Sunday, 9 December 2018

What We See Is Not The Reality - Then What It Is…?

What we perceive with our physical eyes or senses is not the reality. That is an illusion. Reality cannot be seen with our physical senses. Reality exists beyond our physical senses. To conceive the reality we have to go beyond the trap of physical senses. That can be attained by profound discovery.

With our physical eyes, it appears that the earth is stable and the sun is revolving the earth, now, we know that it is not true. It is just an illusion of our eyes. In fact, the sun is stable and the earth is continuously revolving the sun. The reality of the rotating behaviour of the sun and the earth came into our notice by intense discovery.

We are so stupefied by our senses that whatever is told which is beyond the perception of our physical senses, we do not accept that easily. We revolt. When an Italian astronomer Galileo first time told about the reality of the movement of the sun and earth on the basis of his discovery, he was incarcerated. That was beyond the understanding and faith of the common people of that time. Now after discovery and evidence, we accept this fact.

We see the earth is flat, but it is not the reality. On discovery, it was found that the earth is not flat, it is round. The earth appears stable with our physical eyes, but this is not the reality. The earth rotates on its axis at an amazing speed of 1600 km/hr.

What we perceive with our physical senses that becomes the reality for us. And on the basis of that reality, which is nothing but an illusion, we create our world. And when our created world does not behave the way we want, we bewilder and declare that there is nothing but suffering all around.

And the person who creates his world on the basis of his discovery, not on the basis of the elusive perception of senses, never falls in the trap of the delusive net of the world.

Anything that we see is not the reality. That is Maya. And the reality is covered under this Maya. If you want to know the reality of anything, you have to go beyond the curtain of Maya. You have to accept that what you see is not the reality, and then break the shell of Maya and discover the reality.

Once Albert Einstein said – “What we see with our physical eyes is not the reality, what we cannot see with our physical eyes is the reality.”

It may be with any person, things or thought, or it may be about us. What we see is not the reality – those are nothing but the different kinds of notions and assumptions. This world appears the same but the different people perceive it differently. The way you see and think - this world appears to you. But none of the perceptions is the reality.

The reality does not appear just by the direct perception with our physical eyes, but by the deep discovery of it.
Even we do not know about our true personality, we just carry the different notion and assumption about us. That is the reason – our mood fluctuates on the comments of others. If someone praises us we feel uplifted, and in case of criticism, we feel downtrodden.

If you know the reality of your existence, you would remain the same person whether someone praises you or insults you. What makes the difference for you…! If you do not know about you, you will be driven by the external forces. You can know the reality of your personality and existence only after an immense discovery about yourselves. When you discover and know about who actually you are – then nothing can bother or disturb you.

Do not believe anyone or anything blindly whether it is about you or others, that would be pernicious for you, that would push you in the mire of miseries, just discover it and go to the base of the reality to affirm your true existence in this elusive world.

Friday, 16 November 2018

शादी - शूदा लोगो में अक्सर प्यार की कमी क्यों रहती है....?

शादी से पहले वर और वधू के हर पहलू  का वाकायदा निरकक्षण किया जाता है कि वे करते क्या है , उनकी शिक्षा क्या है , उनकी आमदनी क्या है, उनका खानदान क्या है.... वैगरह - वैगरह... उसके बाद कुंडली मिलायी जाती है।  सब क़ुछ समाज और परिवार के अनुसार मैच होने के बाद दो लोग शादी के प्रणव सूत्र में बंधते नहीं, परन्तु, अक्सर समाज और परिवार के रीति-रिवाज़ के बंधन में बांध दिये जाते है।

लेकिन प्यार में ऐसा नहीं होता - प्यार महज हो जाता है। प्यार जातीय पसंद होता है।

शादी एक मुक्कमल चीज़ होती है और प्यार अधूरा होता है। मुक्कमल और अधूरा एक दूसरे का विरोधाभास होता है। एक -दूसरे के साथ नहीं रह सकते।  पूर्णता आते ही अधूरापन समाप्त हो जाता है।  शादी के बाद पति  और पत्नी  एक दूसरे में परफेक्शन ढूढ़ने में लग जाते है ।  एक- दूसरे को सुधारने  में लग जाते है।  एक-दूसरे के कमियों को उजागर करने में लग जाते है।   शादी हो गयी है मतलब की एक दूसरे  में कोई कमिया नहीं होनी  चाहिए। यही सुधरने और सुधारने में पूरी जिंदगी समाप्त हो जाती है।

प्यार पफेक्शन का मांग नहीं करता, बल्कि जो भी है उसको स्वीकार करता है। वह इसकी मांग कर ही नहीं सकता - क्योकि प्यार अपने-आप में आधा और अधूरा होता है।  गौर से देखे -

प्यार में प आधा है,
इश्क में श आधा है,
मुहब्बत में ब आधा है,
प्रेम में र आधा है और
प्रेम के  प्रतिक माने जाने वाले श्रीकृष्ण में ष अधूरा है-
इसीलिए तो मंदिरो में श्रीकृष्ण के साथ सत्यभामा नहीं, राधा है।

जिसको पता है कि मै खूद में अधूरा हूँ, तो वह दुसरो में  परफेक्शन नहीं ढूंढ़ता, बल्कि उसमे विलय होकर अपने अधूरेपन को दूर करने का प्रयास करता है।

प्यार करने वाले एक - दूसरे की कमियों पर ताने नहीं कसते, बल्कि  जो अच्छाइयाँ है उसकी प्रशंसा करते है और अपनी खुद  की कमियों को दूर करने का प्रयास करते है।  उनको एक - दूसरो में कमिया नहीं दिखती।  और शादी - शूदा लोगो में एक-दूसरे में कमियों के सिवाह कुछ और नहीं दीखता।   इसलिए वहा प्यार का फूल खिलना मुश्किल हो जाता है।

