Monday 20 May 2013

Keep Learning in the Journey of Life

A person of 97 years old was learning a new language. He was looking exuberant and charming. A young person seating nearby, his age would be 35 years looked at that person with wonder. At this age people leave the hope of living and start counting his days, and at this age this person is learning a new language. Learning any new language is not an easy task. Now he is learning a new language, when he will learn, and when he will practice and when he will start communicating in this language. Not sure, by that time, this person would be alive or not, but he is learning with so enthusiastic. He is learning like that he is going to appear in the examination of the language and going to get the top score, or he is going to make his career in this language. The young person asked him about his mission to learn new language, and the secret to be so active, passionate and happiness. The old man replied, I am not sure, when my death will come, and you are not sure about you as well. And death come day; and I do not want to blight my entire life in thinking about the death and make my life stagnant. Life becomes death when you stop learning something; life is a journey, then how a person can think to be stagnant. Not learning anything is a full stop, and full stop is the dead end of your life, it does not matter, you are breathing or not, but you are dead. I do not want to be dead before my death, I do not want to get confused between life and death.

A kid looks happy in his early age, because, he is not confused between life and death, he is learning new thing daily in his life. He looks active and attractive. The person, who grows, looks active and attractive. And growth is possible by learning new things daily, no matter what your age is, and where you are standing right now. The secret of the happiness and activeness of the old man was to set goal in his life, learning new things without thinking about his age and other shortcomings. Many persons deliberately, stop their growth in their life, by stopping learning new things in their life.  It is difficult to find an old man who looks attractive and happy in his old age. The reason is very simple, they give up before life, and they stop setting any goal in their life. Goal may be spiritual level, social level, knowledge level etc. They simply surrender to the old age. We are not body or mind, we are spirit, and our body gets older not our spirit. We should not measure a person an old person by his age, but by his habits, goal, activeness and happiness. You do not have any goal, means, you do not have any enthusiastic in your life, and hence you are old, you are dead. The secret to be happy, active and attractive in your life is, to set goal and learn new skills to achieve your goal to make the journey of your life a pleasant one.

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