
Saturday, 16 March 2013

Take 100% Responsibility of Your Life

 Take 100% responsibility of your life. It is your life, if you do not take the responsibility of your life, then whom do you think will take responsibility of your life on your behalf. You are the person who can change and mould your life the way you want, no one else. We spend more than 70% time with our self .Someone can only guide you, if you really seek for that, but it is also depend upon you, whether you are sincere for that. The vicarious experience does not work. The moment come, when you have to go through the ordeal in the life, only then the great changes take place in your life. Incriminating others for your destitute or futility shows that you are not ready to change or improve yourself for the betterment. Blaming others is also the herald of the helplessness, this beckon towards the impotence, because one has proclaimed about the helplessness, cannot create anything.

The society is not good where I stay, people around us are dishonest, I cannot help myself, I also need to be dishonest to survive myself. This is not called survival issue, rather this is the surrender to dishonesty, this is a sign of weakness and ludicrous. The moment one put his responsibility on others, the same moment one become a salve to that person. No one likes slavery of anyone. In this scenario, who is responsible for your slavery, no one else, but you.

Knowledge provides the freedom. The person, who recognize and accept , “ I am futile, it is due to me, I am bad, it is due to me, I am frustrated, worried, disquiet etc. it is due to me.” The moment, we sense this responsibility; we become clean and clear within. When we become clean and clear within, a revolution takes place within us.  We are unhappy and futile due to us. We also know that, the potential of success and happiness are shrouded within us. That door is within and the key is in our hand. Only one thing, we need to do, that is, to take 100% responsibility of our life to open the door of treasure hidden within.

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