शादी के कई साल हो जाते है - बच्चे भी हो जाते है - लेकिन एक-दूसरे में परफेक्शन ढूढ़ने वालो के खूद के जीवन में अधूरापन के सिवाय कुछ भी नहीं मिलता।  इसीलिए पति और पत्नी के जीवन में भटकाव भी देखा जा सकता है।  शादी के अतिरिक्त कोई अन्य सम्बन्ध होना इस अधूरेपन का नतीजा होता है।

भले ही प्यार अधूरा होता है, लेकिन उसमें  जिंदगी पूर्ण होती है, उसमे  जान होता है।  शादी भले ही मुक्कमल चीज़ हो, लेकिन उसमें जिंदगी अक्सर  अधूरी रहती है।

शादी - शूदा लोगो की प्रेम कहानी पाना मुश्किल है।  क्या आपने कही देखा या सुना है शादी-शूदा लोगो की प्रेम कहानी ? जहा प्रेम न हो वहा प्रेम कहानी कैसे बन सकती है।  शादी के  बाद इंसान की खुद के अस्तित्व के साथ-साथ उसकीं सारी कहानिया  ख़त्म हो जाती है।  जिनलोगो की प्रेम कहानी है - उनकी कभी शादी नहीं हो पायी-
जैसे -
लैला मजनू, हीर राँझा, जूलियट फरियाद, राधा कृष्ण इत्यादि।  श्रीकृष्ण की आठ पत्निया थी - उनमे से एक के साथ भी उनकी प्रेम कहानी नहीं है।  उनकी प्रेम कहानी राधा के साथ है, जो  कभी उनकी पत्नी न बन सकी।

सीता और राम की प्रेम कहानी लिखने का प्रयास किया गया था - लेकिन क्या हुआ - वह एक दूसरे सत्यता की  परीक्षा लेने में और एक -दूसरे को अपनी सत्यता सिद्ध करने में लगे रहे।  और अंत मे, दोनों ने इस तनाव से आत्महत्या कर लिए।  शादी के इस तनाव और परीक्षा से तंग आकर  सीताजी  ने अपने-आप को ही जमीन में गाड़ लिया और अपनी जीवन लीला समाप्त कर ली।  तत्पश्चात, श्रीराम जी  ने भी सरयू नदी में डूबकर अपने प्राण त्याग दिए। अधिकतर लोगो की शादी  की  कहानी इससे ज़्यादा कुछ भी नहीं। 

अगर आप प्यार में है तो शादी के सम्भावना है, लेकिन शादी के बाद प्यार की संभावना हो, ऐसा कोई जरूरी नहीं।

परन्तु यह भी सत्य है की - प्रेम का फूल किसी भी रिश्ता  में खिलाया  है, बशर्ते हम इसके अधूरेपन को स्वीकार करे की कोई भी न परफेक्ट है और नहीं हो सकता है।  एक दूसरे के कमियों को स्वीकार कर साथ में ख़ुशी ख़ुशी रहना ही प्रेम है। जिस रिश्ते में  प्रेम नहीं होता, उस रिश्ते के आदमी एक-दूसरे के साथ कभी भी खुश नहीं रह सकते। फिर वह रिश्ता एक समझौता होता है, एक मजबूरी होती है, एक दासता  होती है, और कुछ भी नहीं। कहने के लिए रिश्ता तो होता है, परन्तु  ऐसे रिश्तो में जान नहीं होता।

स्वामी विवेकानंद कहते है -
"जीवन  में ज्यादा रिश्ता होना जरूरी नहीं, पर जो रिश्ते है,  उसमे जीवन रहना जरूरी है। "

Sunday, 11 November 2018

Why Some Great People Never Die…?

Lord Mahavira was ridiculed and tortured when he started spreading his message to the world. He was taunted - what a naked man is going to teach to the world. People saw his external nakedness, but could not see the naked truth hidden in his external nakedness which he wanted to dissipate for the welfare of humanity. Despite all these torture and harassment, he continued spreading the knowledge to the humanity what he had acquired in his deep meditation and stringent penance.

Lord Buddha was jeered and laughed, but he did not stop spreading the message and knowledge he had acquired in his deep meditation and penance.

Jesus Christ knew he would be killed if he was going to spread the message what he had acquired in his deep meditation. That was against the faith of many people of that time and beyond the understanding of the common mind. Despite that, he continued spreading his message and knowledge to the world for the welfare of humanity. Eventually, he was crucified, but his message, his idea and ideology are still alive.

Prophet Mohammad tried to spread the message and knowledge what he had got in his deep meditation in Hira cave through Archangel Gabriel. He was ignored. Many people stood against him. He was threatened. Murder attempts were done. He had to migrate from one place to another place to save his life. Later, his message was heard and understood, and those are still alive today.

The same happened with Swami Dayanand Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda, Galileo, Newton, Einstein and many other great people who tried to spread the great message for the entire humanity were joked, mocked,  threatened and killed. But despite that, their teachings and ideology are still alive and inspiring and helping millions of people around the globe.  

They did not have any personal motive behind that. They just heard their inner voice and without caring for what would happen to their mortal body, they started working by devoting their entire life force for that. They had reached the stage beyond the existence of the body of flesh and bone.

If you are attached to the temporary and transient – the property, wealth, money, popularity, body made of flesh and bone – you are going to die with it. The moment you lose your mortal body, all things will be left forever. You will be forgotten forever. The earth has witnessed many births and deaths. But very few people have become immortal on this planet by their deeds and are remembered forever.

If you become wise enough, you will enjoy this life in this body, if not, you will suffer here in this body and world and hereafter also. Everybody is born with a special purpose. Recognize that special purpose and put all your life force for that purpose.  Live for that purpose and die for that purpose.

