etc.” Try this technique, this is scientific and you start feeling alleviated immediately. It works like miracle. It worked for many more successful and happy persons, and I am sure it will work for you as well with the same intensity. There is never problem with the method or law; there is always issue with the person who does not follow it.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

क्या गंगा स्नान सचमुच मुक्ति का मार्ग है?

Published in Dainik Awantika, 18 Feb 2013

गंगा भारत की सबसे पवित्र नदी मानी जाती है। गंगा को माँ करके सम्मान दिया जाता है। गंगा स्वर्ग से उतरकर पृथ्वी लोक आती है, और फिर पताल लोक, और  पुन: स्वर्ग लोक चली जाती है। इसतरह गंगा तीनो लोको में बहती है। विभिन्न-विभिन्न पौराणिक कथाएँ यह बताती है कि गंगा स्नान करने से या पितृ के राख को गंगा में श्राद्ध करने से मुक्ति का द्वार खुल जाता है, और स्नान करनेवाला स्वर्ग में निवास करता है। भागीरथी अपने परदादा सागर को मुक्ति दिलाने और उनके अधूरी सपने को पूर्ण करने के उद्देश्य से गंगा को पृथ्वी पर लाये। तबसे यह परंपरा चलती आ रही है। उस समय जब पृथ्वी पर गंगा आई होगी, तो उस समय के लोग भी पवित्र होंगे, और मुक्ति के लिए सारे पुण्य काम भी किये होंगे, और अनजाने में यदि कोई गलती हो गयी होगी तो गंगा स्नान से क्षमा हो जाएँगी। हड्डी की राख को गंगा में प्रवाहित किया जाता है। और इसमें उर्वरक शक्ति भरपूर होती है। गंगा की पानी का इस्तेमाल भारत के बहुताय इलाको में सिचाई के काम में लाया जाता है। हो सकता हो, कि इस परंपरा का मकसद भारत के कृषि  वाले इलाको को भरपूर उर्वरक प्रदान करना हो। उस समय तक वैज्ञानिक खाद का खोज नहीं हुआ था। सारे फसल जैविक खाद पर ही निर्भर थे।

अगर सिर्फ गंगा स्नान से मुक्ति मिल जाती तो, यह बहुत अच्छी बात है। खूब अन्याय और पाप करो और गंगा के जाकर पुण्यात्मा बन जायो और मुक्ति पालो। बहुत ही सहज है। लेकिन बात ऐसी नहीं है। अगर ऐसी बात होती तो , सारे मछलियाँ, मगरमच्छ, धडियाल आदि जो चौबीस घंटे गंगा जल में ही  रहते है, उनको तो तुरंत मुक्ति मिल जानी चाहिए। गंगा जल प्रतिक है, स्वच्छता और पवित्रता का। यह इशारा है इंसान के हृदय,  मन और आत्मा को स्वच्छ और पवित्र करने का। मुक्ति का द्वार तभी खुल सकता है, जब आपका हृदय,  मन और आत्मा गंगा जल जैसी  स्वच्छ और पवित्र हो। तभी  गंगा की तरह आप भी पृथ्वी से स्वर्ग लोक जा सकते है। गंगा जल में शरीर स्नान से कोई फायदा नहीं है। यह सबको पता है कि शरीर इधर ही रह जानी है।
उलटे में हम अपने शरीर की गन्दगी से गंगा को प्रदूषित कर रहे है।

जहाँ स्वच्छता और पवित्रता है, गंगा का निवास वही  है। "मन चंगा तो कठौती में गंगा"। एक बहुत ही प्रसिद्ध कहानी है .. संत रविदास एक मोची थे। कुछ लोग गंगा स्नान करने जा रहे थे, एक का चप्पल रास्ते में टूट गया। वह रविदास के पास चप्पल सिलवाने गया। वह राहगीर ने रविदास से पूछा  कि  तुमने कितनी बार गंगा में स्नान किया है। संत रविदास बोले एक बार भी नहीं। राहगीर गुस्से से बोला  कि तुम कितने पापी हो, एक बार भी गंगा में स्नान नहीं किया। राहगीर पैसे देने लगा, तो संत बोले की मैं राहगीरों से पैसे नहीं लेता, और उन्होंने अपने झोले से एक सुपारी राहगीर को देते हुए बोले की, आप इसे गंगा माँ को दे देना। राहगीर स्नान करने के बाद अंत में भारी मन से, उसने सुपारी को गंगा में डालने की कोशिश की तभी, गंगा जी ने पानी से अपने हाथ निकाल कर, सुपारी ले लिए और बदले में एक सोने का कंगन रविदास के लिए दे दिए। राहगीर को बड़ा आश्चर्य लगा। सोचा क्यों न यह कंगन बनारस के राजा  को दे दिया जाए, और अपनी झूठी शाख़ जमाया जाए। राहगीर ने कंगन राजा को दे दिया और  राजा ने यह कंगन अपनी रानी को दिखाया, इतनी सुन्दर कंगन देखर रानी बहुत खुश हुई,और दूसरा कंगन राहगीर से लाने को बोली।  राहगीर के पसीने छूटने लगे कि उसका ढोंग अब पकड़ा जायेंगा, इसलिए सच-सच सब कुछ बता दिया। राजा सहित सभी लोग संत रविदास के पास पहुचे, और दूसरा कंगन गंगा जी से मँगवाने का आग्रह किये। संत रविदास ने बगल में रखे एक पानी के  पात्र में हाथ डाला और गंगा जी ने दूसरा कंगन भी रविदास को भेंट कर दी। यह भक्ति और श्रद्धा देखकर राहगीर बहुत शर्मिंदा हुआ, और रानी उनका भक्त बन गई। बात गंगा में स्नान करने की नहीं है, बात श्रद्धा, स्वच्छता और पवित्रता का है। यह तो कही भी रहकर प्राप्त किया जा सकता है।

