Monday 18 February 2013

Reasons of Unhappiness

There are only two reasons for any person to be happy or unhappy. These two  are internal and external reasons.  We can see many persons, who are affluent, possessing all kinds of luxuriant; still they live a stressful and unhappy life.  Many healthy and dashing people also lead an unhappy and stressful life. These are the external factors. These external factors cannot guarantee us to make us happy and live in peace. According to a survey, the money help us only 10% in our happiness. Another factor is the internal factors, especially our thought process. Inherently, the internal factor is very pure and pious. Kids are unaware about the external factors and hence their internal factors are intact. Kids are found in natural happiness, it does not matter; he/she is born in an indigent family or an affluent family, whether he/she is boy or girl. If sleeping and feeding are appropriate for them, then they will always be in happy and giggling.

Scientist discovered that, kids are happy, because they feel healthy.  This does not seem true, many adults are healthy but not happy.  We feel some scarcity whether internally or externally, and we start feeling unhappy. Easily, we can compare our external factors with others and that is enough to feel bitter and lose our peace and hence unhappiness. In comparison, we find that someone is always ahead to us and someone is always back to us. The universe is round. But one thing is certain that no one is exactly equal to you. Kids are happy because the inherent piousness of the internal faculty is intact.  When we grow, we defile our internal factors by getting influence by the external factors. People indulge in dishonesty, corruption, unethical, lying etc. to get the external profit, and start living their life with vile and vanity, which is of course not a quality of the internal factors. Due to that, we start feeling a scarcity within, and where there is scarcity, we feel disquiet. To fulfill that scarcity, we indulge in external accumulation. We think that more accumulation can provide us more happy and vivid life. And hence people indulge more into unethical pursuit. Resultant one gets more disquiet and unhappiness in ones life. The external factor can help us to buy bed but not the sound sleep. This is responsibilty of the health of our internal factors. Most of the unhappinesses occurs in our life not by the situation but by our thoughts.

To get the happiness, we must understand internal and external factors properly, and feed them accordingly. Once we understand the internal faculty, we can easily manipulate external factors according to our wish, but vice-versa in not true. Introspect regularly, it helps us to find the exact reason of our unhappiness, and we can correct it to lead a happy, healthy prosperous life. As Bhagavad Gita (2:66) prophesizes: -- One who is not in transcendental consciousness can have neither a controlled mind nor steady intelligence, without which there is no possibility of peace. And how can there be any happiness without peace?

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