Remember- you may be mocked, jeered, isolated and threatened initially. Ready for that. And keep working for your purpose without caring for the temporary setbacks. Your dream, desire, passion all are the call of your spirit. You are going to listen to your spirit if you want to be happy and satisfied in this mortal world and remembered even after your death.

If you work merely for your body and satisfying for your senses, you are not going to be happy and content ever. You have got this body here for the temporary period, it is going to die. If you work for your spirit which is permanent through this particular body, you will be happy and content here and hereafter. You will be remembered and respected.

The great people always work for their spirit, they listen to that and fearlessly they dedicate their life for that without expecting anything in return. Due to this reason, people become great, and due to their greatness and deeds they are remembered and respected century after century. They leave their immortal footprint on this mortal planet.

The seed of greatness is hidden in everybody. Just start working for your spirit and passion without expecting anything from anyone in return. Just listen to your spirit, the inner voice and contribute to this world and humanity, you will get an immense happiness and content.

The people who have thought beyond the existence of the mortal body and material opulence and focused on immortal spirit dwelling in the cave of heart and listened to that and worked as per their spirit and passion they create history and are remembered forever. Everybody is born with a potential of becoming great. That depends what you hold and what you sacrifice. 

Saturday, 10 November 2018

Why The Sun Is Worshipped On Chhath Puja – What Is Its Significance

On Chhath Puja, predominantly, the Sun is revered and worshipped. There are various rituals and customs of revering and worshipping Sun around the world. Various people in the various parts of the world express their gratitude to the god Sun in various ways. Mostly, rising sun is worshipped in the world. But, Chhath Puja is the only festival in this world where both rising and setting sun is worshipped equally.

This festival has a very powerful and profound spiritual meaning. This festival and its rituals are so profound that this single festival is sufficient enough to teach us the entire essence of life and existence if its essence is properly understood rather than doing it mechanically.

The rising and sinking sun are the symbolism of birth and death of the living beings on this planet. Birth and death is the reality of this existence. There is no new birth without death and there is no death if there is no birth. If there is no birth and death, the rhythmic movement of the universe will cease to exist. If there is birth, then there would be a certain death. No one has the power to delay or stop it. It is going to happen at its course of time. Birth and death are the two edges between which the river of life flows. Eventually, the river merges with a great ocean where it leaves all its name and form and become one with the source.

Generally, people celebrate birth but fear death. We forget that without understanding the death, life can neither be understood nor can be enjoyed. In the state of fear, no one can enjoy his life to the fullest. Life is not for fear, sorrow or suffering, it is for living and it must be lived meaningfully before it is engulfed by the deep trench of death. It is possible only when we understand and accept the reality of death.

On Chhath day, the setting sun is worshipped first and the next day the rising sun is worshipped. This ritual gives the importance of death over birth.  And death is not the permanent cessation of the soul. After some time, the same soul manifests again in other forms like rising sun. And in this way, the soul gets one more opportunity to live the life piously with right conduct like the radiant sun by remembering the reality of death ahead.

It is said that –Sun provided the knowledge of Veda to the Yagnavalkya who was a great Rishi and has been mentioned in Upanishads. The Sun bestowed the knowledge of Veda to Lord Hanuman. Due to this knowledge, Lord Hanuman is called Gyan Gun Sagar (Ocean of knowledge and quality). God Sun is the first person who got the first knowledge of Bhagavad Gita by the supreme personality of Godhead. Later he passed the knowledge to the world through his lineage.

The Sun is considered as a symbol of knowledge that dissipates the darkness of the world when he rises. We see the things clearly. Similarly, when the sun of knowledge rises inside us the darkness of ignorance disappears from our life. All our doubts and confusion vanished. We see the things as it is. We get the Atma-Gyan, the self-knowledge. In the presence of the sun of knowledge, nothing can deviate us. We illuminate like the sun and help others also to remove the darkness of their life by spreading the light of knowledge. The way sunlight never discriminates anything, he falls equally on all the objects – good, evil, ugly. He falls on every object, but not attached or contaminated by anyone or anything. Similarly, the person who has the light of knowledge, never discriminate anything or anyone, he throws his light of knowledge everywhere for the welfare of humanity. This is shown by distributing the home-made Prasdam to the people.

Life is not possible without the presence of the sun. There would be no any possibility of food on this planet. There would be no plants and trees that make their foods from the sun. If the sun does not rise for someday, the earth will freeze, and all creatures will die.

Sunrise, sunset, day and night all are equally important for the subsistence of the earth. If there is only day, not night in some particular area, there would be scorching heat and creatures will burn to death. If there is night in some particular area and not day, then that area will freeze and creatures will die out of the cold. To make the life possible on this planet, the sun rises at one place and set at another place. The rise and set of the sun happen because of the rhythmic rotation of the earth.

Sunrise is the birth, sunset is the death, day and night are the two aspects of life. Ups and downs of life like day and night are important to make the vehicle of life move ahead. The ritual of this festival teaches us that - every aspect of existence is important and it is directly associated with our lives and it must be understood, respected and valued.

Sun burns himself first to generate light and heat before providing that light and heat to the world.  Before generating the light of knowledge, like the sun, we have to burn ourselves in the fire of Tap (Penance), only then the sun of knowledge will rise within and remove the darkness of our life. That is why, on that day, an arduous fasting is done. Fasting and remembering god or goddesses is one of the ways of Tap by which the impurities of body and mind is burned.

The purity of body and mind is the first step towards the journey of spirituality. That day, Nirjal Upvas is done, meaning – fasting without taking even a drop of water for a longer time. During the fasting and Puja, they kindle Diya. This is symbolism of kindling the light of spirituality and knowledge within to remove the darkness and malign from our existence. For this festival and ritual, no priest is required. This can be done by anyone for kindling the light of knowledge and spirituality within.