फिर कुम्भ मेला या तीर्थ स्थान जाकर लोग अपने-आप को मौत को गले क्यों लगा रहे है? धार्मिक व्यक्ति तो एकांत पसंद करता है, फिर यह भीड़ का भाग क्यों बनता है? वह कैसा धर्म-स्थान व धार्मिकता जहाँ पर प्रशासन लाठी या बल प्रयोग कर लोगो को व्यवस्थित करने में लगी है?  मुक्ति गंगा स्नान से नहीं, मुक्ति तो स्वयं को जानने से मिलती है। और  स्वयं को जानने के लिए एकांत चाहिए न की भीड़।

Monday 11 February 2013

Burn Negativity to Get the Emphatic Power

 Lord Shiva is found in deep meditation in a secluded place. And whosoever tries to disrupt His meditation with an evil purpose, He opens His third eye and incinerates those into ashes. He is detached from the household things. His power lies in His capacity of deep meditation and detachment. He has unparalleled Tap, tap means heat or fire. The things surrounded by Him are solid or stable viz snow at Kailash Mountain, His locked hair, Bunyan tree etc. His locked hair is the embodiment of His controlled mind. It is the power of His Tap, made Him Mahadev. He is known as the God of destruction. He is widely worshiped God in Hinduism.

If He is God of destruction, then why, He is worshiped so widely?  Lord Shiva is an embodiment of the soul. Soul is pure and pious. He incinerates all the negativity, who tries to defile the soul. He destroys all the negativity like envious, hatred, jealous, ego, unnecessary attachment etc. His body is smeared with ashes, it means, if we burn anything, the residue we get is the ashes, and further we cannot burn the ashes. It is the last stage. Lord Shiva is the last stage for self-realization to obtain the liberation. He has control over the death and three times, past, present and future, therefore He is also known as Trikal. No one has power to control Lord Shiva. And everything in Lord Shiva`s control. He is only Pure and Truth. He is “Sachitanand”, i.e Sach+Chit+Anand.

This characteristic of lord Shiva beckons the people to be meditative on you true self. You need not to know anything in this world except to know you true self, the soul. To know everything except you true self invariably bound you in misery. Focus on your true material nature, your true talent, and create skill and knack for your designed goal to achieve. No matter, how much talent and skill you are possessing, you cannot achieve your goal, until and unless you burn your all negativities. The true talent and true being is always veneer beneath the negativity. You need to burn all your negativities to unleash your real talent and potential. By following the lord Shiva`s path, you become original and unique. Destroy your ego, hatred; despise etc. to obtain you true self. This is possible by the power of tap, effort and honesty in your pursuit. By practice, you get the emphatic power to encounter anyone and anything. Once you realize the power within, you can do and achieve anything. Humans are the power house but in quiescent stage. It needs to be awakened. Your strong conviction and determination do not allow anyone to disrupt your path to success. Sooner or later, people get the result of their effort in a multitude ways. Just we need to put effort not to allow negativity enter into us, rest things are doddle for us. Burn the negativity and destroy your ego earlier than your ego and negativity destroy and burn you. Lord Shiva`s path helps us to destroy those, that is why, we happily worship lord Shiva as a God of Destruction.

Thursday 7 February 2013

Prayer of Sarasvati Keeping Laxmi in Mind

How we can forget our school prayer of goddess Sarasvati, the goddess of knowledge.  This tradition still persists in schools. The right of education is a fundamental right in India (article 21-A).  Government schools are there in India at large scale. Government has also increased salary to the government employees including government teachers at handsome level. Private schools have also been permitted to open in India at very large scale. Despite the government school, parents are more inclined towards private schools, and ready to pay high fees to the private schools. It has become tough to take admission in private schools. Most parents’ measure that the high fees mean high quality education and it has also become the social status. The teachers in private school get very less salary in comparison to government teachers, still people are not interested to take the admission in government school with minimal fees, and rather they struggle to take admission in private schools with huge fees and sometimes along with massive donation.

