Thursday, 31 January 2013

Mathematics of Negativity and Positivity

To comprehend the negativity and positivity of the mind, and its calculation is as simple as to comprehend the simple mathematics of plus and minus. To add two numbers who has the same sign, we get the added result with the same sign. Viz. (-2) + (-3) = -5. If we add two positive numbers, we get added result with plus sign, viz. (+2) + (+3) = +5. If we add one no. with plus sign and another with minus sign, we get the added no. with the sign of bigger no. viz. (-3) + (+2) = -1, (+3) + (-2) = +1.  This simple mathematics everyone knows. Let us understand its association with negativity and positivity of our life.

If you are a negative person, naturally, your inclination would be more towards the negativity. Like attracts like. Negativity fester our creativity and potential. Definitely, everyone on this phase of earth want to have the grand success in one`s life. The negativity and lack of confidence is the only stumbling block in your progress and success. The negativity in your mind never bolsters you to reach where you want to reach in your life. If you approach someone who is also negative, then you will be more negatively charged. To offload your negativity, you need to involve or meet to the positive charged person. As mathematics suggest the weightage and intensity of the individual or environment determines to adjust your negativity and positivity accordingly.

The person is known by the company he keeps. The positive surrounded people will charge himself with positivity, and vice-versa is also true. Question may arise that my environment, where I work or reside is not positive, then how can I be surrounded with positive people? This is very generic question. If you surrounded by the negative driven persons, then they drag you at their level, and you also start thinking and acting like them. It is really perilous. Our physical mind is very prone to negativity. In this kind of scenario also, you can be phenomenal positively charged person. Surround yourself with motivational and inspirational books. Keep reading the biography and auto-biography of the great personage. This daily habit of reading these kinds of books and biographies make you to think like heroes, you will find that you are always surrounded by the positive, tough and great people. Once you find the association of the heroes, the positivity, the confidence, the optimism will boost-up and it will be programmed within you. You become what you think and do most of the time. The modus operandi of this habit can make you an internal driven person. No matter what the external environment is, the internal driven person never gets perturbed.  You will dispel your negativity and pessimism very easily by association with positive people. That is why, it is said that you can create your own environment. Not only this, others also get positively charged in your company. The amount of confidence, positivity, and optimism you promulgate; your positivity, personality becomes multitudinous.

In the beginning, the entire great personages were also surrounded by the negative environment and people. Their ideas and thoughts were scoffed and scorned by the pessimist. But they never perplexed and influenced by the negative blow. By their confidence and positivity, they responded them with massive success in their pursuits, and created a place in the history. In mathematics, any no. without a sign is positive. Similarly, there is no special sign is required to put to recognize a positive person. It is visible by the act, body language and words one uses in one’s communication. If you follow the path of the winner, you will be winner. If follow the path of looser, you will be a looser. This is simple mathematics. No secret here.

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Laxmi Does Not Mean Merely Money, Wealth or Property

When we talk and hear about Laxmi, we generally assume the money, wealth or property. Laxmi does not mean merely money, wealth or property. There are eight different forms of Laxmi. The real affluent persons are those who have the blessings of all eight forms of Laxmi. But it is difficult to have all the forms of Laxmi. The different forms of Laxmi are as follows:-

1. Aadi-Laxmi (The Primeval Goddess) or Maha Laxmi (The Great Goddess) – Generally see her depicted with her consort Vishnu.
2. Dhana- Laxmi or Aishwarya Laxmi --The Goddess of Prosperity and Wealth
3. Dhaanya- Laxmi -- Goddess of Food grains
4. Gaja- Laxmi --The Elephant Goddess – it represents the elegant of the person.
5. Santana- Laxmi -- The Goddess of Progeny
6. Veera- Laxmi or Dhairya Laxmi -- The Goddess of Valor and Courage
7. Vidya- Laxmi --The Goddess of Knowledge
8. Vijaya- Laxmi or Jaya Laxmi --The Goddess of Victory – There is difference between Vijay and Jay. Vijay mean the victory on others, and Jay means the victory on the self. If you do not conquer the self, you will be conquered by the self. And she is bestowal of the both, the spiritual wealth.

The person cannot be called bereft of Laxmi, if one has the blessings of any of the eight forms. Every form of the goddesses is a test at every level. It she is not respected or handled properly, she could be very dangerous. For an illustration, if someone is possessing Dhana Laxmi, chances are there, he can be arrogant. He can buy food grains (Dhaanya Laxmi) easily, and may not give much value to food grains. By getting wealth, he can buy all the luxurious, Gaja-Lakshmi, chance are there, he could be indulging in debauchery life style. If he get the Veer Laxmi, chances are there, he could start dominating the weaker people. By getting Vidya Laxmi, chances are there to misuse it to dupe the people. By getting Vijaya or Jaya Laxmi, chances are there to disrespect the weaker people and be cruel and flaunt towards his enemies. By getting Santana (Children) Laxmi, chances are there to indulge in discriminating with those persons who do not have Santana. If he continues to do this, chances are there, his offspring on which he was proud of, start fighting over Dhana Laxmi (Property).

The positive side of these forms of Laxmi is also true, if you handle and respect every form of Laxmi equally and understand her blessings. It is always pernicious to contempt any form of Laxmi, if you do, she will make you unstable. The number of sign of Laxmi is eight, might be due to her eight forms. Be happy with her blessings, if you have any of her forms. By one form of her, chances are there to generate others forms of her.

