Friday 19 July 2013

Knowledge and Achievements

What is the best knowledge do you think, by acquiring that, you can achieve anything in your life, you can think of? That knowledge is not the knowledge you acquired from universities, it is not the knowledge you acquired from any different sources, it is not the knowledge, you got by getting specialized on one subject. All these knowledge is not considered as a supreme knowledge. By acquiring this knowledge, you may accumulate more arrogance, which is not the real purpose of a human being to be accomplished in his life. The true knowledge is to know your true self. To know about your potential, power, energy and your major purpose to be fulfilled in your short period of human life, is the true knowledge.

Getting merely knowledge and skill do not make you an achiever. Many knowledgeable and educated persons are living a mediocre life. Knowledge with appropriate action makes you an achiever. By repetition of knowledge, you get wisdom. Wisdom without work is barren of result. Work without knowledge is also barren of result. Knowledge and action are two required wings to soar in one’s life. One would be helpless with one strong wing without second one. It is said… “Knowledge is power”. This proverb is half-true. Knowledge is only a potential power. Knowledge with action is power. The knowledgeable person needs to form a habit of action to get the result out of his knowledge. The person who wants to perform action without knowledge is dangerous. Those persons need to acquire knowledge to perform the right action to get the result in his life.

First, focus on your primary knowledge of the true self, and belief on that that you as a human being can do anything you can think of. You can acquire any secondary knowledge; you can develop any skill, which can drive you to your major purpose in your life. Nothing can put limitation in your life, only it is the dearth of self-knowledge that put limitation before us.

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