Friday, 28 December 2012

Trinity God as Electrons, Protons and Neutrons

Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh (Shiva) are known as trinity god in Hinduism. Brahma is a god of creation, Vishnu is savor and Shiva is the destroyer. They look different, but in fact they are one. These are the different qualities of one supreme. Even though, Brahma is the creator, he is not worshiped, because he lied to be the superior, he tried to consume his own creation with wrong intention. These show his negative qualities. Vishnu never lied to show his supremacy, he saved his devotee from devils, and he provides the aegis to the cosmos. He is having all the positive qualities. For the existence of the cosmos and creation, both negative and positive energy is required, means Brahma and Vishnu required. Lord Shiva is an ascetic, a hermit, always engrossed in his deep meditation, detached from the worldly stuff. He is neutral. He is the god of gods, Mahadeva. But whenever, his meditation is disrupted, he destroys everything and make it neutral, means no negative no positive, hence no charge. This is the end of the creation. Scientifically, the similar kind formation of the atom, we can understand from electrons, protons and neutrons.

Atoms are made up of 3 types of particles electrons, protons and neutrons.  These particles have different properties.  Electrons are tiny, very light particles that have a negative electrical charge (-). Protons are much larger and heavier than electrons and have the opposite charge, protons have a positive charge.  Neutrons are large and heavy like protons; however neutrons have no electrical charge.  Each atom is made up of a combination of these particles. 

We can see from the above, electrons (Brahma), protons (Vishnu) and neutrons (Mahesh) are having the similar properties the trinity god has. It could be possible that the sages of antiquity wanted to make us understand the formation of Atom and electrons, protons and neutrons through this symbolism and story. In the ancient time, the spirituality and science was not the different subject, they were one. It is also possible that at course of time, we have forgotten the real essence of the symbolism and only shallow symbolism we have hold. By deep study of the mythology, many engraved secret of the science and technology along with the science of the soul can be decrypted.


  1. exactly correct nice explanation.

  2. there is requirement of correction
    vishnu is neutron as he has neutral charge(operator)
    brahma is proton(positive) (creator)
    mahesh is electron(negative) (destruct or)

    for more details contact me

    1. I fully agree with you. Whoever wrote this full article doesn't even know the basics.

    2. Problem Indije je u kompliciranju stvari

  3. its a good information but still more information should be known,it is known that there are 3 crores dhevathas are there in universe in which three are main i.e vishnu,brahma,mahesh. this means still 3 crores of elements are to be known. this are only found in grandhas. our indian ansistors saved all these information in grandhas in sanskrit but they are not found because the britishers have burnt them so we have to search for our gandhas and get knowledge

    1. 3 Koti Devi Devta means 3types of God, it doesn't means 3 crore god's (in classical Sanskrit there are two meaning of Koti-first is crore, second is type)


      33 million, why ??...must watch

  4. I think that proton and neutron when prepare atom when in the nucleous neutron is present otherwise atom collaps or distroy (study about atoms)if bramha is negative vishnu is positive and shiv is neutral is accouding to me is currect because if shiv(neutral)kill himself the whole atom distroy and if he wants to save atom he has to be friend with positive (vishnu)so that negative bramha will not attract positive and atom will not distroy....EXTRA:bramha is definately negative because I have heared that he is in friend ship with devil;aatma;ginds etc even we know his son is also work to inform (anything)to shiv or vishnu because he is the worker of shiv and vishnu because his father is negative100% shure

    1. Any purana you read you will get to know that Vishnu is the first aspect of formless so he is definetely a neutron and brahma is the proton as similar as like brahma is sittin gon the lotus which is connecting to the navel of Vishnu i.e. Hirnayagarbha. Proton is the creator in an aton and neutron nourishes it. Then comes electron which is similar to Shiv and responsible for converting one form into another as electron does by making bonds.
      People who are talking about charges are really fools. One side they are talking about charge and another side they are comparing it with attitude like positive and negative.
      Charge doesn't mean like this. So don't compare charge with the aspect of life.
      There is a attraction between a positive charge and negative charge and neutron is the balance. As we can see the direct attraction between creator Brahma and Destroyer Shiv.
      And you know that the representation of an atom relies more on electron as similar Shiv.
      And also you can see that electrons revolves around the nucleaus and you know as shiv works on the instructions of Vishnu.
      Vishnu is the king and shiv is the ascetic. This world is running by Vishnu and alteration is happening by shiv.
      Brahma is the first in the jeev and Vishnu is the first in the aspect of formless. These tree qualities are of one energy as jeev, shiv and brahmn. And if you know that electrons are made of particle as shiv is made up of sound aspect of formless which travels in the wave form.
      Satva guna has the quality of neutron, rajas has the quality of a proton and similarly tamas represents quality of a electron.
      The protons inside an atom's nucleus help bind the nucleus together as Brahma does by joining five elements providing by vishnu himself and 5th element i.e. fire is the essential energy to run the world other it will be dead(shav) which is provided by shiv himself.And if you know about the isotopes then you know very well that neutrons are also applicable to change the form as Vishnu is. And also neutron plays the role of binding as Vishnu does.