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

असली चेहरा

आदमीं भटकाव में जी रहा है। वह किसी दूसरे को भटकाने के ताव में है। और कोई उसको। आदमी एक असली चहरे पर अनेक झूठी मुखौटे लगा रखा है। यह तय करना मुश्किल है कि, असल में आदमी का असली चेहरा कौन-सा है? वह अपना चेहरा और मुह तो भिन्न-भिन्न लोगो के लिए भिन्न-भिन्न बना रखा है।

थोडा सोचो! अगर परमात्मा तुमसे मिल जाये, तो तुम कौन-सा चेहरा उसको दिखाओगे? वह जो अपनी पत्नी को दिखाते हो? या, वह जो अपने नौकर को दिखाते हो? कि वह जो अपनी प्रेयेसी को दिखाते हो? या, वह जो अपने मालिक को दिखाते हो? या, वह जो दिन, दरिद्र या गरीब को दिखाते हो?  कि वह चेहरा जो कमजोर को दिखाते हो? या, वह जो अपने से शक्तिशाली को दिखाते हो? कौन-सा तुम्हारा असली चेहरा है, जिसे तुम परमात्मा को प्रस्तूत करोंगे? यह सारे चहरे तो बनावटी और झूठी है। इतने चेहरों का तुमने मुखौटा पहना है कि असली चेहरा कौन है, भूल ही गये हो।

अपने से दिन, दरिद्र, गरीब और कमज़ोर देखते हो तो बरस पड़ते हो। और अपने से शक्तिशाली को देखते हो तो खुशामत में लग जाते हो। ऐसे झूठी मुखौटे और झूठी मुह वाले इंसान का अपना खुद का कोई अस्तित्व नहीं होता। अपनी झूठी शान-शौकत के लिए तुमने अपना ज़मीर दाव पर लगा दिया। अब अगर परमात्मा तुम्हारे सामने खड़ा है, तो तुम्हे इतनी तकलीफ़ क्यों हो रही है, असली चेहरा लाने में? इंसान दुनिया से झूठ बोलकर सत्य को छुपा सकता है, लेकिन अपने से नहीं। हर इंसान के अंदर चाहे अच्छा हो या बुरा , आत्मा और परमात्मा का निवास होता है। इंसान का ज़मीर जब खुद से सवाल पूछता है, तो इंसान नशे का सहारा लेता है, ताकि वह अपने को कुछ क्षण के लिए भूल जाये। लेकिन, उपरी आवरण ओढ़ने से या झूठ बोलने से, इससे निज़ाद नहीं पाया जा सकता है।

जिस दिन तुम्हारा भ्रम टूटेगा और असली चेहरे का साक्षात्कार होगा, उसी दिन से तुम्हारे अंदर दैविक परिवर्तन प्रारंभ हो जायेंगा, और परमात्मा तुम्हे अंगीकार कर लेगा। जो आदमी किसी की  स्तुति मागता है, वह कही न कही, किसी की स्तुति या खुशामद कर रहा होगा। लेकिन जिस आदमी ने ठीक से अपने को देखा है, वह न तो किसी की स्तुति करता है, और न  किसी की स्तुति की अपेक्षा करता है। एक ही परमात्मा है, उसी की स्तुति हो जाये तो काफ़ी है। वह किस से स्तुति क्यों मांगे? क्योकि वही  एक चारो तरफ है।

सत्य के सामने जब आदमी खड़ा होता है, तो पाता  है कि उसके कोई भी सांसारिक चेहरे काम के नहीं। सभी गंदे और सभी झूठे है। खोजो उस चहरे को, जो जन्म से पहले तुम्हारे साथ था। खोजो उस चहरे को, जो मरने के बाद तुम्हारे साथ होगा। बीच से सब चेहरे झूठे है। अपनी असली चेहरे के साथ जियो, जीना आसान हो जायेंगा। नकली चेहरा बनाना कठिन काम है, असली चेहरा स्वाभाविक और आसान है।

Monday, 28 January 2013

Why Sarasvati Became Invisible?

The source of the Sarasvati River is still a puzzle for the scholars. Sarasvati river is very old river. Sarasvati river has also been mentioned in Rig Veda, the most authentic and ancient scripture of the Hindu. Later this river dried up or went underground, due to the dupe of the sand. The goddess Sarasvati was originally a personification of Sarasvati River, but later developed an independent identity and gained meaning. She is mainly associated with the color white, which signifies the purity of true knowledge. Occasionally, however, she is also associated with the color yellow, the color of the flowers of the mustard plant that bloom at the time of her festival in the spring. Adorn with simple trinket representing her preference of knowledge over worldly material things. She is generally shown to have four arms, which represent the four aspects of human personality in learning: mind, intellect, alertness, and ego.

Alternatively, these four arms also represent the four Vedas, the primary sacred books for Hindus. The Vedas, in turn, represent the three forms of literature: Rigveda contains hymns, representing poetry. It is represented by the garland of crystal. Yajurveda contains prose. It is represented by the book in one hand. Samaveda represents music. It is represented by the Veena. Seated on an inverted white lotus meaning to be in search of the light of knowledge. A pot of sacred water, representing creative and purification powers. A swan is often located next to her feet. This sacred bird has the capability to separate milk from the mixture of milk and water. It, thus symbolizes discrimination between the good and the bad or the eternal and the evanescent. Sometimes a peacock is shown beside the goddess. The peacock represents arrogance and pride over its beauty, and by having a peacock as her mount, the goddess teaches not to be concerned with external appearance and to be wise regarding the eternal truth.