Sunday, 30 September 2018

Why Human Mind Is Prone To Negativity…?

Water always flows downwards. This is an inherent nature of water. If you want to ascend water to some height, you have to put effort. On the other side, fire always goes up. This is an inherent nature of fire. Water and fire have opposite qualities. Former always goes down and later always goes up. One quenches the thirst, and another increases the thirst. One burns, another extinguishes. Despite the diagonal differences, one thing is common in them that is - Oxygen. Water is made of two atoms of Hydrogen and one atom of Oxygen- that is – H2O. Fire cannot burn without the presence of Oxygen.

Both the elements are equally important for the sustainability of nature and creature on this planet. Their contradicting qualities create the balance in nature which helps in building a suitable environment for the living beings. They appear opposite however they work continuously together for maintaining a viable environment on this planet. The lives are not possible on other planets because of the imbalance ratio of water and fire. An appropriate combination of water and fire make a great environment for living.

Good to know this. But what is its connection to the negativity of mind…?

Our brain is made of a jelly-like substance which contains more than 80% water. The quality of water is prominent in our brain. By default, it goes down - it thinks negative. Suppose, you are sitting in a room and suddenly a rope, by any means, falls on you, first thing, your mind would perceive it is a snake, and instruct your body to react accordingly. How not, it perceives it as a rope or any other rope-like material, not a snake. 

Because, in the instantaneous condition, our mind executes its inherent nature, and its inherent nature is negative, not positive. The first thing comes in our mind is negativity, not positivity. It is like in the churning of the ocean, the first thing emerges is Halahal, the poison, not nectar. Nectar comes last after long churning.

For making our mind positive we have to train our mind. We have to put our diligent effort. We have to execute determination and discipline. We have to do Tapasya, the penance. Tap is fire. We have to do Tapasya to ignite the fire within to provide the direction of our thought process the way we want.

Naturally, the water goes down, but when we boil the same water, it evaporates and goes up. Similarly, our mind is prone to negativity, but when we boil it with the fire of determination, discipline, hard work and commitment, it goes up and touches the horizon of success and prestige for us.

Water does not have any shape of its own. It takes the shape of the container in which it is kept. If we keep it in a glass, it will take the shape of a glass, if we keep it in a bucket it will take the shape of a bucket, if we keep it in a pond, it will take the shape of the pond, if we keep it in an ocean, it will take the shape of an ocean. Similarly, our brain takes a different shape at different thought process. The shape of our brain does remain the same throughout of our life, it keeps changing according to the thought we generate. Changing of the shape of the brain is a scientific fact.

Unmanaged and undirected water brings flood and becomes the cause of the destruction. The same water if it is well-channelized quenches the thirst and nurtures the world and brings happiness and prosperity. Similarly, a well shaped and directed mind brings happiness and prosperity in our existence, if not, it is pernicious. 

You cannot create a positive, happy and prosperous life with a negative mind. Without any alternative, you have to convert your negative mind to positive mind for a positive and joyous life.

Thursday, 27 September 2018

Do Not Search For Resting Point In Life

I will enjoy my life after the completion of my matriculation, after getting good marks, after taking admission in the premier institutes and universities, after completion of so and so degree and course. I will enjoy after getting a good job or starting my own business. I will enjoy my life when I will deposit that much of money in my account. I will enjoy my life when there would be that much property in my name. I will enjoy my life when I will get married. I will enjoy my life when I would have my own kids. I will enjoy my life once I will get promoted to so and so position and post. I will enjoy my life when I would have the power of certain kind in my hand. I will enjoy my life only when I will have fame and popularity.

I will enjoy my life when my children will stand first in their academic. I have to do my job because of my immediate compulsion. I am not enjoying my life working for someone. Do not worry. I will enjoy my life when I will get retirement from my active job. I retired. Still, I am not enjoying. There is something I need to take care. Ok. I will enjoy my life once my children will get a job, married and settled in their life. I will enjoy … when….. I will enjoy …..when ….. But in fact, when ….?

In the expectation of enjoying life on certain occasion and point, many people came to this planet and left this planet, but could not enjoy their life, because, we are searching for something in our life which is not present. We are searching for the destination in our life. We are searching for the point in our life where we can rest and enjoy our life. We forget that there cannot be any resting point in life. There cannot be a destination where you can rest and enjoy your life and can say that I am enjoying my life after reaching this and that destination. Now, I need not to move further to enjoy my life. I have reached the destination of my life where happiness and joy are raining on me. Do not think about it. This is not going to happen. This is absolutely wrong understanding about the journey of life.

Life is a journey, not a destination. If you search for the destination in the journey of life, you will never get it, because it is not there. In the hollow expectation of getting the destination of life and then enjoy life, we spoil our life, we prepare our mind for the wrong thing. When our mind does not get what the expectation we have given to our mind, it irritates and horrifies our life. In the search for enjoyment and happiness at a certain point and on a certain occasion, we invite miseries and distress in our life.

The final destination of life is death. Nothing else. If you reached that destination, means you have lost your life. This world exists till your eyes are opened and mind is working. The moment your eyes are closed forever, this world is finished for you.

Do not make mistake in squandering your precious piece of life in the blind search for the resting point in your life. Simply you are not going to get it. Life is a journey, make it pleasant, and enjoy each and every bit of its existence. Set goal in your life to give a positive direction of your life. Achieve your goal and bask in the glory for your achievement, but do not stop there, make another goal in your life and keep forging ahead.

Embrace your success and failure equality. Success and failure is nothing but two wheels of the journey of life. They will keep rotating at regular interval to make you move further in your life. Enjoy those.

