Sunday 2 October 2016

Let your inner gold shine

We never get the pure gold from the mine. It is alloyed gold. Later, that alloy gold is processed to get the pure gold. First of all, we recognize that the alloy contains gold. We do not extract gold from it, rather we remove the alloy and dirt from it, and what remains is the pure gold.

It goes through fire. Fire burns the impurities. And at last, we get the pure gold which remains the same no matter how many times it passes through fire.  With the fire and hurt of the hammer, the gold is converted into different-different ornaments. And that ornament has the value and place in human life not the alloy in the mine.

Likewise, you are full of quality, you need not  go anywhere in the search of the purity in you. The quality, the skill and talent are already in you. You have to just burn those impurities in the form of weaknesses in you, which has covered your quality, skill and talent and stopping you from shining. 

In the beginning, everyone is like an alloy coming from the mine. And alloy has not valued until it is converted into pure gold. No one is free from weakness. Recognize your weakness, and go through the fire of hard work and commitment, and burn all of your illusions and weaknesses and come out of it with a man of value what you deserve. With the continuous effort and hurt of the ups and down, convert yourself in a beautiful ornament, which is valued everywhere. 

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