Friday 4 January 2013

It Depends… How You See

In the Mahabharata, once Drona called Yudhishtra and Duryodhana. He dictated Yudhishtra to find all the bad people in Hastinapur, and dictated Duryodhana to find all the good people in Hastinapur. Both left for their given mission. They met the same people in the same Hastinapur in different timings. But their analysis about the people were surprising different. End of the mission, Yudhishtra reported Drona that he could not find even a single person who was bad. On the contrast, Duryodhana reported that he could not find even a single person who was good. All were bad and selfish in the eyes of Duryodhana. Yudhishtra and Duryodhana mapped their nature with the people they met. According to their mapping with their nature they judged the people, good or bad.

That is not the problem with the people or environment; it is up to us, how we see it. If you are sad, the entire world looks like melancholy and you declare that the world is not worthy to live in. The sadist always focuses on scarcity and dark side of the situation, and finds all the reasons to be sad. The happy and positive persons always focus on abundance and bright side of the situations and find the valid reasons to be happy. If you are sad, then stop one minute and ask why you are sad today, your physical mind is so prone to negativity that it can give thousands reason to you to be the way you are. If you are happy then never do any mistake to ask your physical mind for your happiness, you may be misguided, it can draw your attention towards various reason where it could be proved that you should not be happy. Never listen to your physical mind if it tries you to draw your attention towards unhappiness, rather assign the work to your mind to find solutions. And it is also going to do that for you.

The negative and positive persons describe the same situation differently. The positive person see the night falls between two days and negative people see the day falls between two nights. The positive people see the roses and negative person focus on thorn. The same is also true about your life, how you see it. If you take it positive, then your mind also adjust accordingly and everything looks positive. Any situation always contains a source of either learning or enjoyment. And both are required and natural. If you take it negative, then you would be succeeding to convert your positivity into negativity and you can also prove that you were right. Now it is time to stop carping and change your view about everything to see the changes in your life style.

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