The people who understand this basic design of life, they do not wait for some great achievement or some great event to happen in their life in order to enjoy their life. They enjoy every moment of it because they understand that the life is very fragile. Every moment of life is precious. Nobody knows which moment would be the last moment of his life. So why procrastinate the joy and happiness for tomorrow and live in distress and misery for today in the void expectation for better tomorrow which is uncertain. Rather let us procrastinate the distress and miseries, the stress, tension, and worry for tomorrow and enjoy the life for today.

Do whatever you do at this moment big or small, but do with full enjoyment. Completely immerse into that. This is the only moment left for you. Do not program your amenable mind to search for the resting point and destination in your life. That does not exist. You will not get it. Start enjoying your life to the fullest from now.

There is a last day of everybody`s life. Live as if today is your last day. Without repent, without guilt. With full of compassion and love. In a complete indulgence. This moment is absolutely your moment, submerge into it, live it and enjoy it before it is too late.

Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Poison Always Emerges First Before Amrut

In order to get the elixir of immortality, the Amrut – you have to first drink the poison. Amrut is always hidden in the veneer of Poison. There is no one on this planet who does not want Amrut. Both Asura and Deva have the common goal – Amrut. But the Amrut is hidden in the deep layer of the ocean. To get the Amrut out, the ocean must be churned out.

The first time, Deva and Asura worked together for the common goal – that is – Amrut. They put their diligent effort. They worked as an ideal team for that purpose.

You may have differences, but if there is a common goal, and both parties are getting benefit from that, without any alternative, you have to work as an ideal team; you have to give your 100% to achieve the common goal. The same thing was being done by Deva and Asura. They both wanted Amrut, but that was not possible without churning the ocean. They knew it, and hence they started churning the ocean.

During the churning, the first thing came out was Halahal, the poison, and the last thing came out was Amrut. Everybody was frightened by seeing the devouring poison. Nobody had any idea what to do. They were not prepared for that. Everybody looks for Amrut, and they try for that also, but very few people prepare themselves to confront the emergence of the poison during that process.

Poison takes life and Amrut makes life immortal. Both are opposite. The first thing comes out is poison, if you can handle the poison only then you would be eligible for Amrut. There is no way to reach directly to the Amrut without passing the path of poisons. There is no way to consume Amrut without consuming and digesting poison first. This is the truth of life.
To proceed further, the emerged poison must be consumed and digested first. Lord Shiva was found suitable for that work. He consumed the poison in order to allow Deva and Asura to continue their search for the Amrut. Lord Shiva kept the poison in his neck, equi-distance from the heart and mind. In this way, that devouring poison could not harm Lord Shiva.

They continued churning the ocean. During that process, they got many valuable treasures. Those were distributed among them without any issue. They did not stop there. They kept churning the ocean until they got Amrut, their ultimate goal.

If you have some great goal in your life like Amrut, which is going to make you immortal, then you must be ready for the poison occurring during that process. Immortality does not mean your physical immortality. It means – your name would remain immortal even after your physical demise due to your deeds and great goal you have achieved in your life.

This world is a material ocean when you start churning this ocean for achieving your set great goal, the first thing you will get a lot of predicament and opposition. That would make your next step difficult, sometimes impossible. You will be frightened. You will lose your focus from your set goal. You may have to confront jealousy, hatred and even mental and physical attack on you from your oppositions. These are the poison which will try to demolish your existence.  You must be ready and well prepared for that kind of poison even before taking the first step towards your set great goal.

You have to consume and digest those poisons like Lord Shiva who never allowed the poison to reach his head or heart. He kept the poison at equi-distance from his head and heart. You consume those poisons of opposition and predicament, but never allow reaching either to your head or heart and spoil your motive. You have to keep those at equi-distance from your head and heart.

You will get positive and negative emotions at the same time. Make sure they should not fight to each other in your head and spoil your motive rather allow them to work as a team for your goal as Deva and Asura did despite their diagonal differences.

Do not stop in between by getting something valuable. Keep working until you achieve your final goal which will create a history and make you immoral in this mortal world.

Saturday, 22 September 2018

You Tell Me – I Will Listen

LISTEN and SILENT are two different words but contain the same alphabets. These two words are complementary to each other. In order to listen something as it is, you have to silence your mind first. Without listening something properly, you cannot understand it properly. Without understanding it properly, you cannot be the master of that subject what has been talking about.

Only 2% people listen, rest 98% just hear. If you listen properly then there would be no any misconception and misunderstanding about anything. Listening must be the pure. There must not be any prejudices and assumption in it. It must be listened as it is. The listening is so pure and divine that the highest and the most authentic scripture of Hinduism that is Veda is called Shruti – means – to be heard. It is so because without great listening ability no one can be the master of great, profound and divine knowledge.

Lord Ganesha is considered the god of wisdom. His wisdom is because of his listening ability. His big ears symbolize his great listening ability. Once his father, lord Shiva, wanted to visit his wife Parvati, but Ganesha tried to stop him. Lord Shiva tried to explain his relationship with his mother Parvati, but he refused to listen to him. And Lord Shiva chopped his head and replaced with an elephant head. Elephant has big ears and small mouth. Means – listening more and speaking less. At least listen twice than you speak.

Lord Ganesha became so great listener that he became the god of wisdom. He could understand and know what others could not. Due to this great quality, ability and wisdom he became divine and is worshipped first before any other gods and goddesses.

Mouth is one, but there are many works. And ears are two but has only one work – just listening. This is the design of nature. According to this design we must listen multiple times more than we speak. Speaking without listening is always a useless talk. If we want to flourish and be happy in this existence, without any alternative, we must conform to this design of nature.