Sarasvati is the embodiment of knowledge. She does not go anywhere; people need to approach her to get her. She is difficult to get, but once you please her and get her, she never elude you. Unlike the material property, you cannot pass your knowledge to someone, if someone does not put his effort for the same. It is said that, the atrocity and sin had increased on the earth, and people was approaching and getting her without much effort, and misusing her. On distraught, she became invisible. Invisibly, now she is flowing everywhere, only those persons can grasp and gain her, who is doing the penance and diligent effort to develop the divine eye to get her. She is not visible to everyone.

Recent Hindu belief is that still Sarasvati River flows underground and meets Yamuna and Ganga at their confluence in Prayag (Allahabad). The embodiment of knowledge is flowing everywhere; she does not make discriminate to anyone who approaches her to get her. It is our lackness of effort which is stopping us to grasp her, once one gets her blessings; one becomes the eligible to get the liberation from the continuous cycle of birth and death.

Friday, 25 January 2013

The Science of Colors of Gods and Goddesses

In Indian Mythology, we can see different gods and goddesses have distinct colors. Those colors of gods and goddesses are not by chance. The mythology is the subjective truth which beckons towards the objective truth. Veneer of every mythological story or symbol, there is always a strong message. The size, posture, cloths, hair style, colors etc. of the idols or symbols, all these have the logical and scientific aspect . Let us understand what the colors of gods and goddesses suggest.

Lord Vishnu and his incarnation have the dark/black color. He is god of households. Kali has also black color. Lord Shiva and Sarasvati have white colors. Lord Shiva is known as “Karpoor Gauram”, means whose color is like camphor. Mostly things are associated with Lord Shiva is white. Ganga, Snow of Kailas, Nandi, and His own color all are white.  Mostly thing associated with Sarasvati are also white. Swan, Sarasvati River, her cloth, her own color all are white. Mostly things associated with Vishnu and Kali are black. Jamuna River, Kaliya, Night, their color all are black. Vishnu is involved in worldly life, Kali persuaded Shiva to involve in worldly life. Once Shiva got ready to marry with Kali, She percolated her black color into Jamuna River and became “Gauri”, and Shiva married with Gauri. Their qualities are more prone to household involvements, absorb all worldly pleasure and live into it. Shiva is hermit, lives is secluded place, detached from the worldly life. Sarasvati also likes to live in secluded place, not much indulge in worldly life. She does not approach anyone, who needs Sarasvati, approaches her. Both Shiva and Sarasvati do not create any discriminate for the persons who put effort to gain their blessings. All are equal to them.

Scientifically, any object looks black, because it absorbs all the color into it. Any object looks white, because it reflects back all other colors. The same quality we can see in Vishnu and Kali, they absorb worldly things into them or they indulge in worldly affairs, like the characteristics of the black color. Lord Shiva and Sarasvati detach from worldly affairs, like the characteristics of the white color who reflect back all other colors.

The image of the gods and goddesses was never a blind construct. The sages of yore had the complete knowledge of the science even at that time. As the times passes, the science, the depth, the logic, the purpose of the mythological symbols have been lost, and now, only the symbol has left.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Qualities of a Leader

Few leaders are there who truly lead the team by examples.  The job of the good leader is to groom his team to the maximum, instill confidence and sense of urgency and responsibility of the assigned task. You as a leader need to pay attention each and every member`s weaknesses and strengths and work on them to make it better. You should carry the following qualities as a leader.

Skill Development of the team: -- As a leader, you should not only focus on the result, but pay attention on the system and improvement which can ensure you desired result. Without great team, no amount of focus on goals and targets will ever pay off. Team can only achieve what they are capable of achieving, so it’s your job to help all your team to be more capable so they—and your project—can achieve more.
It's your job to recognize the area of the improvement of the team members and to provide the training, mentoring, and opportunities your team need and deserve. When you do, you transform the relatively boring process of reviewing results and tracking performance into something a lot more meaningful for your team: Progress, improvement, and personal achievement.

Have Trust on the team: -- Do not start blasting the team or individuals for the some initial mistake, but analyze it and find the root cause for the same. It could be human error or problem with the system or might be issue with other dependent team. Trust your team and value their effort. Make lesson learned document and make aware everyone not the same mistake to be repeated.

Respect Everyone`s time:-- If you schedule meeting with someone, then be punctual on the meeting, if you want to cancel it due to some inevitable reason then do it at advance, and disseminate among the team with the reason for cancellation. Remember, everyone`s time have the value at the respective level. If you will not respect and give due values to others time and commitment, then you should also not expect the same from others. 

Work on problems readily: -- Generally, we ignore the small issue happens in the team, and do not heed much, because it is not looking big for me. It is possible it is not looking big issue in your perspective, but it could be matter more for whom, who has this issue. Remember, nothing kills team morale more quickly than problems that don't get addressed. Interpersonal squabbles, performance issues, feuds between departments etc... all negatively impact team motivation and enthusiasm. And they're distracting, because small problems never go away. Small problems always fester and grow into bigger problems. Plus, when you ignore a problem your team immediately lose respect for you, and without respect, you cannot lead.

