Monday 6 May 2013

Matter and Spirit

Two kinds of knowledge are required to lead the worldly life with peace, harmony and happy, the knowledge of matter and spirit. We acquire the knowledge from the universities are limited to the knowledge of matter. What we get from the universities are in fact information about the knowledge, and when we put those information into action, we get the knowledge about the stuff, and when we started providing knowledge to others in particular areas, we get the wisdom. By getting the knowledge about the matter, we can earn matter, which help us to sustain our life and create a social status. It is not mandatory to earn a university degree to acquire the knowledge of the matter and its acquisition; one can earn an ample knowledge by dedicated self-study and determination and can be very successful materially. We would have observed that the person who have higher degree from the universities are not earning as much as matter the person who have not any university degree. This is the matter of applying your knowledge into the real world to convert your knowledge into equivalent physical possessions. Even though, the person who has earned the stupendous of material possessions and garnered all the sophisticated luxuriant, may not be in happy, peace and harmony. He finds his life incomplete.

The second kind of knowledge is the knowledge of the spirit, the spirituality, the knowledge of the true self. Without knowledge of the spirit, one always feels incomplete; the person cannot be happy and peaceful, people live in fear and fright. If you leave all your material possession and try to be happy and to know your spirit, you cannot. At some extent, material possessions are required to get help from it to know your spirit. If you are hungry and try to meditate on your spirit, can you? Your physical appearance is the combination of the both matter and spirit. If your body is frail, you cannot concentrate on the spirit. If your spirit is unknown, you cannot enjoy the physical life. You must get the knowledge of the matter, so that, you can earn ample matter to sustain your worldly life, and get the knowledge of spirit to acquire the wisdom to enjoy the worldly life and achieve your major purpose of life without violating others right. We should live our life so wisely, so that, we should not pretend our life at the death bed.

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