In the Bagawat Gita, Arjuna kept speaking his doubt, and Krishna kept listening all his doubt patiently and carefully without interrupting him in between. When Arjuna stopped speaking, and after listening and understanding his concern properly, Krishna opened his mouth. When Krishna started speaking, Arjuna listened that patiently and carefully without interrupting him in between. With this great communication, Arjuna`s all doubts were washed away and he involved himself single mindedly in the action which was appropriate for that moment and emerged as a hero.

You cannot give the proper solution to someone without listening and understanding his doubts properly. And other party cannot get the solution of his doubt until he closes his mouth and open his ears. Speaking and listening cannot happen simultaneously, it must be in sequential.

Without listening ability, any communication is a weak communication. Great communication is not only speaking ability, but listening ability also. Communication between Krishna and Arjuna was very strong and effective communication, because both the sides had strong listening ability.

“The people with less intelligence and knowledge keep their ears and eyes closed and mouth opened."

Wednesday, 5 September 2018

रोता रह गया बुद्धू ....

मुन्ना  ऐसा मत करो, मत रोओ, खाना खालो, क्या चाहिए बोलो तुम्हारे पिताजी ला देंगे, अभी चूप हो जाओ। मुन्ना चुप होने का नाम नहीं ले रहा था।  उसको भी वही रिमोट वाला कार चाहिए जो कि पड़ोस में रहने वाला टिंकू के पास है। लड़का खाना नहीं खा रहा था, रूठ के बैठा था।  उसको चाहिए तो बस चाहिए।  जिद्द पे अड़ गया। माँ- बाप ज्यादा बोल नहीं सकते क्योकि एकलौता लड़का था।  लाड - प्यार बहुत था।

पिताजी ऑफिस से आये।  मनाने की कोशिश की, लेकिन कोई फायदा नहीं हुआ। अनन्तः उनको उसी वक़्त पास के बाजार से रिमोट कंट्रोल वाला कार लाना पड़ा।  मुन्ना खिलौना देखकर चुप हुआ, और खाना खाने लगा। लेकिन भरपेट खाना नहीं खा पाया क्योकि उसका ध्यान खिलौने पे था।

कुछ दिन खेला, फिर वही रोना धोना।  नए नए दिन नई नई फरमाइसे। उसके माँ बाप हर संभव प्रयास करते की मुन्ना किसी तरह से खुश रहे, परन्तु मुन्ना को तो रोने और रूठने की आदत पड़ चुकी थी। वह किसी भी चीज़ से खुश नहीं रहता था।

बड़ा हुआ, लेकिन रोने की आदत गयी नहीं।  बच्चो की तरह तो आँसू बहा नहीं सकता था, लेकिन हमेशा उदास रहता था।  दुनिया में कोई भी ऐसी चीज़ नहीं थी, जो उसको ख़ुशी दे सकती थी।  कुछ भी उसके अनुसार नहीं था। सब कुछ बदलना चाहता था। 

धन दौलत भी बहुत था उसके पास, उस पैसे से जो भी विलासता की वस्तू खरीदना चाहता था खरीद सकता था। फिर भी वह खुश न था।  आप पैसे से वस्तू खरीद सकते है, मगर ख़ुशी नहीं। 

इस दुनिया को  बदलने के चक्कर में कितने लोग आये और गये, दुनिया तो बदल नहीं पाए, परन्तु जीवन व्यर्थ हो गयी।  इसका भी जीवन की लीला इसी तरह समाप्त हो गयी। 

उसके पास वह सब कुछ था, अच्छे माँ -बाप, निरोग शरीर, पर्याप्त पैसा इत्यादि, जिससे  एक खुशहाल जिन्दगी जिया जा सकता था।   लेकिन दुनिया  बदलने के चक्कर में खुद ही वह काल के चक्कर में फस के ख़त्म हो गय।

रोता हुआ आया, रोता हुआ जिया, और रोता हुआ दुनिया से अलविदा हो गया। 

काश ! वह दुनिया बदलने के वजाय खुद को बदल लिया होता।  दुनिया को सिखाने के वजाय खुद जिंदगी के मायने सिख लिया होता। रोने के वजाय हॅसने की आदत डाल ली होती, तो शायद, उसकी जिंदगी दुःख में नहीं सुख में बीतती। 

इस संसार में सुख और दुःख, ख़ुशी और ग़म हमेशा से रहे है, और हमेशा ही रहगे। यह शाश्वत है, इसको संसार से खत्म नहीं किया जा सकता। संसार नामक गाड़ी सकारात्मक और नकारात्मक नामक दो पहियों पर ही चलती है।  विरोधाभास ही इस श्रुष्टि की प्राण है। दोनों ही सामान मात्रा में उपलब्ध है। निर्णय हमको लेना होता है कि हम किसका चुनाव कर रहे है - सकारात्मक या नकारात्मक, सुःख या दुःख, ख़ुशी या ग़म। 

मनुष्य की जिंदगी बहुत कम होती है, इसको व्यर्थ की दुःख इकठ्ठा करने में व्यतीत करना चाहिए।  नहीं तो रोते हुए आये हो, रोते हुए जिओगे, और रोते हुए इस दुनिया से अलविदा हो जाओगे। 

इस संसार में सबको मरना होता है - लेकिन बुद्धू रो-रो के और मर-मर के जीता है, और बुद्धा अपनी जिंदगी पूर्णता से जी कर मरता है।

जन्म और मरण का चुनाव हमारे वश में नहीं होता है, लेकिन जिंदगी कैसी हो और हमको कैसे जीना है, यह चुनाव हमारे वश में होता  है। इसका चुनाव एक बुद्धा की कर सकता है, बुद्धू नहीं। बुद्धा को  हर पल अपने मृत्यु का एहसास होता है, इसलिए वह अपनी जिंदगी को हर क्षण  पूर्णता से जीता है।  जिंदगी का एक पल भी व्यर्थ गवाना उसको गवारा नहीं।

और बुद्धू हर पल रो-रो के जीता है, और रो-रो  मरता है, उसको पता ही नहीं होता, क्यों आया और क्या ढूंढ रहा था, और क्या पाया और क्यों चला गया। 

यह मनुष्य का अपना व्यक्तिगत चुनाव है कि बुद्धा बनकर खुशहाल जिंदगी जीना चाह्ता है या बुद्धू बनकर रो-रो के।

Friday, 31 August 2018

The Most Ferocious Creature Is Human

All the existing creatures can be understood but not the human. And what that cannot be understood, cannot be controlled. 