Pay Attention on weaker side of individuals: -- Everyone is not born with the same quality and expert level. It is possible in the team that all the members do not perform equally. Pay attention of these sorts of members and recognize, and provide more training and moral boost up for self-effort and preparation to match the standard of the project requirements.

Give Credit to the team effort: -- Even though, you have put lot of effort to motivate and provide training etc. to your team to bring it to the performance level. You should never take the credit of this. This is your job and duty, and credit should goes to your team who put the effort to match the standard. If something goes wrong, it is you who should sling the responsibility and correct it.

Remember Your base point: -- Officially, you have been given the prerogative to lead the team. It does not mean that you misuse the power and authority to dictate the team. It is the added responsibility of your job you got. Do not forget your base point when you were at this position. At every possible level, guide them for better career and future perspective. Be pragmatic while taking any critical decision.

Monday, 21 January 2013

Life is An Opportunity

Life is an opportunity. The mind and body are the instruments have been provided to us to avail this opportunity. Life means the span of time. What do you think, what is the average span of life of human beings? 70-75 years! Out of these 70-75 years, you can measure your productive and effective years; it could be 60-65 years, depending on your life style and health condition. In these 60-65 years, you have to accomplish everything you always wanted to accomplish. The opportunity and time is equal for all without being biased at any situation. The wise plan their life meticulously and work diligently towards its fulfillment. The ignorant squander this golden opportunity by wasting their time and energy in unnecessary and unproductive pursuits. To make this opportunity work for you, you must understand the functionality of your mind and body, the divine instruments. Scientists say that the cell and atoms of our body keep changing. It means what the person I was yesterday; I am not the same person, although my name and manifestation are same. The body is the river of knowledge and information. We cannot step in the same water of river twice.  Similarly, we cannot step in same body twice. It means every moment of our life is unique, precious and opportunity. The life is a series of actions and steps to realize our dream and reach our highest intentions.

The good news is that the success and failure both are programmed within us. Some certain action activates the success and some certain action activates the failure. The selection of action and our though process merely depend on us. Every action is, in itself, either effective or ineffective. No one, even for a moment, can stay without some action. You might be not involved in some action physically, but your thoughts and ideas are incessantly flowing in your mind, even you are sleeping. Consciously or unconsciously, we are always in the influence of action. And our actions determine our future, fortune and destiny. Do not procrastinate anything, we can act where we are and in this moment only.

God cannot be injustice to anyone. The person who allies with godly path becomes dear to God and the rest keep complaining and groaning throughout their life and loses the opportunity. God has created this cosmos with proper planning. He has created us too, with some special purpose. Then how can we live happy without having any major purpose in our life? When you start your life with proper planning, the way God created the cosmos. You are following the divine path. Hence you are eligible to get your desire fulfilled. The habits make someone success or failure. Habit is what you do on daily basis. Re-engineer your habit, if you want to see the changes in the consequences. Remember, there is nothing without something. Life looks for an initial investment as a form of good habit to make a last long profit. It may difficult to form a good habit initially. Short term pain gives a lifelong gain.

The moment, you understand the science and philosophy of your life and opportunity, your life starts changing from that point. Ultimately, you are the owner of your life; you can make or mar it. This is your volition, the opportunity is before you.

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Sons and Daughters of Shiva and Shakti

Shiva is Shava (corpse) without Shakti. Shakti is so valiant and vigor and has intense Tap, the power of penance, that only Shiva can confront her. Because, only Shiva possesses the power to pacify Shakti. Shakti impelled Shiva to involve in household. Otherwise, he is hermit lives in solitude place. No one can take risk to disturb His meditation. Shakti made him to come out from his intense meditation and made Him householder. Shiva became Shankar and Shakti became Parvati. They got two sons and two daughters. The matter of attention is here that Karthikeyan took birth from Shiva`s semen not from the womb of Parvati. Karthikeyan left Kailas for his penance and meditation. Parvati became very sad, started feeling forlorn in absence of Karthikeyan. To dispel her loneliness and sorrow, she created a daughter from the Ashoka tree. By getting the daughter her “Shok”, the sorrow got dispelled. She kept her name Ashok Sundari. Sundari, because she was very beautiful. Ashok Sundari came into existence with Parvati effort without Shiva`s intervention. Parvati was very attached to Karthikeyan. Shiva was also very attached to Ashok Sundari. Up to here both are liking and respecting each other`s creation.

Shiva has one more daughter named Mansa, the goddess who cures snakebites, sister of Vasuki, king of snakes, was born when Shiva’s semen touched a statue carved by Kadru, mother of snakes. Thus she was Shiva’s daughter, but not Parvati’s child, much like Karthikeya, who was born of Shiva’s semen but not in Parvati’s womb. Parvati does not like Mansa, and is jealous of her, suspecting she may be Shiva’s secret wife. It is Mansa who saves Shiva when He drinks poison during the churning of the ocean and identifies herself as Shiva’s daughter. Parvati was so jealous that she blinds Mansa by one eye. Shiva did not like the behavior of Parvati had for Mansa. Later she got married with Jaratkaru. On suggestion of Parvati, she entered into bridal chamber wearing snakes as ornaments. Feared the snakes, her husband ran away, left her abandoned. Due to Parvati, Shiva`s daughter Mansa is bereft of father and Husband.