  5. I think Vishnu is positive charge Proton and Satvik in center. Neutron is charge less, Rajas and is in center with Proton i.e. Vishnu. Same thing tells Hindu Purans i.e. Brahma is in lotus which in connected with nabhi of Vishnu.Shiva is negative charge, Tamas continuously revolving around center of Atom. Brahma is known as creator. Same thing is told by science i.e. Neutron alone is unstable with half life time of about 14 minutes. From unstable Neutron one atom of Hydrojan is created with some amount of energy. Hydrojan is the only Atom which has no Neutron having only One Proton and One Electron. Neutrons and Protons are about 1886 times heavier than Electrons. Electron is the first and most active sub atom for chemical and other activity. That is why Shiva is known as Mahadev. Shiva is known as Bholenath like Electron. Mahadev is known for his due form of Man and Woman. That is Shiva and Shakti. In Purana it is said that Shiva is made of Nad Bharm i.e. Sabbad. Electron is made of Waves and Particles. Shakti of Shiva is Electro Magnetic Power. The Damaru of Shiva resembles the Half Spine of Electron. The Photon of Electron resembles the Wave form, i.e. energy emitted from Sun.

  6. Christian Trinity God Dogma is very suitable to compare with Atom.

    Because Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma are three different god and three different person.

    But the Christian Theology Says God is One, who eternally exists as three distinct Persons — the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

    Father = Proton
    Son = Neutron
    Holy Spirit = Electron

  7. It is important to realise the importance of ancient scriptures of India. How they hold a valuable treasure of profound knowledge. While the west has acknowledged and made use of it, Indians still struggle to accept the hindu heritage because of being brainwashed for generations and thousand years of persecutions.

  8. Can the structure of an atom can be compared with the structure of the solar system

    1. Yes u said it
      This is the structure of universe

    2. Yes u said it
      This is the structure of universe

  9. Actually..
    Brahma is the Neutron (Creator)
    Vishnu is the Proton (Sustainer)
    & Shiva is the Electron (Destroyer)...

  10. Wrong. Brama proton Shiva elektron Vishnu neutron

  11. [18/01, 12:52 pm] Shreejicollection*seema: Pls add following description in it

    Trinity theory

    This theory was made by me to answer a simple question that was not acceptable to me and wanted to know its deeper meaning

    In 10 class i wanted to know " why atoms have the tendency to become stable " so i connected to wisdom of our mythology

    That lead to discovery of this theory:
    1. Shiva is the god of destruction so i took him as the force which brings such unstability to atoms
    2. Vishnu(palanhaar of universe and keeper of time) is the reason for the force which helps atom to form molecules and molecules to form compund ( origin of chemistry)
    3. Bramha( the creator) created mass and brought atom into existence
    4. The theory of mine on existance of time also me in its further proof.
    5. The theory is that time is dependent on mass and shiva force(1 point) it cannot exist without it. For ex a paper is flat at time t1 on time t2 was folded and at t3 it was burned.
    6. This explains that if there was no paper time is useless and is a catalyst for us to understand its change
    7. But if their is paper but no shiva force then, the paper is always linear meaning flat, this means that time is their but constant
    8. If we imagine similarity of this in big bang theory we can say that the particle that had infinite temp and energy had time but was constant
    9. This proves time started when shiva force arrived

    Read it and confirm its point
    [18/01, 9:54 pm] Manoj4: it's not just theory its revolution for me as

    People will start finding teaching in God
    Darshan which is in our society means travelling to different ritual places will be seen as more and my vision of it will get accepted

    My vision: darshan means observance which should mean observe God and find God
    For ex when we look at Lord ganesha we know about his head transplant by Lord shiva and last decade people started hand and lef transplant(not sure about head) so it means God has given us his teachings all it await is a question
