
Thursday, 23 September 2021

Happy Living Attitude

We think that we have taken birth on so and so day and date. But hold one minute – you existed on so and so date for your parents and your relatives, not for the world, even not for you. Even today, you do not exist in this world for those people who do not know you, and those people do not exist for you whom you do not know.

 When you sleep this world cease to exist for you, even you do not exist for you. Nothing exists for you when you sleep, not your post, position, status, richness, poverty, nothing. When you open your eyes and get the consciousness, you feel you and this world exist.

 Anything exists on this planet for you because of your conscious, the moment you lose your consciousness, everything ceases to exist for you and you do not accumulate the memory of those moments.

 In this entire world only those things exist which you have heard, read, experienced consciously, rest does not exist.

 When you hear any story whether that exist in reality or not, if you start believing in that, that exist for you. When you think about that story, you will get the same experience in your existence as you experience in reality.

 Nothing exist outside, everything exist within our mind. If you think about ghost and believe in that, you will get all the experience of ghost, you get fear etc. Ghosts and God exist for those who think and believe in it and do not exist for those who do not believe in it.

 Therefore, make your thought and believe strong which you want to experience in your life and do not believe and think and talk about those things which you do not want to be happen in your life.

 When you understand that your existence or non-existence does not make any difference to the world, you start living your life positively. But when you start believing that you are the only person by which your family, your job, your company is running, if you would not exist, everything will cease to exist. That is true, everything will cease to exist, but not for others, but for you.

 Whenever you get this concept clearly, you will never try to spend even a single moment of your life in distress. You will think positive and, rest let it go. Because, we are here for certain period of time to live our life to the fullest and let us live it.

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