
Monday, 25 March 2013

Everyone Contains Different Measuring Scale

King Bali was a valiant emperor of Asura. He was the grandson of Prahalad, the great devotee of lord Vishnu. He was renowned donor, and was a just king for his subjects. He had got triumph over three abodes, the subterranean, the earth and the heaven. Although, he was doing justice with all of his subjects, yet he was not liked by gods and goddesses. They all approached to Vishnu to seek help to propel Bali to his abode, the subterranean, to release earth and heaven from his kingship. He had imbued with arrogance by his achievements. He knew that, no one can conquer him. To smash his arrogance, and on the request of gods and goddesses, lord Vishnu took his Vaman Avatar, the dwarf incarnation.

Bali was also a religious person. Once, on completion of his Yagna, king Bali was giving charity. Whatever anyone was asking, he was satisfying them with his charity. He asked Vaman (Vishnu), rather arrogantly, to ask whatever he wishes to ask. Vaman asked only three steps of land. Bali mocked at him and scoffed, “this much only, go and take your land wherever you want”. On this charity, Vaman (Vishnu) took the giant form to claim his share. On the first step, he covered the earth, on the second step, he covered the heaven, and Vishnu asked Bali, I have claimed my two steps, and nothing is left, now tell me where I put my third step. By the time, Bali had recognized that Vaman is no one than Vishnu. He politely put his head forward under the foot of Vishnu and requested him to put his third step on his head. Vishnu put his third step on the head of Bali and shoved him into his original abode, the subterranean.

The head and mustache of the human symbolize his arrogance. By putting the third step on the head of Bali, Vishnu crashed his arrogance and sent him back where he fits the best. The first thing, Bali started understanding himself as an invincible, and the second, he underestimated others and overestimated himself. He tried to measure everyone by the scale he was holding. For him, it was merely three steps, that was his measure, but for Vishnu it was whole cosmos.

This story suggests us that we should not underestimate anyone and overestimate our self. By overestimating, arrogance and egoism occurs which is very pernicious and stumbling block of our grand progress. The Vaman incarnation symbolizes that the giant is hidden within everyone. By raising yourself high, you can claim anyone, it does not matter what is your position right now, and how people are measuring you. Know your true strength and focus on that, it does not matter, whether others are underestimating or overestimating you. Everyone contains different measuring scale; better to focus on ours, and let us hold the genuine measuring scale.

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