Monday 13 May 2013

Vishnu As a True Leader

It was well-known for the both Devas (gods) and Asuras (demons) that the Amrut, the ambrosia of immortality, and Laxmi, the goddesses of wealth, and other gems are in the Milk Ocean. Both Devas and Asuras had the same desire and objective, but with distinct intentions, to get Amrut and Laxmi. The churning of ocean was required to get out Amrut, Laxmi and gems. It was not possible to churn out the ocean, either by Devas or Asuras alone. Devas had no existence without Amrut and Laxmi, and Asuras wanted these to get supremacy of the three worlds.

Devas approached Vishnu to seek help in churning out the ocean. It was well known facts that to churn out the ocean, both Devas and Asuras should conglomerate. It was tough to bring out Devas and Asuras together, they despise one-another. One thing was common that both wanted to have Amrut and Laxmi. Lord Vishnu agreed to help to churn out the ocean, he united the inter-counter forces as Devas and Asuras, and he himself became the base of the shaft as Kurma incarnation (giant tortoise). Both Devas and Asuras worked together with full of their capabilities to churn out the ocean. From this churning, they got 14 gems, Laxmi and, at last Amrut. Both Devas and Asuras got their share in gems. When Laxmi came out, she clings to Vishnu, and Vishnu tricked Asuras and provided Amrut to Devas. Vishnu as a true leader, made Devas and Asuras work together to churn out Amrut, Laxmi and other gems from the milk ocean. And as a reward, he bequeathed Amrut to Deva for their good intention. He kept Laxmi with him, so that, she cannot be misused, and should be used in dire need and for holy purposes.

Market place is Milk Ocean. Devas and Asuras are the employees with different temperaments. Employees work collectively to churn out Laxmi (Money) from the market place. Employees of the different temperament do not work effectively to churn out Laxmi from the market. They require a strong leadership to recognize each and every employee`s potential, skill and temperament, and should put at appropriate position to execute the organization plan to get the Laxmi and gems churn out from the market. Objective of the persons may be the same, but not intentions. Employees get their salary for their effort as gems, and the employee with good intentions get rewards and the organization acquires Laxmi, to invest more in other pursuit to churn out more Laxmi and create more job opportunity and to keep organization burgeoning.

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