
Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Who Gave the Name of God?

Distinct people have given the distinct names of the God according to their religion, region, language, rituals, belief system and comfort. But, unanimously all the religions point to the same almighty God. We call Him Ishwar, Bhagwan, God, Allah, Parvar Deedar, Ek Omkar and much more according to our belief system.

All the religions, creeds and rituals have only one destination without second is, to gain the spirituality, the knowledge of the spirit. The religions, sects or creeds are there to show the path to reach the destination, the spirituality.  

The names, the rituals, the belief systems, the religions, the lifestyles depend on upon the geographical locations or personal choices. God does not bother what the religion, path, name or creed we are following, His mere interest is in our intensity of FAITH.

God is primeval, ever-existing, without father or mother, unborn and without any form. Then who gave the different name of God? Who came first, God or us? Humans are not so big who can give the name of God and proof his supremacy. God has created us, not we to him. Even we do not know what his original name is?

How can we check the authenticity of any religion who claims the proprietary over the name of God? Simply, it looks illogical to fight or bicker over the name, ritual, and religion. It is merely a hallucination of the humans. God has no interest in it. It shows that our immature knowledge of the religion and scriptures.

If you observe and read the scriptures of the distinct religions, you will find that they all are talking about the same God, describing the same destination, but with different way and method. There can be a different method of proofing one thing; there is no surprise of the existence of different religions for this purpose. It has been observed that some people from every religion have attained the divinity, whether he is Hindu, Jain, Buddh, Jews, Christian, Islam, Sikh or others.

Gaining the knowledge of the spirit is not religion dependent, it is individual dependent. It suggests that there is no issue with the religion or ritual. The issue is with the individuals who has enmeshed on the path and forgot the destination, the spirituality. All the religious path and rituals have the promise to lead us to the divinity if we follow it with authenticity and unwavering FAITH.

All rivers and rivulets originate from the different parts; they all have their name and path. Ultimately, they all merge with the ocean, where they lose their name and form. Similarly, we come from a different part, follow the different religions and beliefs, but ultimately we merge with the same supreme, where our name and form vanished. We become the part of the supreme who is our source and ultimate destination.

The four siblings call their father with a different epithet. One calls him Papa, second calls him Abba, Third calls him Daddy, and fourth calls him Pitaji. Although it is a different name, yet they are referring to the same person. Their father would not be annoyed or bothered what the name they call him with. But when they fight over the name saying my name is better than yours, the father does not appreciate it.

Similarly, we call the same God by different names and fight over the supremacy of the name, which is not appreciated by almighty God. No one is bigger than God who can give the name of God. God is one without a second, rest are His different attributes. Just Faith and devotion do matter for Him, nothing else.

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