Monday 10 December 2012

Practice Makes a Man Perfect! … Never

A famous proverb says “Practice Makes a Man Perfect.” Other says- “No one is perfect.”  Which one between two aphorisms is true? Even history has not found any perfect person so far. People make different kinds of records, has done stupendous of inventions and discoveries etc. It does not mean that those persons were perfect. If it would be like that then no records would have been broken and no new records would have been set, no new improvement would have been taken in the inventions and discoveries.  We can say that those persons were high performers, not perfect. Even the high performers would not be agreeing to say themselves a perfect. Perfect means end, there is nothing else can be done after this. A person can be expert, the best, but not perfect. It could be our measurement, which can indicate someone as perfect. In fact, there is no point existing where we can put a mark as perfect-mark, and can claim that the perfection has been achieved.
Practice makes merely improvement, not perfect. It makes you better and better on your every single practice. Practice enables you to avoid errors that were done previously. Practice begins in the cradle and ends in the grave. You practice more than others; your chances would more to be ahead and better than others. Repeated practice lessons your deficiencies. Merely practice is not assure you to be the best or winner. Practice with positive mental attitudes increase your chances to be the best and winner in your pursuits.
You can be near to the perfect, but not perfect. Perfect eludes you and always run ahead of you. It encourages you to do more and more in your pursuits. If someone has achieved something unprecedented, we say he is perfectionist. It is not like that, he has just created a new bench-mark, not the perfect-mark. No one can delineate the perfect-mark. An arrogant can claim so. If the perfect-mark would have been existed, then this world would have been stagnant. No inventions, no discoveries etc. would have been taken place. There is nothing to be done beyond perfection. Perfect means full stop. It would be dishonest to say practice makes a man perfect. An honest and determined practice makes an improvement in your pursuit. There is always a room for new impetus and improvement in any profession. There was and would  always be an opportunity to be the best.  Assuming yourself perfect means stopping the path of progress.

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