
Monday, 4 March 2013

In an Hour of Accident

A group of passengers were travelling by a mini bus. Passengers were looking haste to reach their destination. Some of them instigated the driver to drive faster to reach the destination hurriedly. Driver also started rushing. Driver lost his control and unfortunately, they met with an accident. Some people got scant bruises on their body. But one guy lost his left hand in this accident. Everyone blended with panic and furious, started shouting on driver. They forgot that they only instigate driver to rush the bus.

All the passengers were looking frightened and worried expect one person who had lost his hand. All the persons asked him,” You lost your hand still you are not worried or panic.” The person replied, “Many-many thanks to God, I could have lost my others limbs or even my life, but God is so generous on me that He has taken only one hand. The life has been blessed by God and He has all the right to take it back at any time. I do not have any propriety on my body and life. I have hired this body to repay all my Karma and due desire and dream. So where is the matter of getting worried or blame someone rather than votive offering of thank to my beloved God?  My life is saved, means I got more time and opportunity to indulge myself in good Karma and repay my old one. I lost one of my hand means my some of Karmas got paid. And who would be unhappy or cry on payment of the debt.”

On hearing this devotion and understanding about God and life, everyone out there was awestruck. Our body is a rented home, sooner or later; we need to get it vacant. Body and all the worldly possessions are temporary, our true self, the soul, is permanent. It would be ignorance to cling to temporary and ignore the permanent. By this way, we get nothing more than misery. The person, who understands the clear difference between the temporary and permanent, lives in ecstasy here and hereafter.


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