In absence of Shiva, Parvati created Vinayak with the dirt of her body, without the intervention of Shiva. Shiva came to meet Parvati, Vinayak tried to stopped Him. In distraught, Shiva decapitated Vinayak. Later, He affixed the head of elephant to make Ganesha alive. In this way, He made Parvati understand the pain of the destruction of her creation by decapitated Vinayak. And by affixing the head of elephant, He made Ganesha alive, In this way, He contributed in Ganesha`s creation. Most of time, Ganesha is seen along with Shiva and Parvati.

Shiva and Shakti in every aspect are equal, and the existence of one is not recognized and respected without the existence of other.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Brahman Is Not A Caste, It Is A Quality

Our society has been divided into four categories or castes viz. Brahmans, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas and Shudras. Our society did not get satisfied with this division of castes but went further and created various sub-castes as well. The society has tried their hard to divide the humans at sundry levels. The appalling things are that they forgot the primal dictation of the scripture, and started dividing the society and humans on the basis of birth not on the basis of Karma or quality or merit. Any authentic scripture does not suggest of the division of the human`s caste on the basis of birth or ones family background. Brahmans, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas and Sudras are not the caste; these are the qualities humans possess. The quality and Karma differs from person to person. It is not necessary that the father and son possess the same qualities and the same aspiration for the life. Then at what basis, people of antiquarian took the decision to divide the humans on the basis of birth, which later took the form of formidable caste-system. Can we put Hirankashayap and his son Prahlad in same category or caste? Even though, they were father and son, there were yawning differences in their qualities, karma and merit. Were the people bereft of the knowledge of the scriptures, who took the pain to divide the society on the basis of birth?  
 All the scriptures suggest the division of the humans on the basis of ones karma, duty, merit and quality not on the birth. Bhagavad Gita (4:13) – “According to the three modes of material nature and the work associated with them, the four divisions of human society are created by Me. And although I am the creator of this system, you should know that I am yet the nondoer, being unchangeable.” The Lord is the creator of everything. Everything is born of Him, everything is sustained by Him, and everything, after annihilation, rests in Him. Then how someone can tag any caste on someone? Further Bhagavad Gita (18:41) says—“Brahmans, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas and Sudras are distinguished by their qualities of work, O chastiser of the enemy, in accordance with the modes of nature.” The person who has even taken birth in the lower family can attain the supreme by his own meticulous effort. It says Bhagavad Gita(9:32) –  O son of Pritha, those who take shelter in Me, though they be of lower birth—women, vaishyas [merchants] and shudras [workers]—can attain the supreme destination.” The how come a human doing Karma of high class can fall in lower class or caste and vice-versa?
Taking birth in one family, even two brothers do not possess the same quality and merit; they differ in their approaches and faith they keep. And the person is known by the thought and faith he keeps. It says in Bhagavad Gita (17:3) – O son of Bharata, according to one's existence under the various modes of nature, one evolves a particular kind of faith. The living being is said to be of a particular faith according to the modes he has acquired”. Even Manu Rishi, who is assumedly propagated the caste systems, does not support caste on the basis of birth but on the basis of merit. It says Manusmiriti (2:157)—“As an elephant made of wood, as an antelope made of leather, such is an unlearned Brahman; those three have nothing but the names (of their kind).” One can go and go and quote from the scriptures, and unanimously one can find the basis of the division of society is merit only, no any other factors. It appears that, in later times, some ignorant people for fulfilling their wicked desires, to secure advantage over others framed this misinterpretation.
Brahman comes from two words Bra and Man. The meaning of Bra in Sanskrit is Big and Man means mind. Whose mind is big or who is big thinker is Brahman. It is a quality; it cannot be a caste at any situation. Vedanta says—Brahman is the ultimate reality. A person who gets the highest knowledge and self-realization, according to scriptures, he is Brahman, it does not matter what his family background is. Similarly, we can find the people on the basis of their merits on which class one falls, not on the basis the society has stand. The base of the caste system in the society is an illusion, and it is still existing for the misguiding and misusing the people.

Monday, 14 January 2013

Good Leader and Bad Leader

Lord Rama dictated Hanuman to locate Sita. He located Sita and also incinerated Lanka which was not dictated by Rama. Rama was not happy with the decision taken by Hanuman to incinerate Lanka. Since then, Hanuman did not take any decision of his own. Rama understood this; he wanted to create leadership in Hanuman and power of volition. This happened, when Ahiravan, Ravana` s brother, kidnapped Rama and his brother Laxman to subterranean. Everyone was dumbfounded on Rama and Laxman where about.  Hanuman`s anxiety had not bound. No one was there to guide him and give decision to Hanuman to execute. Hanuman had no other way but to take his own decision. In this incident, Hanuman took his own decision and killed Ahiravana and saved both Rama and Laxman from the clinch of Ahiravana. Rama became very happy and appreciated his decision and leadership quality. In this way, Rama instigated the leader in Hanuman. This is the example of good leader. Indra always takes the credit of the work done by others, and he never wants someone to be leader and take his position. That is why he always remains in constant fear and make his companion to live in fear. This is the example of bad leader.