The most cunning and dangerous creature is the human being. By any means, humans cannot be understood properly. They think something, they speak something and they do something. It is very difficult, almost impossible, to find out the reality of any human being. We proudly say that we know many people. But, we know only the reflection of those people, not the reality. The reflection keeps changing from time to time.

A person is very close with you, he spends most of the time with you, he regularly talks with you, however, it is very difficult for you to understand what the exact view and image he has about you. And he cannot understand about you as well. It may be a good view or a bad view of something or someone, but no way the exact view. Whether you appraise someone or criticize someone, you exaggerate in both cases. Someone respects someone, but no way to find out whether it is the real respect or hypocrisy. Human has the only capacity to hide his emotion and nature from someone. But, this is not true with other creatures.

A tiger is a tiger, a lion is a lion, a deer is a deer whether they are in a cage or in a jungle. Their nature remains the same. They do not know how to lie and hide their true nature. That is their weakness. Due to this weakness, they can be understood and controlled. The mightiest animals can be captured and caged. But this is not true regarding a human being. Humans behave differently in different situation. They know how to take the advantage of the situation.

This diversity in nature and the personality of the humans make their personality and nature tough to be understood as it is. We do not carry the reality of any person, but his image which gets captured in our mind. 

In the office, we have a different image among the people and at home different. We cannot be equal to everyone. We behave differently with a different person in a different situation. In public, we are different, and in private, we are different. Which of these personalities and images is the reality? None of these. We are something different which nobody can understand. This mysterious personality and nature of humans make them the most dangerous creature of this planet.

No creature is a threat to nature except the human being. Humans have exploited nature. They have polluted nature. They have created commotion and chaos in nature for satisfying their greed and lust and maintaining their superficial image and devastating ego. So many wars and battles are the evidence of the ferocious, exploiting, dominating and devastating nature of human.

Humans have dominated other creatures. They have snatched their home and freedom of living. They are killing them for satisfying their sensual impulses. Due to human intervention, many creatures are extinct and many are on the verge of extinct.

Pollution, global warming, uneven weather conditions and various natural calamities are the effect of the intervention of the human in the work of nature. In the name of development, humans have sown the seeds of destruction which are growing and started giving its fruits.

Humans have not only dominated and tried to finish other creatures for their greed and sensual pleasure, but also their fellow human beings. The history of the world has seen many pieces of evidence of genocide. Dominating and ruling over others has always been the rudimentary nature of human.  Whenever he gets an opportunity, he tries to dominate others whether by his physical strength, money, knowledge or by any other available sources.

Humans never get satisfaction whatever they get. They desire more and more. They want to feel valuable. And what they think that can give them the value they try for that. They always try to prove valuable and powerful in the front of others by the available means with them. They go for more accumulation and acquisition not for their need but for their greed. 

The resources of nature are sufficient to satisfy the need of all creatures on this planet, however, the entire resources of nature are insufficient to satisfy the greed of even one person.

Humans have polluted almost all the sources which are necessary for the existence of life on this planet. Now, food, water and air all are polluted which are the fundamental needs of all living beings. Everybody had a free access to water, but now, it is being traded. No one can take risk of drinking raw water. That needs to be gone through the various filtering process using chemicals. The air pollution has increased drastically. 

In the coming future, there would be no surprise if, like water and food, oxygen would be traded. Water and air-borne diseases have increased significantly.  For all these conditions, no one but human is responsible.

Humans, out of fear or for dominating others or satisfying their ego, have created many deadly weapons which are sufficient enough to destroy this planet. Humans have put all their effort and hard work in creating insecurity, fear and jeopardy in this world in the name of security and development.

Few people in this world understand that this planet and the human race is in danger and work towards it. The majority is busy in exploiting nature for satisfying their greed and lust. 

This earth and the human race cannot be saved by the effort of a few people. Everybody`s involvement is essential. Everybody must have required education and awareness of the impending danger. This earth belongs to everyone, and this is an equal responsibility of everyone to save the world. Without everybody`s involvement, this earth cannot be saved.

If this is not happening, then the day is not very far when we will destroy our this earth which has been the dwelling place for our forefathers, giving shelter to us, and will nurture to our coming generation, and the human race would also extinct forever like other many species did.

Wednesday, 29 August 2018

What Is The Sole Purpose Of Rituals, Images, Stories Or Religions – Why They Exist?

There cannot be smoke without fire. Through the smoke, you can reach the fire. But when you see fog and understand it as smoke and try to find the fire, you cannot get it, and you declare the absence of fire.

Puranas and stories and images and rituals are the smokes of the fire of spirituality. Through which you can reach the fire of spirituality which is continuously burning inside you. When you reach that fire, there would be light and warmth everywhere. In that light, you can see everything as it. Everything would be very clear to you. Nothing can delude or fear you. The delusion and fear exist in the realm of the darkness only.  In the presence of fire, the darkness cannot exist. That is why fire is considered very auspicious. Reaching that fire is the state of enlightenment.