On survey, we will find that, the most of the private schools have been opened not to provide good education but for the intention to earn high income. Most of the founders are not highly educated or understand the real value of education, but they have money and political liaison to get the permission to open the school, and they have done it for the purpose to work the school as a milch-cow for them, and convert their black money into white. They are able to provide good infrastructure to attract the people for the admission. For them, education is not more than a business. Now a day, we find the deprivation of coherent between the teachers and students. The education system has been commercialized.

The school looks like a business, the founder is a businessman, and the teachers are staffs to run this business, as teaches have lost any right, even to scold any child. Teachers have fear to lose their job, if they do not follow the dictation of the founder, although it looks the transgression of the morality. Parents invest money on their kids, in the hope to get more return by getting the high paying job. The real education can be earned by investing time, energy, effort with burning desire. No one bother to know the real interest of the kids, but people on their own interest and market value of the particular subject stream, they compel kids to choose that stream.

In school, they render the prayer of goddess Sarasvati, but keeping Laxmi in mind. Our attention is on Vidhya-Laxmi which can help to earn more Dhan-Laxmi. Sarasvati has only become the part of tradition and rituals without much heed on her. Metaphorically, the river Sarasvati became invisible and only her name exists.

Monday 4 February 2013

Desire is Powerful

 There is no limitation of our desires. We fulfill one desire with the invitation of another one. This is not the desire which comes by others opinions. The real desire comes within. One desire breeds another desire. The tendency of desires is to get influenced by both internal and external factors. We are not body and mind, we are soul. Body and mind are bound to cease, but soul is eternal. As Bhagwat Gita (2-62, 63) says:--
While contemplating the objects of the senses, a person develops attachment for them, and from such attachment desire develops, and from desire anger arises. From anger, delusion arises, and from delusion bewilderment of memory. When memory is bewildered, intelligence is lost, and when intelligence is lost, one falls down again into the material pool.

The desire compels us to indulge in different-different Karma to fulfill our desire. That creates our material nature for the next birth. Until and unless all our desires are fulfilled and our all Karma are repaid, we keep taking continuous birth and death in distinct body. According to our material nature, the soul takes the next body. Even before leaving the present body, the soul comes to know about his next body. For an illustration, you shouting on someone unnecessarily, and keep fighting over your territory, according to this behavior, your soul may attain the body of Dog to sooth this behavior and desire. You keep running in the competition by kicking others from the back, your next body may be Horse… and so … on… Human life is not for competition, it is for creation. Create new opportunity, create new technology, create new business, create new learning for other for the best life, create your true self, and many more you can think and create afresh. Everyone has been blessed with uniqueness.

Your numerous unfulfilled desires grant you to take numerous bodies to fulfill your desire. It is said that after getting the body of 84,00,000 species, we get the human body. It is metaphoric for our numerous unfulfilled desires. It might be possible that, the people at that time would be aware about the 84,00,000 species, so they mapped like that. The no. of birth and death could be less or more depending upon our unfulfilled desires and material nature. The human body is considered the last body for the soul. It is an opportunity to repay or nullify all our Karma and fulfill all our desires to get the liberation from the continuous cycle of birth and death. Risk is also involved in human body to reload more Karma due to our free will and fall back into continuous cycle of birth and death.

Some people say, nullify your desire to get the liberation, this is not true, we cannot nullify our desire. To think to nullify our desire is also a desire. We can only select and discard our desires on the basis of the depth of our awareness and knowledge. This facility is confined to human only, not to any other creatures. Human can imagine and visualize the consequences by the frontal cortex of the human brain. Animals and plant have no option but to act according to the body and nature. A tree cannot grow more or less leaves and fruits than he designed to. An animal can learn the quality according to his body without giving any training. The human has been blessed with the free will to go up to any extent and learn and earn anything he desires, by putting his effort into right direction. Desire bounds us into Karma, so this is our responsibility to make a cautious selection of the desires. And what the desire you make in your life, put your all the effort to fulfill in this life only, and it is quite possible. Chandogya Upanishad (Ch.VIII, Sec-2, Verse-10) says: -- “Whatever object he is attached to, whatever object he desires, by his mere will it comes to him, and having obtained it, he is happy.”
It suggests that whatever the desire we have, it is designed to be fulfilled. Just we need to work on this assiduously and solemnly.

Desire is very powerful. It can make you to suffer and it has also the pledge to release you from all of your sufferings. Selection is very crucial and it is merely yours,  it should be taken with full cautions and awareness. Fulfill all your pulsating desires in this life only without violating anybody`s right. The pulsating desire backed with faith is definitely fulfilled.