
Monday, 18 March 2013

Human Has Capacity to Conquer Indra

Indra, the king of gods, resides in his abode, Amravati, with abundance. He has nymph, Gandharv for his entertainment, Soma for his drink, Kamdhenu cow (the wish fulfilling cow), the Chintamani stone (the thought fulfilling stone), Kalpvruksh (the imagination fulfilling tree) and Amrut (the elixir of immortality) which keep Indra and other gods ever young and vigor, Suchi (a form of Laxmi) as his wife. He has powerful army as well for his security. He has everything what one can think of, to live one’s life in luxuriant. His life is considered a complete life in terms of luxuriant and facility and as a king.

Despite all these, Indra is not invincible. All these things could not make him impervious. He always lives in fear to lose his position. Many humans and Asuras by their penance have defeated Indra and toppled his kingdom. Whenever he loses his kingdom, he takes the help of either Vishnu or Shiva to get his stature back. Winning Indra means, getting access to all above mentioned facilities. Gods and Amravati’s all the luxuriant would be available at winner`s dictate.

Indra was known as Indana, which means senses. We have five senses, viz. see, hear, smell, taste and touch. These senses are very powerful, and mostly rule over us. They can make us to do the heinous task too. By controlling these senses, we can make these senses work for us to achieve our goal. If not controlled, then these senses make us deviated from our major purpose in our life. That is why, whenever, some sage or Asura, make penance to achieve their set goal, Indra get feared and tries to deviate them from their real path. But the determined one never heeds the stimulus effect of Indra or senses and keep focused towards goal.

The control over Indra, the senses, is under the power of human. This is possible by dogged    determination and unwavering concentration. The only obstruction to reach to our treasure is the Indra, the senses. Without winning Indra, we cannot be the king of Amravati, which symbolize our conscious mind and gods symbolize our super conscious mind. And unlimited wherewithal are hidden in our mind only. We need to conquer Indra, the senses, to be the king of our own life and get the access to the wherewithal hidden within, and get whatever we want to get by our own wish, think and Imagination. Indra, the senses, is not invincible. But when one conquers Indra, the senses, becomes invincible and impervious.