
Wednesday, 27 March 2013

The Spark of Achievement is Inherently within Us

I observed a father was playing with his kid. The age of the kid was around 7.5 months and had learnt the crawling recently. While crawling on the floor, he saw an object and got attracted to that object and tried to catch that object. Every single time, his father takes him back from the object whenever the kid reaches near to the object. Every next time the kid puts the same effort to reach the object, and every time his father takes him back from the object. This activity of father and son kept going more than 100 times. Every single time the kid was putting the same effort, the same zeal, the same power, and the same potential, the same energy but with the improved tactics to reach that object. I could not see any time that the kid was looking tired or frustrated on not reaching to his object or on the obstruction created by his father. Every time he was looking a fresh, every time he was trying with the same confident and with the same strong faith to reach that object.  His father was creating obstruction and stopping him to reach to that object with a proper reason. The first, he was creating obstruction, so that the kid gets the more practice and strength, and the second, he did not want him to reach that object as the object was heavy and chances were there for the kid to get injured by that. He removed that object from that place. Now that kid saw another object, and headed toward that to get another object without much worry about the previous one. At last, the kid got the object and happily started playing with that. The kid was also looking happy while he was struggling for the object and after getting the object he was celebrating and enjoying his achievement.

We all were kid like that. We all have the same inherent potential not to give up and keep trying for our major purpose to get without being disheartened by the continuous obstruction and failure. Sometimes we get lot of obstruction on our way to achievement; it does not mean that we should give up and start crying. Many times, deliberately, God creates obstruction on our way to test our patience and potential. Remember, the difficulties come into our life not to obstruct us but to instruct us. If some time your plan A is not working then try plan B to reach your goal but never give up. Giving up is not the inherent quality of human.  The spark of the achievement is inherently within us, which has the stupendous potential to achieve any goal set by us. The wise recognize that potential and spark and never let it extinct and reach the zenith of their profession and create an ideal life for themselves. The ignorant, on the negative influence of the society, they forget their own potential and spark and compel themselves to live a life of destitute.

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