There is either good leader or bad leader, there is nothing concept like 50-50 in leadership. A good leader always creates new leader and bad leader creates followers. A good leader looks confident, knowledgeable, honest and sincere. Good leader looks for the improvements, gives opportunity to everyone to prove their skill, and never tries to balk or demoralize his companions. He tries to motivate and recognize the companions in various ways. He creates the multiple opportunities to prove ones hidden talent. You cannot motivate anyone until and unless you are  motivated. You cannot understand the values of the talent and skill of someone unless you  possess some unique talent. Leader should have the indomitable confident to take the decision in critical situation and its execution till success. Good leader keep working on his new skill and talent, he does not like to be stagnant. He gives opportunity to his companions to take their own decision in some particular situations. Under the good leadership, there is always flow of mutual respect among the companions. On the contrast, the bad leader tries to instill fear in the companions and satisfies himself in self-complacency and misuses his position. He never analyses the companion’s talent and skill and remains self-centered. He gets easily perturbed once the critical situation occurs, where it is required taking some strong decision. He himself is scared to lose his position, and hence put pressure to his companions even though, it is not required. He remains confused when to reprimand and when to reward. There could not the scarcity for the sycophantic member in his team; people may respect him in front of him, but would be imprecating behind his back. He may consider that, due to my skill and talent and work, people are respecting me. This is not the real respect. The real respect is that which is given even behind your back. That is only worth respect you deserve. The good leader introspects himself frequently about his position and justification of the same. He always remains ready to know his own feedback to improve, if anything can be done to make it better. The bad leader only remains interested in giving the feedback to others, and reluctant to take his own feedback from others. Good leader delegate the task and bad leader dictate the task. Good leader takes the blame of his companions on his head if anything goes wrong, and gives the credit to the companions for the good work. The bad leader does the reverse.

Friday, 11 January 2013

...क्योंकि समय सौदा नहीं करता

एक सेठ बहुत ही धनाढ्य था। धन इकठ्ठा करने के लिए उसने बहुत ही मेहनत किया था।  अधिक से अधिक धन इकठ्ठा करना ही सिर्फ उसका लक्ष्य था। पैसा होने के बावजूद भी वह  पुराने और फटे कपडे से काम चला  लेता था। उसके ज़िन्दगी का एक-एक पल कैसे समाप्ति की तरफ बढ  गया, उसको यह कभी पता न चला। ज़िन्दगी की आखिरी पड़ाव मौत ही होती है, यह तो भूल ही चूका था। उसके सोच में तो पैसा और दौलत से सब कुछ पाया और ख़रीदा जा सकता था। मौत तो  अपने समय की पाबंद है। सेठ एक दिन बहुत बीमार पड़  गया। बड़े से बड़े अस्पताल में उसका इलाज़ कराया गया, लेकिन उसकी हालत में कोई सुधार न हुई। अपनी इलाज़ के लिए सेठ अब कोई भी कीमत देने को तैयार था । ताज्जुब  तो यह है कि मनुष्य पहले स्वास्थ्य खोकर दौलत कमाता है , और फिर अंत में दौलत खोकर स्वास्थ्य पाना चाहता है। सेठ का अंत समय आ चूका था। कोई दवा,कोई इलाज़ काम नहीं कर रहा था। यमराज के दूत सेठ के सामने आ गए, सेठ बहुत घबराया, और सोचा अभी तो मैंने अपनी ज़िन्दगी तो जी ही नहीं कि मौत सामने आ गई।

सेठ समय के सामने एक प्रस्ताव रखा कि मुझसे  दस करोड़ ले लो और मुझे कुछ वक़्त और दे दो, मु झे अपनी जिंदगी ज़ीने के लिए। समय बोला ... नहीं हो सकता। सेठ बोला ... मेरी आधी दौलत ले लो और मुझे कुछ और वक़्त दे दो। समय बोला ... नहीं हो सकता। सेठ बोला ... मेरी पूरी दौलत ले लो और मुझे कुछ वक़्त और दे दो, मैं अपनी जिंदगी नहीं जी पाया हू, मूझे अपनी जिंदगी जीने का मौका दे दो। समय बोला ... मैं समय हू , मैं सौदा नहीं करता, मैं किसी का पाबंद नहीं हू, लोग मेरा इंतज़ार करते है, मैं किसी के लिए भी नहीं ठहरता, मैं शाश्वत हू। मैं सबको बराबर का हक देता हू, मैं सबके लिए समान हू। जो मेरा आदर करता है, और मेरे अनुसार चलता है, उसको दुनिया की सारी  ख़ुशी मिलती है। और जो मुझे तिरस्कार करता है, और मुझे अपना पाबंद बनाना चाहता है, उसको अंत में दुःख के सिवाय कुछ भी नहीं मिलता, मैं समय किसी का गुलाम नहीं होता। इसी बीच, सेठ  के दरवाजे पर मौत की घंटी बजी और यमराज़ के दूत, सेठ के प्राण निर्धारित समय पे ले कर चले गए।

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Was Shri Rama Dharmic?

Maryada in not Dharma. There is difference between Maryada and Dharma. Maryada is external and Dharma is internal. Obeying Maryada means obeying the norms, draconian tradition, codes and customs. Shri Ram never disregarded norms and traditions of the society even if it required him to banish his innocent wife. It was asked to Rama, if there would be other lady at place of Sita, would he be fought with Ravana and brought back that lady in the same fashion. He replied... It does not matter in change of lady, I would have followed the same path what I did for Sita. No matter what, I am not going to break my Maryada, the code and tradition. That is why, he is known as Maryada Purushotam.  Bali Vadh was the only occasion in which He overlooked his code of conduct for the sake of Dharma. Rama incarnation took place in Treta Yuga, at that time, norms and code and conduct were more pious than Dwapra Yuga, the time of Krishna incarnation.