But when you entangle yourselves in the smoke of Purana, stories, rituals and images, you deceive yourself. The illusion and darkness will not go away from your life. That smoke will make the darkness of ignorance and illusion denser. The presence of the religious smoke in the form of Purana, stories, rituals, images, customs, tradition, festivals and various religious congregations is to confirm of the existence of the fire of the spirituality, its direction and method to reach there.

But the method, path and direction must be right and authentic. It should be the smoke of fire of the spirituality, not the fog which appears like smoke, but it is not. That would take you nowhere but in the whirl of darkness. We must be very sure what we follow and believe in.

The fire of spirituality can be reached by anyone by following the right method and path. That person can be religious or irreligious. The only condition is the method, path and direction must be appropriate and authentic. There can be various method and path to reach that fire of spirituality. That is why, various religions, rituals, images and stories are available as a symbol, methods and motivation to reach that fire of spirituality and attain the state of enlightenment where all the differences of the world vanish and oneness appears.

Tuesday, 28 August 2018

Marriage Should Be A Seven Year Contract, Not Seven Lives Bond

In Hinduism, in the ceremony of marriage, bride and groom circumambulate the fire for seven times with seven vows and with an emotional oath to carry with the same spouse for the next seven lives.

Humans are not certain of one life and make a promise of carrying the same relationship for seven lives. Most of the people lose their interest in the relationship of marriage in 7 years, some in 7 months, some in even 7 days and we talk to carry the same relationship for seven lives. In the case of incompatibility, most of the relationships are not being carried amicably but being dragged due to some unavoidable compulsion and responsibility. People sacrifice their inherent urge of freedom and happiness at the door of compulsion of responsibility.

We take seven vows during the marriage ceremony, but most of us do not understand what those vows are. Those seven vows of marriage are so idealistic which cannot be fulfilled in one life. That is why you have given seven lives to understand and fulfil those vows which are unrealistic. In this lack of this understanding, we create unnecessary confusion and doubt in our marriage. Doubt and confusion breed conflicts. No wonder, most of the couple spends their most of the life in conflict and quarrel and understanding and ignoring each other at the same time. In marriage, you have only two choices –either you love it or hate it, but you can neither ignore it nor understand it.

We are very courageous people. We never allow anything - let it go. We give a chance to ourselves to understand each other. And one life is very less time for understanding each other.  And without understanding, nothing can be carried out joyously. To carry out this project we extend our deadlines. The deadline is extended up to seven years. Despite the extended deadline, nobody has succeeded in understanding the complexity of marriage. Still, every individual is given an equal opportunity to bang their head to understand the intricacy of this relationship. The more we try to understand it, the more convoluted it becomes.

If you stop trying understanding this relationship, you can carry this relationship for more years, even for the entire life joyously. The cases of divorce are found more in the civilized society than the underdeveloped society, because the former try to understand their relationship, which is not possible, and in this process, they choose other paths to get separated.

Marriage is nothing but a contract between two unknown people to stay together despite any differences and bitterness. The contract is prepared by the society and signed by bride and groom considering god as their witness. Now, you are bounded for seven lives. Live for each other and die for each other. There is no life left in the relationship of many people. Still, they carry their dead relationship, because they are obliged to. That would give nothing but a horrible smell of dead and rotten relationship. In this environment, how one can be happy and joyous…!

By seeing the complications in the marriages in today`s world where people are very ambitious and giving importance to their individual freedom, the concept of marriage for seven lives is not pragmatic. There should be a seven-year marriage contract at maximum. If the couple is comfortable staying together even after seven years of the contract, the contract can be extended for more terms. In this way, there would be more lives in the relationship. You know, you are going to stay with each other for a short period of time only; you will try to live each and every moment joyously. You know, you are not going to get this moment again. Instead of wasting your time in incrimination and recrimination, you will spend a quality time with each other. You would have less expectation from each other. And, where there is less expectation, the relationship lasts for a longer time. When you are comfortable in your relationship, you carry on. If you are not, no need to suffer in correcting each other. Choose your path. Life is very precious; it should not be spoiled the in bitterness of any kind.

Of course, there would be some complication in maintenance and kids. That should be taken care by law and society. Children should be the responsibility of the society where they could be kept away from the family conflict and complications. Every child should be grown equally who can think and work towards making the society and country strong. 

Sunday, 26 August 2018

What Makes A Country Powerful?

All the creatures, plants and materials are attached to the earth, because of the gravitational force. If the gravitational is absent even for a moment, the entire world would be a chaos, everything will vanish from here. There is an order in nature because of this unbreakable gravitational force.

Similarly, the constitution of any country is that force which keeps the country in order and provides a new dimension and direction to that country and makes that country a developed and prosperous country. If that force is weak, anyone can break and mould it the way they want. That would create a chaos in the country. No one can be happy and prosperous in such kind of country where the constitution is weak and law and order is at stake.

Nobody could develop a trust in the government and nation. Where is there no trust in the government and nation, everybody would work for themselves, not for the development of the nation. Everybody would have fear and insecurity whether he is poor or rich, white or black, weak or strong. In the fear and insecurity, people would become more selfish and greedy. The corruption would be more. Where there is corruption, the country cannot progress, no matter what potential that country has. Corruption is that harmful bacteria that could cripple the leg of the progress of any country. With a crippled leg, you cannot be the pioneer in the progressive race of the world.

People must have fear of the constitution if they dare to do something illegal. The constitution must be equal for everyone, not in the paper, but in implementation. The way, gravitational force is equal for everyone. It does not matter who falls from the mountain whether he is a sinner or a saint, the same gravitational force is applicable to everyone. Due to this indiscriminative nature of nature, nature is most feared and respected as well.

The constitution of the country must be kept on the top of everything because this force is going to ensure all the citizen of the country to live in peace, prosperity and harmony. This power can make a developing country to a developed country.