Friday 2 August 2013

How to Communicate Internally

The five physical senses are for the outer worlds. To go deeper inside, these five physical senses are not required. If you invite these five senses to start journey internally, you will fail, our physical senses has not trained to travel inwards. The inward journey takes place in the absence of these outer five physical senses. Our senses are so strong that even a person with a control can swap out with the influence of these senses. First, we need to train our five senses and have control over that, your five senses should work for you. You should not waste your life to work to satisfy these five senses. Working for sense gratification is not good omen for both physically and mentally. After controlling your senses, control your mind. The mind is very powerful weapons for the human being, if it is not used prudently and under control, then it will destroy the holder. If you get success to control your mind, the mind is the best of the friend otherwise worst of the foe.

After controlling your mind, focus on your intelligence. Only bridled mind can have the access to the intelligence. Intelligence without implementation is barren of result. Merely acquiring intelligence do not help to make someone great, but the controlled use of the intelligence make the person great. The intelligence can also be used in destructive work. So, be circumspect of using it. Going beyond the intelligence, the true self is encountered. The true self never misguide anyone, it only possesses the true knowledge and reality of everything. Doubt is dispelled there, only truth remains. Listen the voice, without becoming diverted. The entire secret is revealed there. This is called intuition also. The great scientist, musicians, inventers, businessmen etc. are master in self-communication. Using the  power of the self-communication, they think out of the box, they take risk, they know that what the message, they are getting from inside and what is the practical meaning of it, and they work on the basis of their intuition, and they get the success in their pursuit. The person who listen deeper side of himself, he need not to listen anyone for doing any extraordinary things in his life. We talk to everyone but we forget to talk to ourselves, an important person in our life. Swami Vivekananda said: -- “Talk to yourself once in a day … otherwise you may miss meeting an excellent person in this world”.

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