Dharma is moral conduct. Dharma meant absolute righteousness whether it goes in line with the norms and traditions or not. In Ramayana, Rama followed all the code and conduct and norms; he was right because his goal was to establish the norms. Ravana broke all the code and conduct and norms and was killed by Rama. In Mahabharata, Duryodhan followed all the code and conduct and norms, but he did not follow the Dharma, the moral conduct. Lord Krishna broke many codes and conducts and norms, but followed the Dharma, and helped Pandavas to defeat Kauravas. Lord Krishna`s goal was to establish Dharma. At certain point of time and place the purposes change. Mahatma Gandhi broke countless laws of the British to get the justice of the fellow Indians. He focused on moral conduct than Maryada.

Krishna himself broke countless norms, traditions and beliefs - which Shri Rama never did. Unlike Rama, Krishna was ready to sacrifice any law, any code, and any tradition for the sake of justice. He would never allow an innocent to suffer banishment or ask a sinless lady to undergo Agnipariksha, the fire ordeal. While Shri Ram abandoned his own wife, because people doubted her character for spending a long time in Ravan's captivity, Shri Krishna accepted 16,100 prisoners of Narakasura as his wives without caring for what others would say, once again violating the prevalent customs, just for the sake of their honor. Krishna would, if required, go against the society, argue with the Brahmins, shun the kings and establish righteousness. He can see Rama with solemn countenance, but Krishna with always smiling face. By following merely Maryada can make you very stringent and solemn, you may forget to enjoy your eternal happiness. Lord Krishna followed the Dharma, the moral conduct, and he always enjoyed the ecstasy. That is why Krishna is known as the complete incarnation of Vishnu. His focus was only on the moral conduct, the inward purification.

So as per Krishna's interpretation of Dharma, Bali Vadh was perfectly justified. As Bali had special boon which made him impossible to be defeated. But if we consider Maryada Purushottam Ram's code of conduct, then he did break his Maryada on that one occasion. Here he did not break the Dharma, but he broke the Maryada. That is why he bound himself in the Karma-Chakra, the loop of Karma, and repaid his debt of that Maryada-Ulanghan in Krishna incarnation. Thus we see Dharma and Maryada need not go hand in hand. There comes times when we have to choose between the two. A person cannot be called a Dharmic by merely following the rituals, until and unless ones moral conduct is indomitable.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Dharamaraja Yudhishthira, Who gave you the right to gamble me out?

 In the Mahabharata, Yudhishthira and his four brothers were the rulers of Indraprastha. Being an elder of the Pandavas, Yudhishthira was a nominated king of Indraprastha and Draupadi a queen. Dhritarashtra's son Duryodhana, the prince of empire Hastinapur, was frying himself in the pan of jealous with the fuel of Pandavas`s name, fame, wealth and Indraprastha.

To drag the Pandavas`s status from the zenith to nadir, Duryodhana took the help of his maternal uncle Shakuni. Shakuni came with a sly plan to invite the meek Pandavas to Hastinapur and challenge them for the gambling. Shakuni was a skilled gambler, and Yudhishthira was a neophyte.

As expected, Yudhishthira lost all his wealth and kingdom one by one. After losing the material wealth, he put his brothers one by one and lost them too. At last, he put himself at stake and lost. All the Pandavas were now the slaves of Kauravas.

According to the rule, Kauravas could do anything with their slaves. Even that much of humiliation was not enough for Shakuni. He reminded Yudhishthira – “You have not lost everything yet, you have Draupadi to put at stake and chance to win everything back”.

Yudhishthira walked into the trap and to the horror of everybody present, put Draupadi as a bet for the next round. However, Bhishma and Drona opposed this move recalling that a queen being a woman cannot be put at stake. Yudhishthira ignored their call and put her at stake much to the ire of Bhishma, who in his frustration broke his chair.

Shakuni won. Duryodhana commanded his younger brother Dushasana to drag Draupadi forcefully into the forum. Dushasana barged into the living quarters of Draupadi, who was "clad in one piece of attire". Dushasana grabbed her by the hair and brought her into the court dragging her by the hair.

Yudhishthira gambled away not only his own share of Indraprastha but also the shares of his younger brothers without their consent. He gambled away his brothers along with himself. Moreover, he gambled away Draupadi without her consent.

Draupadi repeatedly questioned the legality of the right of Yudhishthira to place her at stake who himself had lost his all kingdom and freedom. How can a slave put something at stake? Everyone in the court was dumbfounded.

Duryodhana ordered his younger brother Dushasana to disrobe her in the court before everyone. Draupadi repeatedly asked for the justification of the right of Yudhishthira to put her at stake. She kept crying and begging for the safety of her modesty and the right. No one had any answer for it.

Vikrana, one of the Kauravas, objected the act of Dushasan with Draupadi in the court. He appealed the assembly for the answer of the question of the right raised by Draupadi, but went in vain. Vidura also raised the same concern, but of no use.

After many words of reconciliation between Pandavas and Dhritarashtra, Pandavas got their kingdom along with Draupadi and their entourage. Later, Shakuni, Karna, and Duryodhana convinced Dhritarashtra to invite Pandavas for a new game of dice with some modified rules.

Once again, Yudhishthira lost and Pandavas were sent into forest exile for twelve years and one year in incognito. Dharamaraja Yudhisthira did the same mistake of playing the game of dice for the second time, in which he was not good. It is considered one of the driving factors of the Mahabharata war.

Duryodhana ordered his younger brother Dushasan to disrobe Draupadi. Because he "owned" her and she was his slave. Karna called Draupadi a whore. According to Svetaketu rule, at that time, a woman could have up to four husbands. Draupadi had five husbands, according to that rule, Karna called her a whore.

That was the reason – Kunti refused to beget any more child after Arjun as she had already begotten four children from four gods including Karna from Sun, although, Karna was unknown to Pandu.
If Yudhishthira`s act with Draupadi is justified then Kaurava`s act is also justified. Kauravas did not break any rule. They got the right to do whatever they wanted to do with their slaves. Yudhishthira, Duryodhana, and Karna were technically right. But morally...?? Certainly not.

They all followed the norms but not the Dharma. Dharma is related to morality, not merely to the rules and the processes. Both, the Pandavas and the Kauravas, lost their Dharma and stuck only to the norms set by the kingdom.

The question is still alive - Dharamaraja Yudhishthira, who gave you the right to put the lives and property of others at stake without consenting the concerned person?

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Success and Failure, Both Are Divine

When we confront failure and bad times, we react, why it is happening with me. When we get a grand success in our life, we never ask why it is happening with me. This is the psychology of the human beings. The good days seems passes so fast that we never get time to realize it. The bad times seems passes so slow that every moment compels us to think about it. The failure provides us an opportunity to see the reality. The reality, illusion, hallucination, the right, and the wrong everything gets unleashed before us in the worst times only. It gives us an opportunity to differentiate the truth from untruth, action from inaction to avoid the similar worst situation take place in our life in future. All the successful persons have confronted the fiasco in their life. The debacle is for learning more, analyzing and realizing our self. Failure and success, both are inevitable in our life; it comes and goes like weather. Both are equally important. Bhagavad Gita 2:14 suggests “the nonpermanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons. They arise from sense perception, and one must learn to tolerate them without being disturbed.” The way every weather has its own importance to sustain and maintain life on the earth; similarly, failure and success are equally important to thrive in our life. In Antarctica, there is cold only, hence life is not possible there. If we are getting continuously success only or failure only in our life, the life would be excruciating.

Getting success without tang of failure can make you arrogant, cruel, injustice, flaunt and vanity. These qualities of the human are perilous, it will never allow you to be happy rather than making planning to harm others and flaunt yourself. On the other hand, if you are getting failure continuously and not working on the same to improve yourself, which can mould you toward success, then it can make you frustrated, irritated, psychologically weak, and loose in confidence. Both success and failure are divine if it is handled gingerly. Success and failure at the regular interval keep your eyes opened and provide an equal opportunity to thrive in both spiritual and material.
Failure is the best teacher, and success can be treacherous, if you forget your teacher (failure) and its teachings. Success gotten by failure adds more values and more happiness in your life than getting something without your effort. Ups and Downs in life is temporary and transitory features; it comes and goes at regular intervals.  If Up is Laxmi, then Down is Sarasvati. Both goddesses are divine. Laxmi is the goddess of prosperity and Sarasvati is the goddess of knowledge. If one goes then another comes, you stay with divine. Both prosperity and knowledge (intelligence) are important in our life. In the absence of any of the both, the life remains incomplete. No matter what, we have to respect both the situations to get both internal and external happiness and peace. The wise never get affected by the failure and success and they always remain equipoise in both the situations. Bhagavat Gita 2:57 says –“In the material world, one who is unaffected by whatever good or evil he may obtain, neither praising it nor despising it, is firmly fixed in perfect knowledge.”

Friday, 4 January 2013

It Depends… How You See

In the Mahabharata, once Drona called Yudhishtra and Duryodhana. He dictated Yudhishtra to find all the bad people in Hastinapur, and dictated Duryodhana to find all the good people in Hastinapur. Both left for their given mission. They met the same people in the same Hastinapur in different timings. But their analysis about the people were surprising different. End of the mission, Yudhishtra reported Drona that he could not find even a single person who was bad. On the contrast, Duryodhana reported that he could not find even a single person who was good. All were bad and selfish in the eyes of Duryodhana. Yudhishtra and Duryodhana mapped their nature with the people they met. According to their mapping with their nature they judged the people, good or bad.

That is not the problem with the people or environment; it is up to us, how we see it. If you are sad, the entire world looks like melancholy and you declare that the world is not worthy to live in. The sadist always focuses on scarcity and dark side of the situation, and finds all the reasons to be sad. The happy and positive persons always focus on abundance and bright side of the situations and find the valid reasons to be happy. If you are sad, then stop one minute and ask why you are sad today, your physical mind is so prone to negativity that it can give thousands reason to you to be the way you are. If you are happy then never do any mistake to ask your physical mind for your happiness, you may be misguided, it can draw your attention towards various reason where it could be proved that you should not be happy. Never listen to your physical mind if it tries you to draw your attention towards unhappiness, rather assign the work to your mind to find solutions. And it is also going to do that for you.

The negative and positive persons describe the same situation differently. The positive person see the night falls between two days and negative people see the day falls between two nights. The positive people see the roses and negative person focus on thorn. The same is also true about your life, how you see it. If you take it positive, then your mind also adjust accordingly and everything looks positive. Any situation always contains a source of either learning or enjoyment. And both are required and natural. If you take it negative, then you would be succeeding to convert your positivity into negativity and you can also prove that you were right. Now it is time to stop carping and change your view about everything to see the changes in your life style.